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George Whitefield's Sermons Volume 1 -8%
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Whitefield preached a singularly pure gospel. Few men ever gave their hearers so much wheat and so little chaff. He did not get into his pulpit to talk about his party, his cause, his interest, or his office. He was perpetually telling you about your sins, your heart, and Jesus Christ, in the way that the Bible speaks of them. "Oh, the righteousness of Jesus Christ!" he would frequently say.
$1099 $1199
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This extensive biography by Robert E. Speer is the definitive biography of American missionary, George Bowen of Bombay. Few men have been such a living embodiment of the love of Jesus as George Bowen! Converted from atheism to Christianity through both the love and tragic death of a good woman, he relinquished his salary and rented rooms near a Bombay market where he lived frugally for forty years. Supporting himself by his income as editor of the Bombay Guardian, he tirelessly witnessed whenever and wherever he could to the transforming power of Jesus. Such was his devotion that he never returned to his native land. It is little wonder...
$2399 $2499
Gems of Robert Murray McCheyne -17%
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Originally Titled Gems: Or, The Best Thoughts of Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne, selected an arranged by Rev. A. S. Patton. Robert Murray McCheyne, a 19th century Scottish minister had a way with language that made him a wonderful and warm preacher of the gospel. These gems are just that: jewels, small but bright, cut just right. They will adorn your mind and soul with holy truths and godly thoughts. The book is a collection of short but beautiful pieces that exalt Christ, teach the plain truths of the gospel, and give the soul much to contemplate and meditate upon. Here's an example quotation: "Some pieces of wood will burn much more...
$499 $599
Gems of Martin Luther -17%
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It is the truth alone which can bring peace to the sinner by the knowledge of Jesus Christ and his redemption, and this truth is found in God’s Word. Martin Luther was one servant used by God to restore to the church the truth of the gospel which had become obscured by the doctrines of men. His personal struggle as a sinner seeking peace with God, the righteous Judge, led him to comprehend, according to God’s Word, what sin is and what grace and salvation truly are. He found that, although God is indeed a righteous Judge, he is also a God of mercy and forgiveness. Luther, in seeking peace with God, minimized neither his own sin nor...
$499 $599
Frustration (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -13%
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Knowing that you are not alone in your trial greatly helps you to endure and conquer. Extreme frustration in the Christian life resulting from experiences of betrayal, rejection, and failure are related so as to help and encourage others to face their ordeal. John Wesley, William Carey, A. B. Simpson, and G. F. Handel are among those quoted.
$699 $799
Fruitful Living by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
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Only through testings can we enter into deep and full life in God. We can only know our God and His abundant grace as He brings us through circumstances that a a "good deal beyond the possible point." Here are three helpful books in one: Abandonment to the Spirit (notes on the book of Ezekiel), Much Fruit and The Silence of Jesus.
$599 $699
From Eternity to Here by Frank Viola -47%
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Deep within God's Word lies a wondrous story like no other. A drama that originated before time began. An epic saga that resonates with the heartbeat of God. A story that reveals nothing less than the meaning of life and God's great mission in the earth. From Here to Eternity presents three remarkable stories spanning from Genesis to Revelation. Each story traces a divine theme that is woven throughout scripture. Seen together, they offer an extraordinary glimpse into God's highest passion and grand mission. What you discover will forever change your view of life, the church, and our magnificent God.
$799 $1499
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"Your'e mine and I'm going to call you 'Friska.'" When Friska the dog came to live with Colin and his family, Colin thought that he and Friska would be friends for ever. But, when Friska disappears, Colin begins to find out what ‘You are mine’ really means, and who is saying those words to him. The stories of Patricia St John have been entertaining and challenging children and young people for generations. This new edition of Friska My Friend is as fresh as when it was first published in 1985.
$599 $699
Fragments that Remain by Amy Carmichael -9%
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Just as there were 12 baskets of fragments left over from the feeding of the 5,000, so the notes and letters that Amy Carmicheal left behind provide “basketfuls” of spiritual nourishment. Come feast on these delightful morsels from the life of one who was truly abandoned to God. Compiled by Bee Trehane, Fragments That Remain is a compilation of notes and letters left behind by Amy Carmichael after her death in 1951. Drawing from her many years as a missionary in countries such as Japan and India, Carmichael has left us words of inspiration, encouragement and guidance. In Amy's own words: "If to all our Lord asks of us-obedience,...
$999 $1099
Florence Young: Mission Accomplished by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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A rip current overturned the whaleboat with eight Kanaka Christians aboard. Only three of the men could swim, and the others clung to the upturned boat. Sharks circled the three as they struggled to get to shore. The three survived, but the others could not be found. When Florence heard the news, she resolved to go on despite the dangers. Once timid and unsure of her own salvation, New Zealander Florence Young rose to her calling and became a fearless and faithful witness for Jesus Christ. Eventually serving in the remote Solomon Islands and, for a season, in China during the deadly Boxer Rebellion, Florence began her service close to...
$799 $899
Flame in the Wind DVD -50%
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Flame in the Wind is set in the splendor and terror of the Spanish Inquisition and is a gripping drama of heroic Christian faith. Carlos, an earnest young nobleman, faces a choice: the church system offers safety, protection, and respectability; but the Scriptures offer Christ and salvation from sin and with these, torture and death. This film vividly portrays the conflict between following the Bible and following religious tradition. A resource for Heritage Studies and church history. Suitable for upper elementary, teens, and adults. Includes DVD bonus features and a Spanish soundtrack.
$749 $1499
Firstfruits and Harvest by G. H. Lang -17%
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A study in resurrection and rapture. Read about the period of the parousia, the pre-tribulation rapture, the judgment seat of Christ. G. H. Lang's insights into these momentous topics will definitely set you thinking.
$750 $899
Firstborn Sons by G. H. Lang -6%
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Is it worth while to follow Christ? Does not being His disciple involve so great loss and so much persecution and other trouble as to cause reasonable men to ask if it is worth while? Did He not Himself say to His disciples, In the world ye have tribulation? and is it not written all that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution? (John 16:33; 2 Tim. 3:12). Is there adequate compensation for such sacrifice and endurance? The following pages give part of the answer to such questions. Only part, however, for there are other recompenses to be allowed weight in giving a complete answer. But the line of thought here followed is...
$1499 $1599
Fireproof DVD: Special Collector's Edition -52%
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At work, inside burning buildings, Capt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your partner behind. At home, in the cooling embers of his marriage, he lives by his own rules. Growing up, Catherine Holt always dreamed of marrying a loving, brave firefighter...just like her daddy. Now, after seven years of marriage, Catherine wonders when she stopped being "good enough" for her husband. Regular arguments over jobs, finances, housework, and outside interests have readied them both to move on to something with more sparks. As the couple prepares to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's...
$1198 $2498
Figures of the True by Amy Carmichael -20%
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Do you feel broken and cold? Does life feel like a struggle? Don’t let your present reality dictate your trust and joy. Look around you and see that there’s hope! Based on spiritual truths taken from black-and-white nature photographs, Figures of the True is designed to encourage those going through a difficult season. Well-loved teacher and missionary Amy Carmichael uses short prose pieces to present messages from the Creator to you. The pictorial examples she uses “are not only lovely pictures of fragments of a lovely creation…they are Figures of the True.”
$399 $499
Father to Nobody's Children (Thomas J. Barnardo) by David E. Fessenden -14%
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The story of Dr. Thomas Barnardo, hero to the destitute and homeless of London’s notorious East End. In 30 years he and his co-workers rescued 60,000 children from the streets, caring for them in rural orphanages and by the novel means known today as “foster parenting.” An engaging book.
$599 $699
Father Calling by Lillian Harvey and Trudy Tait -11%
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This companion to Asking Father shows how God can speak to children, calling them to Himself. It tells of how such famous Christians as C H. Spurgeon, Adam Clarke, Samuel Chadwick, Ida Scudder, and others heard His voice when still very young and were thus prepared for their unique place in His divine plan.
$799 $899
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Father is looking for those who will stand with Him; who are available; who will stand in the gap; who will listen; who have a single eye; who bear his image. It is tragic that so many folk are drifting and not clearly aligned to any purpose or goal for their lives. God has uniquely designed each of us by lacing a sense of "eternity in our hearts." It is that deep inner sense that cries out for ultimate meaning, "Why am I here? How can I be truly significant? What will most please Father/God?" When Victor Frankl was released from prison following the Nazi Holocaust, he wrote the book, Man's Search for Meaning. He set out to...
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Is it possible to experience “face to face” fellowship with God? Using Moses as an example, Mrs. Penn-Lewis shows how you and I can become a “friend of God” and enjoy spiritual communion with him anywhere at any moment and hear his voice in our hearts speaking to us across the blood-sprinkled mercy seat. She declares that this is the birthright of every child of God and should be the hallmark of every “quiet time” alone with him. “As we wait before our God,” she writes, “let us cry ‘Thy face, Lord, will I seek.’ So will he cause his face to shine upon us, and we shall walk habitually in the light of his countenance, see his glory, and...
$599 $699
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The doctrine of eternal punishment for the wicked is under attack more today than perhaps any other time since the days of Christ. It was under attack in Govett's day also, and this book is his defense of this biblical doctrine. Christ taught the doctrine of hell perhaps more than anyone else; yet he suffered the agony of unspeakable suffering on the cross so that people could escape the fires of damnation. Govett's book is a thorough examination of the biblical proofs for the doctrine of the eternal suffering of the wicked. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his...
Escaping the Velvet Curtain by Trudy Harvey Tait -7%
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This book concludes the story of Esther, Gabby and their friends. Gabby, thinking to escape the Velvet Curtain by returning to her native Romania, finds that her past follows her there and presents her with a dilemma that not even her most mature friends are able to solve. Esther, meanwhile, watching her sister make what she deems the mistake of a lifetime, has her own struggles with the Curtain. Now confined to a wheelchair, she is determined that a secluded life is her only option. But retirement into herself brings no escape. In the end, both sisters discover their own escape route which brings them to the same...
$1399 $1499
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An urgent call for help cut through the morning mists that floated along the shore of Lake Shirwa. Two young African boys, Wikatani and Chuma, had been captured by slave traders, but the desperate cry would never reach their village. Easily overpowered by their captors, the boys' only hope is to endure a ruthless march through the jungles that takes them far from their village to a destination unknown. Where are the cruel Red Caps taking them? What chance might the boys have to escape? If they manage to escape, how will they ever find their way home again? Fortunately for Wikatani and Chuma, there is help on the way. David...
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A sermon by Robert Govett regarding the sin and punishment of Esau, the brother of Jacob. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts. C. H. Spurgeon said of him: "Mr. Govett wrote a hundred years before his time, and the day will come when his works will be treasured as sifted gold."
$189 $199
Eric Liddell: Something Greater Than Gold by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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As the race began, it had seemed obvious that Eric Liddell was overmatched. Now the crowd in the Olympic Stadium hushed as this runner from Scotland refused to be passed. As Eric crossed the finish line, the crowd erupted in applause heard all over Paris. Eric Liddell had done the impossible A new world record had been set! Eric's refusal earlier that week to run on Sunday in the Olympic 100-meter race had stunned the world. Now his incredible victory in the 400-meter race further strengthened his believe in God's promise, "He who honors Me, I will honor." Years later, Eric Liddell would be tested far beyond mere physical ability as a...
$799 $899
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Faith, connecting the sinner with the perfect work of Christ, brings present acceptance before God, and eternal life as its blessed issue. The works of man, whether converted or unconverted, avail not to obtain the pardon of sins, or everlasting bliss. God is a Sovereign, as is shown in his electing whom he will, sustaining their faith through a world of dangers, and glorifying them at last. These truths were established at the Reformation, on the sure foundation of Scripture. Good works, it was seen, are the proofs of a living faith, and they are the true fruits of it. But this leaves untouched the further inquiry: WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS...
Elisha A Prophet for Our Times by F. W. Krummacher -19%
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The great German preacher and writer, F. W. Krummacher, had profound insight into the Scriptures and the human heart. God does not change. The human condition does not change. Krummacher fully grasped both of these enduring truths. His sermons, which form the book, Elisha: A Prophet for Our Times, makes one feel that he wrote in our own uncertain times. This is always a distinguishing mark of an exceptional author. You will be instructed, challenged, enriched, and encouraged as you read this book on the life and times and ministry of Elisha. Regardless of the limitations you see within yourself, Elisha will sharpen your vision and...
$1299 $1599
Elisabeth Elliot: Joyful Surrender by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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This was one of the best and worst days of her life as Betty watched her daughter’s little blonde head bobbing up and down in the backpack chair ahead of her. Betty was excited that finally, after so much prayer, effort, and sacrifice, they were headed to an Auca settlement. Since she was young, Elisabeth Elliot had been intrigued by missionaries who gave up so much to tell others about God’s love. With a passion to translate the Bible into new languages, she followed God’s call to work among tribes in Ecuador, including the Waorani (Auca), who had killed her husband and four others. Elisabeth kept a detailed...
$799 $899
Elijah the Tishbite by F. W. Krummacher -6%
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F. W. Krummacher (1796-1868) was a leading figure in the evangelical awakening of the early nineteenth century. His most powerful work, Elijah the Tishbite, is a collection of sermons addressed to Christians living in a post-Enlightenment society whose leaders, policies, and institutions had become unsympathetic to traditional Christian faith. In responding to the rationalism of the Enlightenment, which denied divine providence and everything supernatural, Krummacher examines what the Scriptures teach about seeking and finding God in times of hardship. Through the story of Elijah, Krummacher explores what it means to trust God when...
$1499 $1599
Elijah and the Secret of His Power by F. B. Meyer -7%
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The author of this outstanding biography of Elijah insists that the life of this mighty man was produced through the indwelling of that Holy Spirit who is equally within reach of those who will believe and obey. There is nothing the Church of today needs so much as spiritual power; and there is nothing which we can have so easily, if only we are prepared to pay the price. About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's walk with the Savior. To Meyer, this was a vital relationship where two spirits met and fellowshiped...
$1299 $1399
Dying to Live by Jessie Penn-Lewis -11%
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Dying to Live has four short chapters of contrasting style dealing with the relationship of Christ's death to the life of the Christian believer.The Christian who affirms "I have been crucified with Christ" has found the way that brings: Freedom from sin and self Transformation to his life, both internally and externally Total surrender to God Identification with Christ's death on the cross The book speaks to the individual in a personal way of the ongoing implications of Christ's cross for the Christian and declares (chapter 4) "It is God's plan that He must be allowed to work into the lives of His...
$799 $899
Don't Waste Your Sorrows by Paul E. Billheimer -7%
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God's sometimes surprising tools for maturing and training his church are clearly explained in this eye-opening discussion on the role of suffering in a Christian's life. You will be amazed at the depth of spiritual growth possible for those who continue to trust God during life's difficulties. Knowing that God has planned for you to benefit from this sorrow, you can learn to respond in a brand new way--not seeing it as a punishment or interruption but as an opportunity to grow into your unique role as Christ's eternal bride. So don't waste your sorrows... embrace them with an attitude that will ensure they...
$1299 $1399
Dominion by Randy Alcorn -33%
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A shocking murder drags black newspaper columnist Clarence Abernathy into the disorienting world of inner-city gangs and racial conflict. In a desperate hunt for answers to the violence (and to his own struggles with race and faith), Clarence forges an unlikely partnership with redneck detective Ollie Chandler. Despite their differences, Clarence and Ollie soon find themselves sharing the same mission: victory over the forces of darkness vying for dominion.  Filled with insight -and with characters so real you’ll never forget them -  Dominion  is a dramatic story of spiritual searching, racial reconciliation, and...
$999 $1499
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The author's life was one of continual guidance by the hand of God; indeed, he titled his autobiography, An Ordered Life. He also studied the subject of God's guidance in the Scriptures and in the lives of His people. This short study of God's guiding hand in the lives of His children is worth its weight in gold.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: In the Midst of Wickedness by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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As Dietrich sang the German national anthem, he contemplated the devastation Hitler and the Nazis were perpetrating on Europe. Dietrich would do whatever he could to stop them, even if it meant pulling the trigger on the führer himself. He had thought about it from every angle, and his conscience was clear. Born into a loving family, Dietrich Bonhoeffer pursued a life as a pastor, teacher, theologian—and spy. He spoke out about the trouble in Germany when Adolph Hitler came to power, urging the Christian church to rescue disparaged people groups and resist Hitler’s evil empire. Accused of being a troublemaker,...
$799 $899
Destined to Overcome by Paul E. Billheimer -7%
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Are you tired of trying to battle Satan in your own strength? Learning to rely on God's strength, not your own, is the key to spiritual victory. This practical handbook, written by a veteran soldier in God's army, will help you recognize Satan's strategies and the weapons you have available through Christ to defeat him. With more than 100,000 copies sold since its original publication, this class on spiritual warfare will show you how to use your God-given resources with authority and power. Don't let the enemy of your soul have his way. Fight back, and discover the joy of overcoming through the One who conquered all!
$1299 $1399
Destined for the Throne by Paul E. Billheimer -7%
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"Every Christian should study this book prayerfully and apply its principles to life," writes Billy Graham in the foreword to this classic work on prayer. Revealing profound truths about the church and her unique part in the kingdom of God, this book continues to amaze believers more than thirty-five years after its first publication. Its down-to-earth style and biblical inisights provide the reader with a rare glimpse into the eternal plan of God to provide a bride--a reigning companion--for his Son. Inspiriing, challenging, and often surprising, this book will transform how you view your relationship with the heavenly...
$1399 $1499
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A warning and an appeal addressed by one of themselves mainly to Christians known as open brethren, including discussions upon the constitution, government, discipline, and ministry of the church of God and of the principles and practice of service in the gospel.
Deception by Randy Alcorn -33%
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“Messin’ with me’s like wearin’ cheese underwear down rat alley.” -Ollie Chandler Homicide detective Ollie Chandler has seen it all. Done more than he cares to admit. But when he’s called to investigate the murder of a Portland State University professor, he finds himself going places he’s never gone before. Places he never wanted to go. Because all the evidence is pointing to one horrific conclusion: The murderer is someone in his own department. That’s not the worst of it, though. Ollie has nagging doubts…about himself. Where was  he during the time of the murder?...
$999 $1499
Day by Day with the Best of Spurgeon: On the Love and Loveliness of Jesus by Dolores E. Coupland -6%
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Day by Day is a collection of the best writings of Charles H. Spurgeon; an entire book centered on Jesus, his great sacrifice for us, and what he means to us. "Are you trusting in the cross? Are you resting in Jesus? If not, may the Lord teach you this blessed privilege." Jesus is our salvation, our treasure, our heaven, our all. Bathe yourself in the love and loveliness of the Lord as Spurgeon leads us to all those precious places where our Savior lived, suffered, and then died for our redemption. "Charles Spurgeon was one of the very few individual Christians since Paul, with a far-flung, era-changing influence. Since his death in 1892,...
$1499 $1599
David: Shepherd, Psalmist, King by F. B. Meyer -7%
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The character and life of David are supremely fascinating, not only to holy souls whose deepest thoughts have been expressed in his unrivaled psalms, but to all men: because of their humanness; their variety; their sharply constrasted experiences; their exhibition of traits of generosity and courage which always elicit admiration. The author states that while sketching every period of his life, he has concentrated on those passages which trace the steps by which the shepherd became the king. It was in these that his character was formed, his sweetest psalms composed, and those manifold experiences encountered which enabled him to...
$1299 $1399
David Livingstone: Africa's Trailblazer by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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The lion's jaws gripped David Livingstone's arm. Razor-sharp teeth pierced his flesh as the lion savagely shook David in the air like a rag doll. A gunshot rang out. "God help us," David moaned, as the lion dropped him and turned to charge David's friend Mebalwe. With the heart of an explorer and the passion of an evangelist, David Livingstone mapped vast, unexplored areas of Africa, sharing the gospel with whomever he encountered. His stamina, perseverance, and dogged determination created the legacy of a trailblazing explorer with an undying hunger to make Christ known wherever his steps led him. David Livingstone's captivating...
$799 $899
David Bussau: Facing the World Head-On by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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David listened to what the others said and thought for a few moments. He didn't often talk to the other boys about what he was thinking, but this time he opened his mouth and said, "I'm going to be a millionaire and retire by the time I'm forty!" David Bussau grew up in New Zealand boys' homes where expectations of the young men were grim. David shattered those expectations, emerging as an enterprising teenager running a rented hot dog stand. Numerous business ownerships and financial success followed, and with that success, a vision to provide natural disaster relief and aid to the poor in Australia, Indonesia, India, and beyond....
$799 $899
D. L. Moody: Bringing Souls to Christ by Janet & Geoff Benge -10%
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D.L. stood his ground against the angry father. "I broke the jug and poured out the whiskey for the good of yourself and your family," he said. "If I am to be thrashed, let me pray for you all before you do that." Seventeen-year-old Dwight Lyman Moody changed his name, moved to Boston, and began pursuing dreams of becoming a wealthy businessman. But God had other plans for him. Instead of business, evangelism would be his life's work. D.L. devoted his life to proclaiming the gospel, serving the poor, and mentoring fellow ministers. A leader of great vision, D.L. Moody served his fellow man through Civil War outreach, his Sunday...
$899 $999
D. E. Hoste: A Prince with God by Phyllis Thompson -8%
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D. E. Hoste was one of the “Cambridge Seven” who went to China as missionaries in 1885. In 1900 he succeeded Hudson Taylor as the general director of the China Inland Mission, now known as OMF. He was chosen to be the leader of the Mission because he had served the people of China and his fellow missionaries in a spirit of love, humility, and self-discipline. He was also a man of deep prayerfulness. He believed, like Hudson Taylor before him, that “it is possible to move men, through God, by prayer alone.” “Patient, persevering prayer,” wrote Mr. Hoste, “plays a more vital and practical part in the development of the Mission’s work than...
$1199 $1299
Covetousness by Lillian G. Harvey -13%
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Subtitled: The Sin Very Few Ever Confess This heinous sin, condemned throughout the Bible, tends to escape our condemnation. It has enslaved many who would shrink with horror from grosser sins. Christian writers from John Chrysostom to John Wesley, from George Muller to Marcus Dods, join their voices to condemn covetousness and to set forth a truly Biblical standard for Christians as regards the use of the financial resources with which God has entrusted them.
$699 $799
Courageous DVD -50%
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Another great movie from the creators of Flywheel, Facing the Giants, and Fireproof ! Police officers Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners are brave men well-equipped to deal with hardened criminals. But when they remove their badges, they face a more daunting challenge---fatherhood. As their children drift away from them, can these stalwarts find a way to defend and protect those nearest and dearest to them---and draw closer to God? Rated PG-13. Approx. 129 minutes. DVD Features: Widescreen Languages: English 5.1 (Dolby Digital), Spanish Subtitles: English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, French,...
$749 $1499
Count Zinzendorf: Firstfruit by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Six-year-old Ludwig was sitting at the table, reading his Bible and praying, when Swedish soldiers stormed through the castle door. Ludwig looked up at the soldiers and then returned to his prayer and reading. The soldiers stopped and stared-then left. They said they could not ransack a place that God watched over. An unusually mature Christian at a very young age, Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1700-1760) did not follow the course dictated by his noble birth but followed God's call even to the point of being banned from his native Saxony. Once destined for the royal court, the count instead became a spiritual father to millions....
$799 $899
Count Zinzendorf DVD -50%
Once in a while someone comes along who has a profound effect on the course of future history. Count Zinzendorf was one of those remarkable people. Born into nobility in 1700, he put aside a life of wealth, politics and privilege to follow God's call. He established a refugee settlemen for persecuted Christians. This remarkable community experienced a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit which led them to a passionate concern for worldwide missions. Under Zinzendorf's leadership they set the stage for the modern missionary movement as we know it today.
$999 $1999
Count Zinzendorf by Felix Bovet -8%
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A very well written account of an unusual man of God. Zinzendorf, a contemporary of John Wesley, founded a religious community among Moravian immigrants called Herrnhut. He also wrote hymns and various books and instituted foreign missions.  The author writes in his preface: "I have learned to love in him a man who, more than any one before him, labored, not at the point of view of any particular Church, but for the Church Universal.... Convinced that it is life which is the light of men, he set himself to bring religion out of the region of abstractions. He endeavored to establish a spiritual union between Christians, not...
$1099 $1199
Corrie Ten Boom: Keeper of the Angel's Den by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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The harsh lights stung Corrie's blackened eyes as she entered the Gestapo-controlled police station in Haarlem. How true her elderly father's words had been that quiet evening before Hitler's madness descended on Holland: "Germany will invade Holland. We will lose. God help all those in Holland who do not call on His name." Suddenly, Corrie's ordered life was lost in the insanity of war. With bravery and compassion, her family and countless other Dutch citizens risked everything to extend God's hand to those innocents marked for certain execution in a world gone mad.  Corrie ten Boom's life of determination, faith, and...
$799 $899