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William Carvosso: A Memoir -8%
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This book is the story of an ordinary man made remarkable by the transforming grace of God. When only 21 years old, a visit from his newly-converted sister awakened him to his need of a Savior. Fearful conviction for sin soon seized him, and after many days of crying to God for mercy the devil tempted him with the words, “The day of grace is passed; it is now too late.” Carvosso’s answer was characteristic: “I am determined, whether I am saved or lost, that while I have breath I will never cease crying for mercy.” Immediately he experienced the pardoning grace of God and was born again. For the rest of his...
$1199 $1299
A Home for Virginia by Patricia St. John -10%
When an old miner is left with the job of bringing up the newborn Virginia he doesnt realise that it will change his life forever. As he cleans the dust and cobwebs away for the new arrival, we see that is also what the Holy Spirit does in our lives. He starts a work in our hearts and our lives are changed forever. 24 pages. Hardback. Suitable for 4-7 year olds
$899 $999
Asking Father by Harvey and Tait -8%
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A series of short, factual stories which inspire children to approach their Heavenly Father with confidence, knowing that He will honor their prayers. Parents enjoy reading this book as much as their children. It is also an excellent source of material for Sunday Schools. Now available in Spanish!
$1099 $1199
Jessica's First Prayer by Hesba Stretton -20%
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To Jessica, a poor outcast girl on the streets of London who has to beg or steal to keep herself alive, Mr. Daniel's coffe stall becomes, for a few moments each week, a little paradise. The unlikely pair are influenced by each other in strange ways: Jessica comes to a knowledge of the God Who answers prayer, and Mr. Daniel is brought to repentance for his life of meanness and covetousness.
$799 $999
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This captivating little book is yet another example of the ease with which Patricia St. John mixes thrilling adventure with classic Christian truth. When we first encounter Elaine, she is a selfish, spoiled, stuck-up city girl who is unable to grasp that happiness can come from anything but pleasing herself and having her own way. But when her mother sends her to stay with the Owen family in the Welsh countryside, while she goes on a business trip to France, things begin to change. Watching the gradual change in Elaine as she is forced out of her own little world is like watching the slow blooming of a flower. The story of her...
The Tanglewoods' Secret by Patricia St. John -11%
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In a struggle to learn to overcome her fiery temper and selfish spirit, Ruth is led to the discovery of a very important Shepherd who can and does teach her (and others) how to be good. The story contains beautiful and uplifting examples of what can happen when we let ourselves be found by Him.
$799 $899
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What did you hear, you little twerp?" Tyke asked, holding Francis's wrists and looking at him with narrowed eyes. "I heard about the phone booth, and Tyke, let me join your gang! If you want to smash phone booths, I could help you. I can run fast. I'm fastest under eleven in the school. I could watch out and warn you, and you could smash anything you wanted."
$899 $999
A Pot of Oil by G. D. Watson -8%
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Seventeen helpful chapters on various subjects from the pen of one whose mind was enlightened by the Holy Ghost and whose heart was ablaze with the love of God. A few chapter headings are: "Vessels of Prayer," "True and False Fire," "A Spiritual Will," "Signs of Progress," "Tried by the Lord."
$1099 $1199
Repentance by C. John Miller -11%
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THIS IS A MUST-READ! Repentance begins at conversion--but it doesn't stop there. It's an ongoing attitude for daily living in Christ. Repentance is not religious penance, self-effort or condemnation, says Jack Miller. True repentance puts us in right relationship with the Lord and enables us to walk in the fullness of His Spirit, growing and being used in the fullness of His purpose for us.These principles were learned in the fires of Jack's life, and in this new edition his widow, Rose Marie, has written an epilogue telling of Jack's own journey of living out repentance on a daily basis.
$799 $899
The Indwelling Life of Christ by Major W. Ian Thomas -7%
You can try to steer clear of sin. Avoid temptation. Refuse to steal, lie, or use drugs or alcohol. You can indeed try to be sinless. But that is still you. And you are still trying. Jesus Christ was not holy because He focused His efforts on avoiding sin. Instead, He refused to allow there to be any possible explanation for the quality of His life but the Father, as God, dwelling in Him, as Man. So whom do you want dwelling in you? More of you? Or all of Christ? This small hardback volume contains fifty short chapters all focused on the indwelling presence of Christ in the believer as the only source of power for living the...
$1399 $1499
The Purity Principle by Randy Alcorn -10%
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A higher pleasure is within reach! Some people have given up on purity. Some have never tried. Bestselling author Randy Alcorn shows us why, in this culture of impurity, the stakes are so high--and what we can do to experience the freedom of purity. Impurity will always destroy us; purity always leads to higher pleasures! Choose wisely. Let the insights of this amazing book--written for old and young, married and single--help you gain your footing on the path to truly lasting joy. 93 pages. Hardback.
$899 $999
The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer -23%
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If you have a deep hunger for God, there is no better book for you than A. W. Tozer's The Pursuit of God. It is a timeless classic. He literally wrote it on his knees. Some books can be enjoyed with one reading, but this book is enhanced by many readings. It's a book that you will read again and again and never tire. James L. Snyder confesses to having read it twenty times or more! Every sentence is weighted--you will find no wasted words. If you are part of the fellowship of the burning heart, you will weep and worship as you slowly work your way through these blessed pages. The Pursuit of God has sold more copies than any other...
$999 $1299
Amy Carmichael DVD -50%
Early in her life, Amy was called to the Lord's work. She never hesitated to answer Him. After extensive mission work in her native Northern Ireland, Amy set off to distant shores. She longed to be in China where many of her missionary friends had gone to spread the Gospel and help those in need, but the Lord had another plan for Amy. She would soon find herself in the mysterious land of India where the suffering was great and where her faith would be tested to the utmost--a place called Dohnavur, where God's love truly exists.
$999 $1999
Beyond the Next Mountain DVD -50%
At the close of the 19th century, the British branded the Hmar people of northeast India as "the worst head-hunters." It was a label well deserved at the time. But in 1910, a single copy of the New Testament Gospel of John came to this tribe and changed the course of history for the Hmar people. Through that single copy of John's Gospel, Chawnga, the father of Rochunga Pudaite, was introduced to a revolutionary "new life in Christ." He and a few tribesmen "forsook all and followed Christ." Chawnga believed that Rochunga was God's chosen instrument to bring the Scriptures to the entire Hmar trible in...
$999 $1999
Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace DVD -50%
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What is a moral person to do in a time of savage immorality? That question tormented Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German clergyman of great distinction who actively opposed Hitler and the Nazis. His convictions cost him his life. The Nazis hanged him on April 9, 1945, less than a month before the end of the war. Bonhoeffer's last years, his participation in the German resistance and his moral struggle are dramatized in this film. More than just a biographical portrait, Bonhoeffer, Agent of Grace sheds light on the little-known efforts of the German resistance. It brings to a wide audience the heroic rebellion of Bonhoeffer, a highly regarded...
$999 $1999
Candle in the Dark: William Carey -50%
This is one of the most moving Christian films ever produced--a MUST SEE DVD! William Carey sailed to India in 1793 with a reluctant wife and four children. His burning passion was to bring the message of Jesus to the heathen. Upon arriving in India, he encountered so much hardship it is amazing he did not abandon his mission and go home. But he stayed for over 40 years. One issue that tormented him was "sati"--the burning alive of widows when their husbands died. He would not rest until this practice was stopped. Facing insurmountable odds, he plodded on to influence the abolition of "sati" and to become the...
$999 $1999
Count Zinzendorf DVD -50%
Once in a while someone comes along who has a profound effect on the course of future history. Count Zinzendorf was one of those remarkable people. Born into nobility in 1700, he put aside a life of wealth, politics and privilege to follow God's call. He established a refugee settlemen for persecuted Christians. This remarkable community experienced a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit which led them to a passionate concern for worldwide missions. Under Zinzendorf's leadership they set the stage for the modern missionary movement as we know it today.
$999 $1999
Fireproof DVD: Special Collector's Edition -52%
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At work, inside burning buildings, Capt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your partner behind. At home, in the cooling embers of his marriage, he lives by his own rules. Growing up, Catherine Holt always dreamed of marrying a loving, brave firefighter...just like her daddy. Now, after seven years of marriage, Catherine wonders when she stopped being "good enough" for her husband. Regular arguments over jobs, finances, housework, and outside interests have readied them both to move on to something with more sparks. As the couple prepares to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's...
$1198 $2498
God's Outlaw: William Tyndale DVD -50%
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God's Outlaw is a thrilling portrayal of the life and work of William Tyndale, whose burning passion to translate the Bible into English upset the religious and political establishment of the day. Tyndale's vision was that the common people--even the plowboys--should be able to read the Holy Scriptures in their own language. Bible reading and even prayers in English were outlawed by a harsh and rigid religious establishment. Perhaps the religious climate of Tyndale's day is best indicated in the retort of a priest with whom Tyndale was one day carrying on a heated debate: "We would be better off without God's law...
$999 $1999
Jan Hus: Truth Prevails DVD -50%
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Truth Prevails, a quote from Hus himself, is an hour-long documentary from The Christian History Institute and award-winning filmmakers Jerry and Misha Griffith. Using location footage, interviews with prominent historians, and period artwork, this film follows the struggles of Jan Hus and the efforts of modern scholars which ultimately led Pope John Paul II to apologize for the Church's actions.
$999 $1999