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If I Perish, I Perish by Major W. Ian Thomas -10%
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"Appropriation of the victory of Christ demands more than just one act of faith--it requires an attitude of faith. It is a moment-by-moment reckoning, and your reckoning for this moment is never adequate for the next." W. Ian Thomas' If I Perish, I Perish examines the Christian life through the lens of an allegorical interpretation of the Old Testament book of Esther. The character of Esther, representative of the human spirit, depicts that the call of the Lord Jesus on the Christian is to be crucified with Christ and become alive in the Spirit. About the Author W. Ian Thomas was born in London, England. At twelve years of age he...
$899 $999
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G. D. Watson (1845-1924) was one of the most influential and best-loved preachers of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century holiness movement, and his influence lives on today through his numerous writings. He was a humble man with amazing intellectual prowess and an exceptional grasp of spiritual truth. As a successful pastor in his early thirties he was led into a deep consecration of his whole being to God which completely transformed his life and ministry. After some years in the pastorate, Watson felt the call to evangelism. He traveled widely in the United States and eventually held meetings in England, the West...
$899 $999
Upgrade: from Adequacy to Abundance by Michael Catt -7%
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Have you ever felt like there must be more? More than going to church. More than praying safe prayers. More than accepting the norm. Your upgrade is now available! In Upgrade, Michael outlines the behaviors and mindsets of immature faith and explains how God equips and empowers us to enjoy the Christ-filled life promised to us in the Epistles. Catt challenges us to accept the upgrade offered to all Christians-not just an elite few-through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Don't miss out on God's best! "You can settle for mediocrity, trying to muddle through in your own strength, or you can accept Christ's upgrade and abide and...
$1299 $1399
Madame Jeanne Guyon by Dorothy Gawne Coslet -13%
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Thrill to this biographical account of Madame Jeanne Guyon (1648 - 1717), from her unsettled childhood and loveless marriage to her controversial years of ministry in France, Switzerland and Savoy.
$699 $799
Soul Sculpture by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
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The influence radiating from the home is a deciding factor in the destiny of your child. A mother writes: "If only I had been handed Soul Sculpture when my child was small, how different her life might have been." A must for parents and would-be parents, for it reminds them of the tremendous potentiality of a soul entrusted to their care, and the responsibility of helping to shape it for eternity. This book is packed with challenging quotations in poetry and prose, and recommended by pastors and Christian workers as material for lectures and programs. "While walking around a garden one day, a child was asked...
$1099 $1199
Gerhard Tersteegen's Life and Letters -8%
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Gerhard Tersteegen was a German contemporary of John Wesley. He wished for a secluded life, but crowds besieged his dwelling place, eager to feast on the words of wisdom that fell from the lips of one who had been closeted with his Maker. Everywhere he went, crowds gathered by wayside, in barns, and in homes where their famished souls feasted upon the Bread of Life. Tersteegen was also a prolific hymn writer. This book is a biography of Tersteegen's life and also contains a number of his letters at the end of the book. Read a selection: Gerhard Tersteegen's Covenant of Love .
$1199 $1299
Behind the Velvet Curtain by Trudy Harvey Tait -7%
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This book, a sequel to The Velvet Curtain, continues the story of Esther and Gabby, the two Romanian girls who, in their attempts to escape the Iron Curtain, find themselves enmeshed in its Western counterpart. Esther takes drastic measures to stay clear of the Velvet Curtain while Gabby denies its very existence and calls it, instead, The American Dream. And yet, behind this all-enveloping Curtain, the two girls and their friends, Len and Ron Atwood, discover that God can trurn tragedy into triumph. The story will take unexpected twists and turns as His grace invades, transforms, and redirects the lives of flawed and erring human...
$1399 $1499
John the Baptist by F. B. Meyer -7%
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The life and character of John the Baptist are full of great fascination. The author says he knows of nothing that makes so pleasant a respite from the pressure of life's fret and strain as bathing mind and spirit in the translucent waters of Scripture biography. As the clasp between the Old Testament and the New--the close of one and the beginning of the other; as among the greatest of those born of women; as the porter who oopened the door to the True Shepherd; as the fearless rebuker of royal and shameless sin--the Baptist must ever compel the homage and admiration of mankind. In many respects, such a life cannot be repeated. But...
$1299 $1399
Joshua and the Land of Promise by F. B. Meyer -7%
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This study of the life of Joshua and the conquest of Canaan is intended to bolster the faith of God's children as well as to bring out the wonderful parallels between the story in the book of Joshua and the experiences of the church and the individual Christian--parallels so minute and precise as to establish with added force our faith in the Bible as one book, the production of one mind, which "at sundry times and in diverse manners" has spoken to men. About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's...
$1299 $1399
Bringing Sons Unto Glory / Making All Things New by Oswald Chambers -9%
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Compelling and thorough, this two-volumes-in-one seeks to challenge those who have not made a total commitment to Christ and comfort those who aim to please Him in every aspect of daily living.
$999 $1099
Billy Bray by F. W. Bourne -17%
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"If they were to put me into a barrel, I would shout glory out through the bunghole!" So said Billy Bray, the singing, shouting drunkard-turned-preacher from Cornwall, England. Born in 1794 near Truro, Billy served the devil with all his might in his early years, often drinking and frolicking the night away. He rarely came home sober on pay-day. But Bunyan’s Visions of Heaven and Hell awakened him to his lost condition, and after a period of conviction for sin he experienced a marvelous conversion. He became a wonder to all who knew him. "They said I was a mad-man," recalled Billy in later life, "but they meant I was a glad-man, and,...
$499 $599
Elisha A Prophet for Our Times by F. W. Krummacher -19%
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The great German preacher and writer, F. W. Krummacher, had profound insight into the Scriptures and the human heart. God does not change. The human condition does not change. Krummacher fully grasped both of these enduring truths. His sermons, which form the book, Elisha: A Prophet for Our Times, makes one feel that he wrote in our own uncertain times. This is always a distinguishing mark of an exceptional author. You will be instructed, challenged, enriched, and encouraged as you read this book on the life and times and ministry of Elisha. Regardless of the limitations you see within yourself, Elisha will sharpen your vision and...
$1299 $1599
Peter: Fisherman, Disciple, Apostle by F. B. Meyer -7%
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Peter comes nearer to us than any of his brother apostles. We revere James, the brother of our Lord, for his austere saintliness. We strain our eyes in the effort to follow John to the serene heights whither his eagle-wing bore him. But Peter is so human, so like ourselves in his downsittings and uprisings, so compassed with infirmity, that we are encouraged to hope that perhaps the Great Potter may be able to make something even of our common clay. It need the Savior's insight to discover an apostle in Simon Bar-Jona, the fisherman. And it took the Savior's patient culture to elicit the dormant qualities of his character which...
$1299 $1399
Corrie Ten Boom's Prison Letters -10%
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In 1944, as an act of resistance and commitment to their Christian faith, Corrie ten Boom and her family hid Dutch Jews from the Nazi regime. Eventually, Corrie and her family were arrested by the Gestapo and sent to Scheveningen and the concentration camp, Vught. While imprisoned, she communicated with her loved ones through letters filled with stories of unimaginable trials, resilience and her unfailing faith in the Lord. This collection of deeply moving letters represents the only tie between Corrie, her loved ones and the outside world. It is a testament to her love and devotion to Christ and is an inspiration to all. About the...
$899 $999
John Hus DVD -50%
Intrigue and false promises weave a powerful story of one man's commitment to faith in Jesus Christ. He was summoned to the Council of Constance and promised safety, but he was betrayed. In the end, Hus was accused, imprisoned, and charged with heresy. Ultimately, he was condemned and burned at the stake as a heretic. Here is an important chapter in the steps leading up to the Reformation. The history books make little mention of this Bohemian priest and scholar who lived 100 years before Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. Yet, John Hus was convinced and taught openly that the Bible should be presented in the language...
$999 $1999
Ten Girls Who Didn't Give In by Irene Howat -11%
These ten girls grew up to become women who didn't give in. Living as a Christian was difficult. They chose to do the right thing instead of the easy thing. Would you give in or would you resist? In a world where we give in too easily - be inspired by those who didn't! Blandina became a Christian and then a martyr. Perpetua had to give up her child before dying in the amphitheater. Lady Jane Grey did as she was told, but would not deny Jesus. Anne Askew lost her home but never lost her faith. Lysken Dirks loved her husband but loved Jesus first. Marion Harvey discovered Christ, and followed him to her death. Margaret Wilson was...
$799 $899
Beyond the Edge: 100 Stories of Trusting God -7%
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Experience the joy of sharing the Gospel with people who are hearing it for the first time. Be amazed at the miraculous move of God in His people's lives. Weep over the martyrdom of missionaries for the cause of Christ. This collection of one hundred stories from the past and present of WEC International (Worldwide Evangelization for Christ) reveal how God is working out the vision of founder C.T. Studd to reach all peoples with the life-changing Gospel. Expressive stories describe life. Vulnerable stories reveal life. Inspiring stories rekindle life. We need stories-especially true stories that inflame our passion and move...
$1399 $1499
In Light of Eternity by Randy Alcorn -8%
One moment after you die, you'll find out what's on the other side. Don't wait until then. Let this book guide you into discovering how wonderful your eternal future will be - and what you can do now to prepare for it. The deepest longing of your heart is for one person and one place. Jesus is that person. Heaven is that place. The Carpenter from Nazareth promised he would go ahead to prepare a place for you. What your heart most deeply desires awaits you in the home custom-built by your Bridegroom. Meanwhile, a thousand counterfeits vie for your attention, trying to convince you that they are what you're longing for. But...
$1199 $1299
The Prayer of Faith by Carl Olof Rosenius -13%
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Carl Olof Rosenius is a well-known name among Christians in Scandinavia. He was born on February 3, 1816 in the parish of Nysätra within the province of Västerbotten, Sweden. His father was a faithful clergyman. Carl Olof became one of the leaders of the great revival during the nineteenth century. Evangeliska Fosterlands-Stiftelsen was founded in 1856, which derived from him, its mission to publish and distribute Bibles and literature. In spite of his brief life—only 52 years—he managed to accomplish much. Besides preaching and individual counsel, he was an author and an editor of the magazine: Pietisten (The Pietist),...
$699 $799
The Moffats by Ethel Daniels Hubbard -14%
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The Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat While David Livingstone was discovering worlds unknown in the mysterious depths of central Africa, Robert Moffat was performing a wonderful exploit of his own down in his study at Kuruman. . . hoping, before he died, to give the whole Bible to the people in their native speech. Robert and Mary Moffat gave impassioned service to God for a continent of human need.
$599 $699
Beyond the Minarets (Henry Martyn) by Kellsye M. Finnie -14%
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The biography of Henry Martyn. His was a brilliant and talented life laid down for the gospel and the Word of God. His life remains an example in faith, prayer and sacrificial service. His translation work laid the foundation for the present Urdu and Farsi Scriptures.
$599 $699
Frustration (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -13%
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Knowing that you are not alone in your trial greatly helps you to endure and conquer. Extreme frustration in the Christian life resulting from experiences of betrayal, rejection, and failure are related so as to help and encourage others to face their ordeal. John Wesley, William Carey, A. B. Simpson, and G. F. Handel are among those quoted.
$699 $799
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The key to the Song of Songs lies in personal experience. For him that is without, and who has not yet entered into the blessed sanctuary fellowship with Christ of which this Song testifies, the sweet strains of the Shulamite are not intended. No one brings with him into the world an ear for this Song. Seek not its meaning in the way of rational reflection; that is of no use. Look not for it in the school of a stagnant, lifeless orthodoxy. It is the Spirit alone that here searches the deep things, and teaches us to read those hieroglyphics. Friedrich Wilhelm Krummacher (1796-1868) was born into a family of German Reformed pietist...
$999 $1299
Loneliness (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -13%
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Missionaries and other Christians call back in these 25 chapters to tell how their experience in loneliness achieved God-planned results. The loneliness of the orphan, of those misunderstood or maligned, of the unmarried or bereaved; all these and other forms of loneliness are graphically depicted in this volume.
$699 $799
They Knew Their God, Vol. 3 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -7%
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This third volume in the They Knew Their God series contains a further 13 short biographical sketches of men and women whose supreme quest was to know God in an intimate way. Contains sketches of Oswald Chambers and his wife, Evan Hopkins, Francis Asbury, George Railton among others.
$1399 $1499
God on Fire by Fred A. Hartley III -13%
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God on Fire is why you were born. You are more alive in the middle of God’s white-hot presence than anywhere else on earth. Once you encounter the manifest presence of Christ, you will never want to settle for anything less. In fact, the manifest presence of Christ is the single factor that distinguishes the church from the Kiwanis Club or the sports bar. Normally the history of revival is studied from man’s perspective; what we do to encounter God. God on Fire explores what God does to encounter us. Discover the three miracles that occur every time we encounter God. This book will help you: Learn the...
$1299 $1499
Elisabeth Elliot: Joyful Surrender by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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This was one of the best and worst days of her life as Betty watched her daughter’s little blonde head bobbing up and down in the backpack chair ahead of her. Betty was excited that finally, after so much prayer, effort, and sacrifice, they were headed to an Auca settlement. Since she was young, Elisabeth Elliot had been intrigued by missionaries who gave up so much to tell others about God’s love. With a passion to translate the Bible into new languages, she followed God’s call to work among tribes in Ecuador, including the Waorani (Auca), who had killed her husband and four others. Elisabeth kept a detailed...
$799 $899
They Knew Their God, Vol. 4 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -7%
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Volume four presents life sketches of another 14 Christians who were unusual in their depth of acquaintance with God in Christ. Here you will find some well-known names, such as Matthew Henry the commentator as well as some lesser known saints such as Mathilde Wrede and John Gossner.
$1399 $1499
Ten Girls Who Changed the World by Irene Howat -11%
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Would you like to change your world? These ten girls did! Isobel Kuhn believed in God and then obeyed his call to travel to Asia to tell the Lisu people about God. Mary Slessor put herself through evening classes and eventually became one of the first white women to venture into the interior of Africa. Joni Eareckson struggled through her treatment and endless hospital visits to become the inspiration to many Christians. Corrie Ten Boom spent most of her life just living in Holland until the Nazis started killing the Jews. Corrie Ten Boom put her life on the line to save the lives of many Jews in the hiding place, a hidden room behind...
$799 $899
The Grace and Truth Paradox by Randy Alcorn -10%
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Grace or truth...or both? Truth without grace breeds self-righteousness and crushing legalism. Grace without truth breeds deception and moral compromise. Is it possible to embrace both in balance? Jesus did. Randy Alcorn offers a simple yet profound two-point checklist of Christlikeness. "In the end," says Alcorn, "we don't need grace or truth. We need grace and truth. And for people to see Jesus in us, they must see both." 92 pages. Hardback.
$899 $999
The Great Revival in Ireland in 1859 by William Gibson -14%
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In 1859 a glorious wave of revival power swept over Ireland, such as had not been known there for centuries. It came in a time of spiritual dearth but--as is doubtless always the case--in answer to the earnest supplication of the few faithful saints whose hearts wept before the Lord because of the desolation of Zion. This book is a small extract from a much larger book by the same name. It will provoke you to earnestly cry to God that He come to our generation with revival.
$599 $699
David Livingstone: Africa's Trailblazer by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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The lion's jaws gripped David Livingstone's arm. Razor-sharp teeth pierced his flesh as the lion savagely shook David in the air like a rag doll. A gunshot rang out. "God help us," David moaned, as the lion dropped him and turned to charge David's friend Mebalwe. With the heart of an explorer and the passion of an evangelist, David Livingstone mapped vast, unexplored areas of Africa, sharing the gospel with whomever he encountered. His stamina, perseverance, and dogged determination created the legacy of a trailblazing explorer with an undying hunger to make Christ known wherever his steps led him. David Livingstone's captivating...
$799 $899
A Passion for Prayer by Tom Elliff -8%
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Of all the disciplines of the Christian life, prayer is perhaps the most neglected. Yet Jesus’ brief earthly life was permeated with it. If our Lord made prayer such a priority in word and deed, shouldn’t we? A Passion for Prayer seeks to help you develop—or deepen—your communion with God. Drawing on personal experiences and the reassurances of God’s Word, Pastor Tom Elliff shares the principles, challenges and disciplines of prayer.
$1199 $1299
Father Calling by Lillian Harvey and Trudy Tait -11%
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This companion to Asking Father shows how God can speak to children, calling them to Himself. It tells of how such famous Christians as C H. Spurgeon, Adam Clarke, Samuel Chadwick, Ida Scudder, and others heard His voice when still very young and were thus prepared for their unique place in His divine plan.
$799 $899
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THIS IS A CD. This is the complete and unabridged version of The Biblical Illustrator, originally published in 56 volumes with over 34,000 pages--all on two portable, searchable CDs. Virtually every Biblical subject covered. All Biblical references linked to KJV and Strong's. Comes on two CDs. NOTE: This is NOT an audio CD.
$3499 $3999
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World Chaos, Its Root and Remedy is an inquiry into the causes and consequences of the second world war in light of Christianity.
Jesus Only by Vance Havner -9%
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In the awful confusion of these tragic days, many dear souls are weary of the torrent of words to no profit – stacks of books by blind leaders of the blind and panaceas from experts who do not know what the question is, much less the answer. They long to press through the throng to Christ himself and touch him for themselves. It is our hope and prayer that these meditations may help any and all who would see no man, but JESUS ONLY. There is only one safe and sure center of Christian experience, doctrine, and testimony and that is Jesus Christ. Stand at any other point, no matter how good, and you will become lopsided. Stand with him and...
$999 $1099
Destined for the Throne by Paul E. Billheimer -7%
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"Every Christian should study this book prayerfully and apply its principles to life," writes Billy Graham in the foreword to this classic work on prayer. Revealing profound truths about the church and her unique part in the kingdom of God, this book continues to amaze believers more than thirty-five years after its first publication. Its down-to-earth style and biblical inisights provide the reader with a rare glimpse into the eternal plan of God to provide a bride--a reigning companion--for his Son. Inspiriing, challenging, and often surprising, this book will transform how you view your relationship with the heavenly...
$1399 $1499
Elijah and the Secret of His Power by F. B. Meyer -7%
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The author of this outstanding biography of Elijah insists that the life of this mighty man was produced through the indwelling of that Holy Spirit who is equally within reach of those who will believe and obey. There is nothing the Church of today needs so much as spiritual power; and there is nothing which we can have so easily, if only we are prepared to pay the price. About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's walk with the Savior. To Meyer, this was a vital relationship where two spirits met and fellowshiped...
$1299 $1399
The Wesleyan Heritage Collection -5%
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A sundry collection of somewhat rare, sometimes difficult to find, and generally out of print reference books of the Wesleyan/Arminian viewpoint. The CD includes: Francis Asbury's Journals and Letters, Joseph Benson's Commentary, John Fletcher's Works, Thomas Ralston's Elements of Divinity, Joseph Sutcliffe's Commentary, Richard Watson's Dictionary, Watson's Exposition, Watson's Institutes, D. D. Whedon's Commentary, J. Agar Beet's Commentary, Adam Clarke's Commentary, John Wesley's Notes on the Bible, Works of Arminius, Works of Wesley. Complete list of CD Contents
$1899 $1999
Moments of Decision by Vance Havner -9%
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Throughout our lifetimes we are continually compelled to make impor­tant decisions. To choose life partners, vocations, lifestyles, churches, and even friends, we often seek the advice of others. Vance Havner encourages us to look to the wisest counsel of all—the Bible. In Moments of Decision, Havner presents sixteen revealing examples of choices, both good and bad, made in the Scriptures. He relates them practically and succinctly to the life-changing decisions that must be made today. With tremendous insight he shows how Lot's decision to live in Sodom lends advice for choosing apart from the corrupt influences of wealth; how...
$999 $1099
Royal Exchange by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -11%
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Thirty-one daily readings which stimulate the reader to exchange his/her weakness for divine strength--an exchange which seems to be the missing dimension of prayer in this busy age. They include: "Force or Farce," "Hot Upper Reaches," "The Hasty Prayer," "Great Openings," "Pray Today."
$799 $899
Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Amy Carmichael stood on the deck of the steamer, waving good-bye once again to her old friend Robert Wilson. How could she have known she would never see him or the British Isles again? Amy was certain God had called her to India. Indeed! India would be her home for the rest of her life. Amy Carmichael's life was one of simple, determined obedience to God, regardless of the consequences. Her service in India is a vivid example of the impact one person who will fear God and nothing else can have. Driven by love, sustained by faith and determination, this young woman from Northern Ireland defied the cruel barriers of India's caste system...
$799 $899
Count Zinzendorf: Firstfruit by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Six-year-old Ludwig was sitting at the table, reading his Bible and praying, when Swedish soldiers stormed through the castle door. Ludwig looked up at the soldiers and then returned to his prayer and reading. The soldiers stopped and stared-then left. They said they could not ransack a place that God watched over. An unusually mature Christian at a very young age, Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1700-1760) did not follow the course dictated by his noble birth but followed God's call even to the point of being banned from his native Saxony. Once destined for the royal court, the count instead became a spiritual father to millions....
$799 $899
Pro Life Answers to Pro Choice Arguments by Randy Alcorn -13%
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With over 75,000 copies in print, this revised and updated guide offers timely information and inspiration from a "sanctity of life" perspective. Real answers to real questions appear in logical and concise form. The final chapter- "Fifty Ways to Help Unborn Babies and Their Mothers"- is worth the price of this book alone! As politicians, citizens, and families continue the raging national debate on whether it's proper to end human life in the womb, resources like Randy Alcorn's Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments have proven invaluable. 455 pages.
$1299 $1499
Samuel the Prophet by F. B. Meyer -7%
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Samuel the prophet practically bridges the gulf between Samson the Judge and David the King: and there is deep significance in the fact that his name is identified with the two books of Scripture which describe this great transitional period, every event of which was affected by his influence. About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's walk with the Savior. To Meyer, this was a vital relationship where two spirits met and fellowshiped together. Having been a student himself at London University, Meyer loved working with...
$1299 $1399
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This 281 page book is a collection of expositions on the spiritual life from the able pen of G. D. Watson, who has been called "The Apostle to the Sanctified." He writes: "When we are born of the Spirit there is shed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost, a peculiar and hitherto unknown love for God and his Son Jesus. It is an exotic transplanted from a celestial clime by the hand of God; it is a personal attachment to our heavenly Father, a heart passion toward the Lord Jesus, an ineffable yearning for the Divine, an instinctive and dominant regard for the things of God which is utterly beyond the products of nature. No fine...
$1199 $1299
They Knew Their God, Vol. 6 by Lillian Harvey -7%
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This sixth volume contains another 14 sketches of men and women who knew their God and were wholehearted in their devotion to Christ. Because of their deep, unswerving commitment to God's Kingdom, they did exploits for God and impacted their generation for Him.
$1399 $1499
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Questions... One thing unique about mankind is his intense search for understanding. It is not surprising that each child beings asking WHY almost as soon as he can speak. It should not surprise us that there are 3,294 questions in the Bible and that God delights in giving us answers. But He offers these solutions quite differently than we might expect. Jeremiah reminds us that the wise man does not gain understanding by seeking wisdom; rather by KNOWING THE LORD... he receives answers to his questions. As you journey through the lessons in this book, you will recognize again and again that we have one priority: we are...
God's Eagles by G. D. Watson -8%
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If you’ve never heard of “eagle saints” before, this book is for you. Allow G. D. Watson to walk you through God’s Word and shine a spotlight on passage after passage relating to this fascinating subject. In describing the book to the original publishers, Watson himself wrote: “It is a series of Bible expositions describing the destiny of the saints clear through all the ages, from the time of the new birth, on through life and death, translation and resurrection, the judgment of the saints, the marriage supper of the Lamb, the chaining of Satan, the millennial reign, and the New Jerusalem, so as to present to the Lord’s people a...
$1199 $1299