Christian Living

Remarkable Incidents and Modern Miracles by G. C. Bevington -13%
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Born with physical weaknesses, poorly educated, the son of a backslidden preacher, G. C. Bevington didn't have too much going for him in his beginning years. But he did have a godly mother, whose prayers were effectual for his salvation. Bevington became a man of great faith and prevailing prayer, who in his lifetime saw many extraordinary things accomplished through the power of God. This book is the account of his amazing life, told in his own simple way. Follow his exciting story as he recounts remarkable incidents and modern miracles. Some have likened his faith to that of George Mueller and his prayer life to that of the great...
$699 $799
Ultimate Intention by Devern Fromke -7%
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Scores of pastors and teachers testify, "THIS CHANGED MY LIFE AND MINISTRY." This is possibly this writer's best book; in it he traces God's eternal purpose for mankind, God's rectifying work through the cross, and the glory of sonship. Whether you are a lay Christian or involved in ministry, your life will never be the same after reading this book! Every believer will be deeply impressed by a thorough reading of DeVern Fromke's classic setting forth the importance of God-centeredness for the normal Christian life. Beginning with an unfolding of God's eternal purpose which He purposed for Himself in eternity past, the various chapters...
$699 $750
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"Lilias Trotter," says J. G. S. S. Thompson in his Foreword to the 1964 Edition of Parables of the Cross, "was cast in the mold of the Christian mystic, and her Parables of the Cross is a Christian classic. Compared with the writings of Augustine and Boehme, Teresa and John of the Cross, Bunyan and Law, the 'Parables' is a slim volume, but in this realm quantity is insignificant. The qualities which make a book a classic of the soul are certainly complex but they are recognizable, and Parables of the Cross bears the authentic hallmark. The discerning will notice that the timeless and universal quality of the appeal of the...
$699 $799
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A Collection of Daily Readings by Classic Deeper-Life Authors NEWLY PACKAGED AND REPRINTED FOR 2023 with a Foreword by Jim Cymbala. Many Christians are hungry for a deeper walk with God, but too often we fail to see the results we hope for. Why is this? Frequently it’s because we’re trying to please God by the power of self instead of the power of the Spirit. Sometimes, especially if we’ve spent years missing the mark, it’s easy to become discouraged and give up altogether. Godly men and women throughout history have understood this struggle. In this easy-to-read 366-day devotional, people like Amy Carmichael, F. B. Meyer,...
$1699 $1799
The Way of the Cross by J. Gregory Mantle -10%
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This book is a reprint of the FIRST EDITION (1896) of J. Gregory Mantle's classic work on the Cross. This excellent book has gone through numerous editions, and in recent years has been better known under the title BEYOND HUMILIATION. But not since the first edition has the COMPLETE work been available. From the second edition onwards, every edition of this book has been missing at least two chapters; and Beyond Humiliation was also abridged. Kingsley Press is pleased to be able to give you this opportunity of owning and reading the complete, unabridged work as it came from Dr. Mantle's pen. Here are a couple of paragraphs from...
$899 $999
The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer -23%
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If you have a deep hunger for God, there is no better book for you than A. W. Tozer's The Pursuit of God. It is a timeless classic. He literally wrote it on his knees. Some books can be enjoyed with one reading, but this book is enhanced by many readings. It's a book that you will read again and again and never tire. James L. Snyder confesses to having read it twenty times or more! Every sentence is weighted--you will find no wasted words. If you are part of the fellowship of the burning heart, you will weep and worship as you slowly work your way through these blessed pages. The Pursuit of God has sold more copies than any other...
$999 $1299
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Deeply in touch with God, Lilias Trotter was also deeply in touch with nature and endued with a tremendous gift for drawing spiritual lessons from the natural world. She was also an exquisite artist. All these qualities combine in this classic volume on the Christ life. Like Parables of the Cross, this is a republication of her original work complete with full color renderings of her unusual paintings. Read a quotation from Parables of the Christ Life
$699 $799
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Unto Full Stature is an amazingly gripping book dealing with Christian growth and maturity from a God-centered perspective. This book is progressive in nature, and eminently practical. Anyone who yearns for greater spiritual maturity will find this book to be a fountain of blessing, enlightenment, and challenge. Beginning with the need to gain a God-given perspective and vision, the author proceeds to show that full stature is not something we should postpone until some unknown future, but something that we should be enjoying now. He then proceeds to show that this maturity and growth can only be achieved in co-operation with...
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How did the faith and prayers of a humble coal miner affect the course of World War II? Rees Howells was a man uniquely taught of God who found the key to prevailing prayer, became the channel of a mighty revival in Africa, was taught the principles of divine healing, and progressed even further in faith until world events were affected by his prayers. Norman Grubb was a notable missionary statesman. As a student at Cambridge, he was one of the founders of what ultimately became InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. His early work as a missionary was in the Congo with C. T. Studd, whom he followed as the Director of what is now...
$1499 $1599
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“God wants intercessors. The greatest blessing God could give his church today would be a few souls who pray as Elijah prayed; a few intercessors who know his will, and seek and pray for nothing else. May God raise them up.”Most Christians would agree with this conviction of Jessie Penn-Lewis. A careful meditation on these pages will act as a powerful stimulus in turning this conviction into personal experience. Those who, at some stage in their Christian lives, have cried as the disciples of old, “Lord, teach us to pray,” will find valuable help from the lessons highlighted here.
$599 $699
Life's Ultimate Privilege by Devern Fromke -7%
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Another important release from DeVern Fromke expressing the importance of prayer as the believer's ultimate privilege. From his rich storehouse of spiritual experience, the author provides personal accounts of answered prayer and draws from them application to encourage our own prayer life. This book will definitely challenge you to believe that of all the blessings which God has given us, surely prayer is the greatest. A great book for a prayerless life or church. Here is a listing of chapter titles: 1. A Difference between the Rescue and the Race 2. Is There Something More Than Answers? 3. Discovering the...
$699 $750
Life Out of Death by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
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Those Christians prepared to abandon self to God will find invaluable help from these pages. The early chapters are based on Spiritual Torrents by Madame Guyon and some material on union with God by Professor Thomas Upham. The remaining chapters are pure vintage Penn-Lewis—clarifying, in her unique way, many aspects of the subjective work of the Holy Spirit in the human soul. First-time Penn-Lewis readers and long-time fans alike will find much to savor in this small but powerful book. Jessie Penn-Lewis (1861–1927) was a powerful speaker and writer who was used by God to guide multitudes of Christians into a deeper experience with...
$599 $699
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NOTE: THIS IS NOW A PAPERBACK. The hardback version went out of print and the publishers have replaced it with this paperback version. It's not known whether it will ever come back as a hardback. This paperback is very nicely produced. Reflections of Faith in the Art and Writings of Lilias Trotter. Lovers of Lilias Trotter's works will welcome this gift book style hardback collection of writings and paintings drawn together by the skillful hands of Miriam Huffman Rockness. A Blossom in the Desert is truly a book that belongs on your coffee table, to give you encouragement time and again as you ponder Lilias' challenges and how...
Fruitful Living by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
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Only through testings can we enter into deep and full life in God. We can only know our God and His abundant grace as He brings us through circumstances that a a "good deal beyond the possible point." Here are three helpful books in one: Abandonment to the Spirit (notes on the book of Ezekiel), Much Fruit and The Silence of Jesus.
$599 $699
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Is it possible to experience “face to face” fellowship with God? Using Moses as an example, Mrs. Penn-Lewis shows how you and I can become a “friend of God” and enjoy spiritual communion with him anywhere at any moment and hear his voice in our hearts speaking to us across the blood-sprinkled mercy seat. She declares that this is the birthright of every child of God and should be the hallmark of every “quiet time” alone with him. “As we wait before our God,” she writes, “let us cry ‘Thy face, Lord, will I seek.’ So will he cause his face to shine upon us, and we shall walk habitually in the light of his countenance, see his glory, and...
$599 $699
Helps to Holiness by Samuel Logan Brengle -14%
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This is without doubt the best known and most loved of Samuel Logan Brengle's eight books. The simplicity, straightforwardness and clarity with which the book deals with the subject of holiness and holy living have caused it to be a blessing to generations of Christians. "If I could," wrote Dennis F. Kinlaw, "I would get every new Christian to devour this book. It would help establish him in the deep things of God. The older believer should read it too. It will take him back to basics. It will rob him of all comfort of life that is less than 'sanctified and meet for the Master's use.'  " The chapters found here originally appeared as...
$599 $699
All Things New by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
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This book is a combination of two books. All Things New shows how every aspect of the Christian's life relates to the cross of Christ, and that this severing power is also a renewing power. Much Fruit is an exposition of Jesus' story about a grain of wheat.
$599 $699
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The book is subtitled: "Principles of Victory from the Book of Ephesians." The author contends that Christians do not understand spiritual conflict in the Lord's service because they do not know how to live in the Spirit.
$799 $899
Revival Praying by Leonard Ravenhill -7%
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One of the twentieth century's greatest authorities on revival, Leonard Ravenhill exhorts believers to pray if they want to see revival. Calling prayer "faith in action" and the most essential element in starting a revival, he urges Christians to become people of prayer. This fast-paced book, filled with illustrations of biblical and more recent examples of effective praying, presents a model for those who would devote themselves to prayer. His message is as critical today as it was when first published more than forty years ago. "From the burdened heart of a man of God come these burning pages." --Raymond Edman, late president of...
$1399 $1499
Lord, Teach Us to Pray by Alexander Whyte -9%
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Lord, Teach Us to Pray is probably the finest single book of sermons on prayer by any Evangelical preacher. --Warren Wiersbe Dr. Alexander Whyte (1836-1921) was widely acknowledged to be the greatest Scottish preacher of his day. He was a mighty pulpit orator who thundered against sin, awakening the consciences of his hearers, and then gently leading them to the Savior. He was also a great teacher, who would teach a class of around 500 young men after Sunday night service, instructing them in the way of the Lord more perfectly. In the later part of Dr. Whyte's ministry, one of his pet topics was prayer. Luke 11:1 was a...
$999 $1099
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This little book of Keswick Bible Readings is the best treatment of the Book of Joshua that we have found. The New Testament teaching of "life more abundant" is ably expounded from this Old Testament book by one who had evidently entered into an experiential knowledge of those things which he taught. Dr. Scroggie’s handling of the subject is, as always, clear and concise; and all the material is presented not merely as doctrine to be grasped with the intellect, but as a life to be lived. We feel that no minister’s bookshelves should be without a copy, and that no one can read it without receiving great benefit and...
A Pot of Oil by G. D. Watson -8%
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Seventeen helpful chapters on various subjects from the pen of one whose mind was enlightened by the Holy Ghost and whose heart was ablaze with the love of God. A few chapter headings are: "Vessels of Prayer," "True and False Fire," "A Spiritual Will," "Signs of Progress," "Tried by the Lord."
$1099 $1199
The Indwelling Life of Christ by Major W. Ian Thomas -7%
You can try to steer clear of sin. Avoid temptation. Refuse to steal, lie, or use drugs or alcohol. You can indeed try to be sinless. But that is still you. And you are still trying. Jesus Christ was not holy because He focused His efforts on avoiding sin. Instead, He refused to allow there to be any possible explanation for the quality of His life but the Father, as God, dwelling in Him, as Man. So whom do you want dwelling in you? More of you? Or all of Christ? This small hardback volume contains fifty short chapters all focused on the indwelling presence of Christ in the believer as the only source of power for living the...
$1399 $1499
Pure Gold by G. D. Watson -8%
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The title for this book is taken from the first chapter. The subjects dealt with in the other 19 chapters are unrelated, but each is full of the spiritual wisdom and inspiration so characteristic of Watson's spiritual writings. Some chapter titles are: "How to Die to Self," "Learning Spiritual Lessons," "Blessed Poverty," "The Dangers of Prosperity," "Human Religion."
$1099 $1199
How They Prayed Vol. 3 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
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Read the touching story of Lily Roberts, a missionary in the Congo, who prayed, "Lord, my life for revival," and how God took her at her word. Discover how largely prayer figured in the revival of 1857 and others. Gain an insight into the prayer-lives of various missionaries. All in this book!
$1199 $1299
The Conquest of Canaan by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
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The author writes: "My purpose was only to give a bird's-eye view of the battlefield of conflict, as depicted in the story of Israel's war with Canaan. As this book contains light on the warfare with the powers of darkness which may be of service to the Lord's people at this time, I send it forth with its imperfections, looking to the Spirit of God to give truth to those who need it." Paperback. 108 pages.
$599 $699
Spiritual Warfare by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
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In Jessie Penn-Lewis, we hear the voice of a veteran in the everyday conflict with "powers and principalities." Her remarkable insights on prayer warfare are thoroughly Biblical and intensely practical. By applying the principles of spiritual battle to the common issues of personal prayer and the daily Christian walk, Penn-Lewis answers many relevant questions, such as: How do you define true guidance? How long should we keep asking for the same thing? How can we be sure we are obeying God only? Paperback. 87 pages.
$599 $699
Dying to Live by Jessie Penn-Lewis -11%
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Dying to Live has four short chapters of contrasting style dealing with the relationship of Christ's death to the life of the Christian believer.The Christian who affirms "I have been crucified with Christ" has found the way that brings: Freedom from sin and self Transformation to his life, both internally and externally Total surrender to God Identification with Christ's death on the cross The book speaks to the individual in a personal way of the ongoing implications of Christ's cross for the Christian and declares (chapter 4) "It is God's plan that He must be allowed to work into the lives of His...
$799 $899
Fireproof DVD: Special Collector's Edition -52%
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At work, inside burning buildings, Capt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your partner behind. At home, in the cooling embers of his marriage, he lives by his own rules. Growing up, Catherine Holt always dreamed of marrying a loving, brave firefighter...just like her daddy. Now, after seven years of marriage, Catherine wonders when she stopped being "good enough" for her husband. Regular arguments over jobs, finances, housework, and outside interests have readied them both to move on to something with more sparks. As the couple prepares to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's...
$1198 $2498
Kneeling We Triumph Vol. 2 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
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Companion to Volume 1. A few titles are: "Prayer Power," "Answers That Cost," "Waiting a Proof of Our Faith," "When Prayer is a Cry." These two books have been widely used to stir many Christians to the tremendous power and privilege associated with prayer. This second volume contains a further 60 two-page readings on the subject of prayer. The readings are similar to those in the former volume, in that they are not a "how to pray" manual, but rather stimulate the reader to the tremendous opportunities available through prayer. The compilations are from godly men and women of the past. In their foreword, the authors write: "Like...
$1199 $1299
Sit, Walk, Stand by Watchman Nee -11%
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Sit, Walk, Stand is an inspiring look at Ephesians, opening our eyes to the central issues of our faith. It describes the process of Christian living and maturity in three words: These three key words clearly show us the way to victory in this life—and for eternity. Sit—Our position in Christ. Walk—Our life in the world. Stand—Our attitude toward the Enemy. New! Study guide included. An invaluable tool for the growing disciple. About the Author Watchman Nee (1903–1972) was a noted Chinese Bible teacher and Christian leader. He began his preaching ministry while still a university student....
$799 $899
Soul Food by G. D. Watson -8%
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The writings of G. D. Watson continue to bring enlightenment and spiritual help to Christians from all walks of life. Each chapter of Soul Food brings instruction and inspiration on a particular truth. The subjects covered are wide ranging, as can be seen from the following selection of chapter titles: "Loaded Words," "Lukewarmness," "Feeding Our Faith," "The Benefit of Deep Crucifixion," "Fretting Over Ourselves," "Little Things," "Alone with God," "Climax of Sorrow," and others. Here is a short excerpt from the first chapter: "Faith is the...
$1099 $1199