Christian Biographies

(Madame) Jeanne Guyon -23%
Persecuted for her unwavering faith, imprisoned because of her love for God, Jeanne Guyon lived out the life Jesus Christ called her to live. Her true story has been an inspiration to thousands. She discusses: What to do in times of adversity; Understanding true conversion; Overcoming suffering; Developing strong faith; and hearing God's voice. Guyon's life demonstrates how the love of God can overcome all the trials believers face. This book is a living testimony of the undying faith she found as she experienced the joy of the Lord in the midst of suffering. Discover how you, too, can live joyously no matter what your...
$999 $1299
50 People Every Christian Should Know by Warren Wiersbe -22%
Christians in the twenty-first century need encouragement and inspiration to lead lives that honor God. When faith is weak or the pressures of the world seem overwhelming, remembering the great men and women of the past can inspire us to renewed strength and purpose. Our spiritual struggles are not new, and the stories of those who have gone before us can help lead the way to our own victories. Find strength in their stories. We all need inspiration to lead lives that honor God. When our faith is weak or the pressures of the world seem overwhelming, remembering the great men and women of the past can inspire us to renewed strength...
$1399 $1799
A down-to-earth London girl, without many prospects, commits to Christ as an eighteen year old and the Lord uses her beyond what anyone could have imagined. Gladys Aylward, a little but determined woman, became a mighty gospel force amongst her beloved Chinese people as she forsook everything, even her own safety, for the sake of their physical and eternal wellbeing. Her Christ-led adventure takes her on a perilous solitary journey from London to China, and sees her escorting hundreds of children through a war zone - even stopping a riot in a Chinese prison! Throughout it all, she would rather die with ‘her people’ than desert them....
$1199 $1499
A Passion for the Impossible: The Life of Lilias Trotter -5%
By Miriam Huffman Rockness (Check out the author's blog about Miss Trotter and her art at: ) This is the story of the woman whose life of faith and devotion inspired the hymn "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus." Although art critic John Ruskin enthusiastically proclaimed Lilias Trotter's potential as one of the best artists of the nineteenth century, her devotion to Christ compelled her to abandon the life of art, privilege, and leisure she could have enjoyed. Without knowing the language and without the sponsorship of any organization, Lilias left her London home of comfort for a modest...
$1899 $1999
A Present Help by Marie Monsen -11%
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Does your faith in the God of the impossible need reviving? Do you think that stories of walls of fire and hosts of guardian angels protecting God’s children are only for Bible times? Then you should read the amazing accounts in this book of how God and His unseen armies protected and guided Marie Monsen, a Norwegian missionary to China, as she traveled through bandit-ridden territory spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and standing on the promises of God. You will be amazed as she tells of an invading army of looters who ravaged a whole city, yet were not allowed to come near her mission compound because of angels standing sentry...
$799 $899
A. W. Tozer: A Twentieth-Century Prophet by David J. Fant Jr. -7%
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A. W. Tozer is applauded by contemporary evangelicals as a towering figure,a timeless treasure,a spiritual mentor and one of the great Christian writers of this century. His writings continue to create a thirst for the knowledge and pursuit of God in the hearts of millions. This book represents an overview of the life of this twentieth-century scholar, mystic, theologian, pastor, author and editor from those who knew him. These pages reflect not only a profit but a saint - a man of indefatigable zeal with an insatiable craving for God. A pastor in Chicago for 31 years, he rose to particular prominence as a preacher to preachers and...
$1299 $1399
An inspiring story of a slave who relates her purchase from bondage and her second escape from sin's bondage. Although a humble washerwoman, God remarkably used her as His instrument to tell the story of the sanctified life to high and low.
Amazing Love by Corrie Ten Boom -8%
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Corrie Ten Boom survived a Nazi concentration camp to become a worldwide witness for Christ. Her story has been told in the movie The Hiding Place, and in this wonderful book she shares with us many more amazing encounters with people in camps and jails, with students and acresses, and with the sophisticated and illiterate. We meet on these pages not Corrie, but Corrie's Christ. About the Author It is hard to overestimate the impact of the life of Corrie Ten Boom. She and her family risked their lives by hiding Jews in occupied Holland during World War II. Arrested by the Gestapo and sent to Ravensbruck, the notorious...
$1099 $1199
An Ordered Life by G. H. Lang -8%
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G. H. Lang was a remarkable Bible teacher, preacher and writer of a past generation who should not be forgotten by today’s Christians. He inherited the spiritual “mantle” of such giants in the faith as George Müller, Anthony Norris Groves and other notable saints among the early Brethren movement. He traveled all over the world with no fixed means of support other than prayer and faith and no church or other organization to depend on. Like Mr. Müller before him, he told his needs to no one but God. Many times his faith was tried to the limit, as funds for the next part of his journey arrived only at the last minute and from unexpected...
$1199 $1299
Ann H. Judson of Burma by Emma R. Pitman -14%
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The story of Mrs. Judson's trial as devoted companion of her noble husband, "Judson of Burma" is one of the most touching in all the annals of missions.  Her sufferings and indomitable courage in face of daunting difficulties commands sympathy and attention.  The record is one of devotion to duty in spite of difficulties and often hostility.  This is a powerful, compelling narrative.
$599 $699
Anthony Norris Groves: Saint and Pioneer by G. H. Lang -11%
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Although his name is little known in Christian cirlces today, Anthony Norris Groves (1795-1853) was, according to the writer of this book, one of the most influential men of the nineteenth century. He was what might be termed a spiritual pioneer, forging a path through unfamiliar territory in order that others might follow. One of those who followed him was George Müller, known to the world as one who in his lifetime cared for over ten thousand orphans without any appeal for human aid, instead trusting God alone to provide for the daily needs of this large enterprise. In 1825 Groves wrote a booklet called Christian Devotedness...
$1599 $1799
Beyond the Edge: 100 Stories of Trusting God -7%
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Experience the joy of sharing the Gospel with people who are hearing it for the first time. Be amazed at the miraculous move of God in His people's lives. Weep over the martyrdom of missionaries for the cause of Christ. This collection of one hundred stories from the past and present of WEC International (Worldwide Evangelization for Christ) reveal how God is working out the vision of founder C.T. Studd to reach all peoples with the life-changing Gospel. Expressive stories describe life. Vulnerable stories reveal life. Inspiring stories rekindle life. We need stories-especially true stories that inflame our passion and move...
$1399 $1499
Beyond the Minarets (Henry Martyn) by Kellsye M. Finnie -14%
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The biography of Henry Martyn. His was a brilliant and talented life laid down for the gospel and the Word of God. His life remains an example in faith, prayer and sacrificial service. His translation work laid the foundation for the present Urdu and Farsi Scriptures.
$599 $699
Billy Bray by F. W. Bourne -17%
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"If they were to put me into a barrel, I would shout glory out through the bunghole!" So said Billy Bray, the singing, shouting drunkard-turned-preacher from Cornwall, England. Born in 1794 near Truro, Billy served the devil with all his might in his early years, often drinking and frolicking the night away. He rarely came home sober on pay-day. But Bunyan’s Visions of Heaven and Hell awakened him to his lost condition, and after a period of conviction for sin he experienced a marvelous conversion. He became a wonder to all who knew him. "They said I was a mad-man," recalled Billy in later life, "but they meant I was a glad-man, and,...
$499 $599
Charles G. Finney by Basil Miller -17%
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The story of Charles G. Finney can be told in one word...revivals. This is the key that unlocks the treasures of his marvelous life. Even in his own thinking all else he did is worthy of note only in connection with his evangelism. It was he who sired a new evangelistic movement in America.
$499 $599
Classic Christian Hymn-Writers by Elsie Houghton -25%
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This 340-page volume contains crisp and stirring biographical sketches of fifty of the world's greatest hymn-writers. The focus in this book is on the hymn-writers themselves rather than on specific hymns, which sets the book apart from most in this genre. "Hymns and their authors are a fascinating subject. So often the life story of the hymn-writer, or some incident from it, finds expression in the form of a hymn that then becomes a means of blessing to many thousands of people. In compiling this collection of brief biographies of some of the great hymn-writers, Mrs. Elsie Houghton has put the Christian world in her debt....
$899 $1199
Colombian Jungle Escape by Ed and Doreen Dulka -14%
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The true adventure of a WEC missionary family's ministry among the Carapana Indians in the wild jungles of Colombia.
$599 $699
Corrie Ten Boom's Prison Letters -10%
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In 1944, as an act of resistance and commitment to their Christian faith, Corrie ten Boom and her family hid Dutch Jews from the Nazi regime. Eventually, Corrie and her family were arrested by the Gestapo and sent to Scheveningen and the concentration camp, Vught. While imprisoned, she communicated with her loved ones through letters filled with stories of unimaginable trials, resilience and her unfailing faith in the Lord. This collection of deeply moving letters represents the only tie between Corrie, her loved ones and the outside world. It is a testament to her love and devotion to Christ and is an inspiration to all. About the...
$899 $999
Count Zinzendorf by Felix Bovet -8%
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A very well written account of an unusual man of God. Zinzendorf, a contemporary of John Wesley, founded a religious community among Moravian immigrants called Herrnhut. He also wrote hymns and various books and instituted foreign missions.  The author writes in his preface: "I have learned to love in him a man who, more than any one before him, labored, not at the point of view of any particular Church, but for the Church Universal.... Convinced that it is life which is the light of men, he set himself to bring religion out of the region of abstractions. He endeavored to establish a spiritual union between Christians, not...
$1099 $1199
D. E. Hoste: A Prince with God by Phyllis Thompson -8%
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D. E. Hoste was one of the “Cambridge Seven” who went to China as missionaries in 1885. In 1900 he succeeded Hudson Taylor as the general director of the China Inland Mission, now known as OMF. He was chosen to be the leader of the Mission because he had served the people of China and his fellow missionaries in a spirit of love, humility, and self-discipline. He was also a man of deep prayerfulness. He believed, like Hudson Taylor before him, that “it is possible to move men, through God, by prayer alone.” “Patient, persevering prayer,” wrote Mr. Hoste, “plays a more vital and practical part in the development of the Mission’s work than...
$1199 $1299