Christian Biographies

Remarkable Incidents and Modern Miracles by G. C. Bevington -13%
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Born with physical weaknesses, poorly educated, the son of a backslidden preacher, G. C. Bevington didn't have too much going for him in his beginning years. But he did have a godly mother, whose prayers were effectual for his salvation. Bevington became a man of great faith and prevailing prayer, who in his lifetime saw many extraordinary things accomplished through the power of God. This book is the account of his amazing life, told in his own simple way. Follow his exciting story as he recounts remarkable incidents and modern miracles. Some have likened his faith to that of George Mueller and his prayer life to that of the great...
$699 $799
The Awakening by Marie Monsen -11%
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Revival! It was a long time coming. For twenty long years Marie Monsen prayed for revival in China. She had heard reports of how God's Spirit was being poured out in abundance in other countries, particularly in nearby Korea; so she began praying for funds to be able to travel there in order to bring back some of the glowing coals to her own mission field. But that was not God's way. The still, small voice of God seemed to whisper, “What is happening in Korea can happen in China if you will pay the price in prayer." Marie Monsen took up the challenge and gave her solemn promise: “Then I will pray until I receive." The...
$799 $899
Patricia St. John Tells Her Own Story -8%
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Formerly published in the United States with the title: An Ordinary Woman's Extraordinary Faith Anyone who has read Patricia St. John's books already knows how her stories come alive, and this account of her own life is no exception. Her powers of description make the story leap from the page and the reader is transported to far off places and times; and the people and the things she describes can almost be touched, smelled and seen. Patricia was not just a gifted story-teller, though; she was also a deeply committed follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose spiritual journey began when she was only six years old. 'My name...
$1099 $1199
A Passion for the Impossible: The Life of Lilias Trotter -5%
By Miriam Huffman Rockness (Check out the author's blog about Miss Trotter and her art at: ) This is the story of the woman whose life of faith and devotion inspired the hymn "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus." Although art critic John Ruskin enthusiastically proclaimed Lilias Trotter's potential as one of the best artists of the nineteenth century, her devotion to Christ compelled her to abandon the life of art, privilege, and leisure she could have enjoyed. Without knowing the language and without the sponsorship of any organization, Lilias left her London home of comfort for a modest...
$1899 $1999
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How did the faith and prayers of a humble coal miner affect the course of World War II? Rees Howells was a man uniquely taught of God who found the key to prevailing prayer, became the channel of a mighty revival in Africa, was taught the principles of divine healing, and progressed even further in faith until world events were affected by his prayers. Norman Grubb was a notable missionary statesman. As a student at Cambridge, he was one of the founders of what ultimately became InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. His early work as a missionary was in the Congo with C. T. Studd, whom he followed as the Director of what is now...
$1499 $1599
The Christian Hero: A Sketch of the Life of Robert Annan by John Macpherson -22%
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If you've never heard of Robert Annan of Dundee, otherwise known as "the Christian Hero," prepare to be astounded at the amazing grace of God in his life as you turn the pages of this incredible little biography. Its thrilling story will stir you to the depths and almost certainly drive you to your knees with an increased desire to be used for God’s glory. The record of his beginning years reads much like that of John Newton - a life of wandering far from God in the ways of sin and rebellion. At least once he miraculously escaped death through the overruling providence of God. As time passed, he became thoroughly discontented with...
$699 $899
Anthony Norris Groves: Saint and Pioneer by G. H. Lang -11%
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Although his name is little known in Christian cirlces today, Anthony Norris Groves (1795-1853) was, according to the writer of this book, one of the most influential men of the nineteenth century. He was what might be termed a spiritual pioneer, forging a path through unfamiliar territory in order that others might follow. One of those who followed him was George Müller, known to the world as one who in his lifetime cared for over ten thousand orphans without any appeal for human aid, instead trusting God alone to provide for the daily needs of this large enterprise. In 1825 Groves wrote a booklet called Christian Devotedness...
$1599 $1799
A Present Help by Marie Monsen -11%
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Does your faith in the God of the impossible need reviving? Do you think that stories of walls of fire and hosts of guardian angels protecting God’s children are only for Bible times? Then you should read the amazing accounts in this book of how God and His unseen armies protected and guided Marie Monsen, a Norwegian missionary to China, as she traveled through bandit-ridden territory spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and standing on the promises of God. You will be amazed as she tells of an invading army of looters who ravaged a whole city, yet were not allowed to come near her mission compound because of angels standing sentry...
$799 $899
Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir by Mary N. Garrard -21%
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Newly Republished by Kingsley Press! This is an incredible biography! Preparing this book for republication has been a challenging and inspiring experience. From the day of her conversion Mrs. Penn-Lewis seems to have determined to possess in actual experience everything that Christ's finished work purchased for her, and she was rewarded with an extraordinary fullness of God's Spirit in her life. She also triumphed over physical weakness and defied many predictions from her doctors of an early grave. "All that I have, all that I am, all that I may be is Thine, wholly, absolutely, and unreservedly," wrote Jessie Penn-Lewis on her...
$1099 $1399
They Knew Their God, Vol. 1 by Harvey and Hey -7%
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They Knew Their God, Volume 1 is the first in a six volume series of short biographies of men and women whose lives were outstanding because of their close walk with God. The title, “They Knew Their God,” was chosen because it embraces the various steps in the spiritual life—the introduction to God via the New Birth, the receiving of the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and the further “journey into God,” which progressively reveals His character. Characters from both sexes have been included, and these were from varying nationalities, from successive eras of time, and from differing church backgrounds. God...
$1399 $1499
Gipsy Smith: His Life and Work by Himself -23%
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This autobiography of Gipsy Smith (1860-1947) tells the fascinating story of how God’s amazing grace reached down into the life of a poor, uneducated gipsy boy and sent him singing and preaching all over Britain and America until he became a household name in many parts and influenced the lives of millions for Christ. He was born and raised in a gipsy tent to parents who made a living selling baskets, tinware and clothes pegs. His father was in and out of jail for various offences, but was gloriously converted during an evangelistic meeting. His mother died when he was only five years old. Converted at the age of sixteen, Gipsy taught...
$999 $1299
An Ordered Life by G. H. Lang -8%
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G. H. Lang was a remarkable Bible teacher, preacher and writer of a past generation who should not be forgotten by today’s Christians. He inherited the spiritual “mantle” of such giants in the faith as George Müller, Anthony Norris Groves and other notable saints among the early Brethren movement. He traveled all over the world with no fixed means of support other than prayer and faith and no church or other organization to depend on. Like Mr. Müller before him, he told his needs to no one but God. Many times his faith was tried to the limit, as funds for the next part of his journey arrived only at the last minute and from unexpected...
$1199 $1299
Paul S. Rees by Glenn D. Black -20%
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Introduction by Cliff Barrow Paul S. Rees, Portrait of a Preacher is an exciting new book by gifted writer Glenn D. Black, former editor of God's Revivalist. Dr. Stephen F. Olford writes, "I doubt if I knew any man who pursued holiness like Paul Rees. He not only learned it, he not only taught it, he not only preached it, he lived it! When you were with Paul Rees there was an awesome sense of God. He was a saint!" The same sentiments are echoed by Cliff Barrow of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association: "Paul Rees believed in holiness of life and character. He preached it and taught it and he lived it! He made you thirsty for a...
$1599 $1999
(Madame) Jeanne Guyon -23%
Persecuted for her unwavering faith, imprisoned because of her love for God, Jeanne Guyon lived out the life Jesus Christ called her to live. Her true story has been an inspiration to thousands. She discusses: What to do in times of adversity; Understanding true conversion; Overcoming suffering; Developing strong faith; and hearing God's voice. Guyon's life demonstrates how the love of God can overcome all the trials believers face. This book is a living testimony of the undying faith she found as she experienced the joy of the Lord in the midst of suffering. Discover how you, too, can live joyously no matter what your...
$999 $1299
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New Revised and Expanded 2019 Edition! The name of Leonard Ravenhill, for generations of evangelicals, has been connected with the reality of prayer, God-sent revival, and holiness of life. His book, Why Revival Tarries , has been used by God world-wide during the last 40 years to stir thousands of Christian leaders with a burden for genuine spiritual awakening. To have heard Leonard Ravenhill preach in the second half of the 20th century was indeed a soul-jarring experience. Now, via the internet, thousands more have discovered the powerful ministry of this British prophet and revivalist. Ravenhill's spiritual life,...
$2899 $3000
Molded By the Cross by J. C. Metcalfe -14%
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This biography of Jessie Penn-Lewis is smaller than the original one by Mary Garrard. The author, J. C. Metcalfe, states that the purpose of this spiritual biography is to give her modern day readers, who know little about her, a picture of the way God dealt with and poured life through His servant--life which still flows today. Those interested in the life of Mrs. Penn-Lews should also consider Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir by Mary N. Garrard, the original, unabridged biography republished by Kingsley Press.
$599 $699