Christian Movies and DVDs

The Fanny Crosby Story DVD -25%
This is the amazing biography of the blind hymn writer, Fanny Crosby. As the writer of more than 10,000 hymns all penned after the age of 40, she is credited with authoring more verse than any human in history. Blinded shortly after birth, Fanny fulfilled the roles of wife, mother, friend, teacher, nurse, humanitarian and friend of presidents.
$1499 $1999
Wesley: A Heart Transformed Can Change the World -52%
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An award-winning feature film based on John Wesley's own private journals. Wesley is well known as the spiritual father of Methodism. His heartfelt struggles, his passion for authentic faith expressing itself through meaningful kingdom work, and his message of saving grace resonate with audiences of all ages and denominations. Step into eighteenth-century England and experience the transformation of one man whose heart-wrenching search for peace haunts him even as he pours himself into a life of service and evangelism. Young John Wesley works hard to earn his own salvation, but still cannot find lasting peace. His headstrong ways...
$1199 $2499
Fireproof DVD: Special Collector's Edition -52%
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At work, inside burning buildings, Capt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your partner behind. At home, in the cooling embers of his marriage, he lives by his own rules. Growing up, Catherine Holt always dreamed of marrying a loving, brave firefighter...just like her daddy. Now, after seven years of marriage, Catherine wonders when she stopped being "good enough" for her husband. Regular arguments over jobs, finances, housework, and outside interests have readied them both to move on to something with more sparks. As the couple prepares to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's...
$1198 $2498
Treasures of the Snow DVD or VHS -50%
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This film is based on the best-selling book by well-known children's author Patricia St. John. High in the Swiss Alps a little boy, Danny, disappears. Lucien, a lonely, frightened boy of 13, is overtaken by catastrophic events and he finds himself an outcast with his family, school friends, and especially the very hostile Annette from the neighboring farm. Impelled to escape, the fugitive boy finds peace high up in the forest, where he meets an old woodcarver who encourages him so that he begins to have hope. But when rejection comes again, he discovers the hard way that a price has to be paid for forgiveness before there can...
$999 $1999
Amy Carmichael DVD -50%
Early in her life, Amy was called to the Lord's work. She never hesitated to answer Him. After extensive mission work in her native Northern Ireland, Amy set off to distant shores. She longed to be in China where many of her missionary friends had gone to spread the Gospel and help those in need, but the Lord had another plan for Amy. She would soon find herself in the mysterious land of India where the suffering was great and where her faith would be tested to the utmost--a place called Dohnavur, where God's love truly exists.
$999 $1999
Candle in the Dark: William Carey -50%
This is one of the most moving Christian films ever produced--a MUST SEE DVD! William Carey sailed to India in 1793 with a reluctant wife and four children. His burning passion was to bring the message of Jesus to the heathen. Upon arriving in India, he encountered so much hardship it is amazing he did not abandon his mission and go home. But he stayed for over 40 years. One issue that tormented him was "sati"--the burning alive of widows when their husbands died. He would not rest until this practice was stopped. Facing insurmountable odds, he plodded on to influence the abolition of "sati" and to become the...
$999 $1999
God's Outlaw: William Tyndale DVD -50%
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God's Outlaw is a thrilling portrayal of the life and work of William Tyndale, whose burning passion to translate the Bible into English upset the religious and political establishment of the day. Tyndale's vision was that the common people--even the plowboys--should be able to read the Holy Scriptures in their own language. Bible reading and even prayers in English were outlawed by a harsh and rigid religious establishment. Perhaps the religious climate of Tyndale's day is best indicated in the retort of a priest with whom Tyndale was one day carrying on a heated debate: "We would be better off without God's law...
$999 $1999
Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace DVD -50%
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What is a moral person to do in a time of savage immorality? That question tormented Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German clergyman of great distinction who actively opposed Hitler and the Nazis. His convictions cost him his life. The Nazis hanged him on April 9, 1945, less than a month before the end of the war. Bonhoeffer's last years, his participation in the German resistance and his moral struggle are dramatized in this film. More than just a biographical portrait, Bonhoeffer, Agent of Grace sheds light on the little-known efforts of the German resistance. It brings to a wide audience the heroic rebellion of Bonhoeffer, a highly regarded...
$999 $1999
Jan Hus: Truth Prevails DVD -50%
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Truth Prevails, a quote from Hus himself, is an hour-long documentary from The Christian History Institute and award-winning filmmakers Jerry and Misha Griffith. Using location footage, interviews with prominent historians, and period artwork, this film follows the struggles of Jan Hus and the efforts of modern scholars which ultimately led Pope John Paul II to apologize for the Church's actions.
$999 $1999
Beyond the Next Mountain DVD -50%
At the close of the 19th century, the British branded the Hmar people of northeast India as "the worst head-hunters." It was a label well deserved at the time. But in 1910, a single copy of the New Testament Gospel of John came to this tribe and changed the course of history for the Hmar people. Through that single copy of John's Gospel, Chawnga, the father of Rochunga Pudaite, was introduced to a revolutionary "new life in Christ." He and a few tribesmen "forsook all and followed Christ." Chawnga believed that Rochunga was God's chosen instrument to bring the Scriptures to the entire Hmar trible in...
$999 $1999
John Wycliffe DVD -50%
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This John Wycliffe DVD is a dramatic biography of the life of the 14th century scholar and cleric who translated the Bible into English for the first time. Wycliffe found himself in the middle of religious, political and social conflicts. An Oxford scholar, one of Europe's most renowned philosophers, he was a defender of English nationalism against the power of the pope and a champion of the poor against the injustices of the rich. John Wycliffe taught that God's forgiveness cannot be bought with indulgences. He preached that hte only true authority is the Word of God, and the Word could only be understood by all if the people could read...
$999 $1999
Count Zinzendorf DVD -50%
Once in a while someone comes along who has a profound effect on the course of future history. Count Zinzendorf was one of those remarkable people. Born into nobility in 1700, he put aside a life of wealth, politics and privilege to follow God's call. He established a refugee settlemen for persecuted Christians. This remarkable community experienced a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit which led them to a passionate concern for worldwide missions. Under Zinzendorf's leadership they set the stage for the modern missionary movement as we know it today.
$999 $1999
John Hus DVD -50%
Intrigue and false promises weave a powerful story of one man's commitment to faith in Jesus Christ. He was summoned to the Council of Constance and promised safety, but he was betrayed. In the end, Hus was accused, imprisoned, and charged with heresy. Ultimately, he was condemned and burned at the stake as a heretic. Here is an important chapter in the steps leading up to the Reformation. The history books make little mention of this Bohemian priest and scholar who lived 100 years before Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. Yet, John Hus was convinced and taught openly that the Bible should be presented in the language...
$999 $1999
The Spreading Flame Part 2 Story of the Bible -50%
Step back in time and meet the scholars, martyrs, and leaders who fortified the foundations of the Reformation---fighting so that all might read God's Word. From John Wycliffe, "Morningstar of the Reformation" and William Tyndale, "God's Outlaw," to John Knox's stand against Mary, Queen of Scots, their courage will inspire you to serve God faithfully in this century! Approx. 80 minutes.
$999 $1999
The Spreading Flame Part 3 Champions of Freedom -50%
The poet Lord Byron wrote “They never fail who die in a great cause.” Nowhere is this truth more evident than in the deaths of the martyrs whose flaming pyres attest to what happens when either nobleman or commoner decides, for conscience sake, to follow the path to a purer faith. The martyrs paid for their struggle in the priceless coinage of their blood and left a legacy which can never be calculated. In part three of “The Spreading Flame” we turn the focus first to Scotland where persecutions and martyrdoms drove many a virtuous man and woman from their homeland. But then, suddenly, a champion appeared! A man prepared to do battle,...
$999 $1999
The Spreading Flame Part 4 Winds of Change -50%
When Ulrich Zwingli stood up in the Holy Shrine of Einsiedeln and told the pilgrims that the money they spent on indulgences was 'a foolish waste,' it more or less marked the end of his relationship with the church of his fathers. Zwingli was a diligent student of the Bible and it was his faithful proclamation of scriptural truth which did most to bring about reform in Switzerland. His primary object was not the overthrow of the Papacy, although that was indeed the final outcome. His chief aim was the restoration of true religion as he saw it declared in Scripture. Under Zwingli's influence the people came to its fountain...
$999 $1999
The Spreading Flame Part 5 The Reformation Comes of Age -50%
This fifth episode of the 'Spreading Flame' series takes us into the heart of the reformation in Switzerland, to the city of Geneva, and explores the contributions of John Calvin. We also witness the progress of the Reformation in England after the death of King Henry VIII. Recounted are the martyrdoms of three immortal reformers—Nicholas Ridley, Hugh Latimer, and Thomas Cranmer. The story concludes with a look at two noble groups of persecuted believers, the Huguenots and the Covenanters, who both paid dearly for their faith in Christ. Through all these trials and tribulations endured by God’s precious saints, there burned...
$999 $1999
Martin Luther: A Journey to the Heart of the Reformation -50%
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When Martin Luther’s bold protest was nailed to the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, he little realized the storm that would break as a consequence. The event shook the medieval church to its foundations and changed the religious and political world forever. In Luther’s time the Church held sway. Luther’s actions, however, or rather his reaction to a monk called Tetzel, the seller of papal indulgences, was to wrest power from the church and light a beacon which would illuminate all of Europe, and then the world! This documentary, Martin Luther, filmed on location in Germany, takes...
$999 $1999
Sheffey DVD -50%
Robert Sheffey was an American circuit-riding preacher of the nineteenth century. This film tells the true story of this unusual servant of God, who as a rowdy young man followed his friends to a revival meeting and there found the Lord. A man of prayer, tireless service, and great compassion, "Brother Sheffey" rides through the Appalachian Mountains spreading the gospel. Although he suffers the loss of his two greatest treasures in one day, Sheffey still finds forgiveness in his heart for the person who caused his sorrow. It captures the warmth and compassion of a man whose soul was on fire for the Lord. Format: DVD, 2...
$899 $1799
The Tanglewoods' Secret DVD -50%
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This delightful family film tells the story of Philip and Ruth, 10 and 8, who are staying with their rather strict Aunt Margaret in the south of England while their parernts are overseas during the late 1940's. While building a secret hideout in the woods, the children meet Terry, a gypsy boy who shares the secrets of the forest with them. Ruth is impetuous and outspoken and is usually getting into trouble of one kind or another. When her aunt suggests that maybe a boarding school would teach her to be better mannered and not so obstinate, ruth runs away from home. She spends the night sleeping in a church. In the morning,...
$749 $1499
Martin Luther DVD -50%
The dramatic black and white classic film of Martin Luther's life made in the 1950's. This film was originally released in theaters worldwide and nominated for an Academy Award. A magnificent depiction of Luther and the forces at work in the surrounding society that resulted in his historic reforming efforts. This film traces Luther's life from a guilt-burdened monk to his eventual break with the Roman Church. This film, in spite of its age, continues to be a popular resource to introduce Luther
$749 $1499
Flame in the Wind DVD -50%
Flame in the Wind is set in the splendor and terror of the Spanish Inquisition and is a gripping drama of heroic Christian faith. Carlos, an earnest young nobleman, faces a choice: the church system offers safety, protection, and respectability; but the Scriptures offer Christ and salvation from sin and with these, torture and death. This film vividly portrays the conflict between following the Bible and following religious tradition. A resource for Heritage Studies and church history. Suitable for upper elementary, teens, and adults. Includes DVD bonus features and a Spanish soundtrack.
$749 $1499
Courageous DVD -50%
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Another great movie from the creators of Flywheel, Facing the Giants, and Fireproof ! Police officers Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners are brave men well-equipped to deal with hardened criminals. But when they remove their badges, they face a more daunting challenge---fatherhood. As their children drift away from them, can these stalwarts find a way to defend and protect those nearest and dearest to them---and draw closer to God? Rated PG-13. Approx. 129 minutes. DVD Features: Widescreen Languages: English 5.1 (Dolby Digital), Spanish Subtitles: English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, French,...
$749 $1499