Christian Biographies

The Moffats by Ethel Daniels Hubbard -14%
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The Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat While David Livingstone was discovering worlds unknown in the mysterious depths of central Africa, Robert Moffat was performing a wonderful exploit of his own down in his study at Kuruman. . . hoping, before he died, to give the whole Bible to the people in their native speech. Robert and Mary Moffat gave impassioned service to God for a continent of human need.
$599 $699
Beyond the Minarets (Henry Martyn) by Kellsye M. Finnie -14%
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The biography of Henry Martyn. His was a brilliant and talented life laid down for the gospel and the Word of God. His life remains an example in faith, prayer and sacrificial service. His translation work laid the foundation for the present Urdu and Farsi Scriptures.
$599 $699
They Knew Their God, Vol. 3 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -7%
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This third volume in the They Knew Their God series contains a further 13 short biographical sketches of men and women whose supreme quest was to know God in an intimate way. Contains sketches of Oswald Chambers and his wife, Evan Hopkins, Francis Asbury, George Railton among others.
$1399 $1499
They Knew Their God, Vol. 4 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -7%
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Volume four presents life sketches of another 14 Christians who were unusual in their depth of acquaintance with God in Christ. Here you will find some well-known names, such as Matthew Henry the commentator as well as some lesser known saints such as Mathilde Wrede and John Gossner.
$1399 $1499
They Knew Their God, Vol. 6 by Lillian Harvey -7%
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This sixth volume contains another 14 sketches of men and women who knew their God and were wholehearted in their devotion to Christ. Because of their deep, unswerving commitment to God's Kingdom, they did exploits for God and impacted their generation for Him.
$1399 $1499
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This is the incredible story of a modern missionary family obeying the call of God to service for him in a foreign land in spite of their fear and insecurity; it's the story of the self-emptying process so that Christ could be all, and the fruitfulness that followed. Becky is a powerful speaker and writer. In this book she's incredibly up front and honest about her family's struggles on and off the mission field. You will laugh and you will cry. But more importantly, you'll worship. If you're ready for a thrilling missionary biography that will challenge you to the core of your being, don't hesitate to pick this one up. About the...
Colombian Jungle Escape by Ed and Doreen Dulka -14%
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The true adventure of a WEC missionary family's ministry among the Carapana Indians in the wild jungles of Colombia.
$599 $699
They Knew Their God, Vol. 5 by Lillian Harvey -7%
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This fifth volume contains another 12 sketches of godly men and women whose devotion to Christ was outstanding. George Herbert, Miguel Molinos, Joseph Alleine, Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth are just a few of those portrayed. If you've read the previous four volumes, you'll definitely want to add this to your collection.
$1399 $1499
Father to Nobody's Children (Thomas J. Barnardo) by David E. Fessenden -14%
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The story of Dr. Thomas Barnardo, hero to the destitute and homeless of London’s notorious East End. In 30 years he and his co-workers rescued 60,000 children from the streets, caring for them in rural orphanages and by the novel means known today as “foster parenting.” An engaging book.
$599 $699
An inspiring story of a slave who relates her purchase from bondage and her second escape from sin's bondage. Although a humble washerwoman, God remarkably used her as His instrument to tell the story of the sanctified life to high and low.
Letters of John Fletcher Selected by Edward Cook -8%
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"I went to see a man that had one foot in the grave; but I found a man that had one foot in heaven!" So wrote a visitor to the sick bed of John Fletcher of Madeley. Indeed, so heavenly-minded and so saintly was this clergyman from Switzerland that his closest associates all agreed that they had never met his equal. John Wesley wrote of him: "In general, it is easy to perceive that a more excellent man has not appeared in the Church for some ages. It is true, in several ages, and in several countries, many men have excelled in particular virtues and graces. But who can point out, in any age or nation, one that so highly excelled in...
$1099 $1199
Count Zinzendorf by Felix Bovet -8%
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A very well written account of an unusual man of God. Zinzendorf, a contemporary of John Wesley, founded a religious community among Moravian immigrants called Herrnhut. He also wrote hymns and various books and instituted foreign missions.  The author writes in his preface: "I have learned to love in him a man who, more than any one before him, labored, not at the point of view of any particular Church, but for the Church Universal.... Convinced that it is life which is the light of men, he set himself to bring religion out of the region of abstractions. He endeavored to establish a spiritual union between Christians, not...
$1099 $1199
Ann H. Judson of Burma by Emma R. Pitman -14%
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The story of Mrs. Judson's trial as devoted companion of her noble husband, "Judson of Burma" is one of the most touching in all the annals of missions.  Her sufferings and indomitable courage in face of daunting difficulties commands sympathy and attention.  The record is one of devotion to duty in spite of difficulties and often hostility.  This is a powerful, compelling narrative.
$599 $699
Classic Christian Hymn-Writers by Elsie Houghton -25%
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This 340-page volume contains crisp and stirring biographical sketches of fifty of the world's greatest hymn-writers. The focus in this book is on the hymn-writers themselves rather than on specific hymns, which sets the book apart from most in this genre. "Hymns and their authors are a fascinating subject. So often the life story of the hymn-writer, or some incident from it, finds expression in the form of a hymn that then becomes a means of blessing to many thousands of people. In compiling this collection of brief biographies of some of the great hymn-writers, Mrs. Elsie Houghton has put the Christian world in her debt....
$899 $1199
Only One Life (Mabel Francis) by Jean Vandevenne -14%
An engrossing biography. Mabel Francis, raised in New Hampshire, felt the call of God to missionary service in Japan. There she became a church planter and teacher. When World War II broke out, she elected to stay in Japan. She labored in post-war Hiroshima, and later became the first foreigner to receive from the Emperor membership in the Fifth Order of the Sacred Treasure.
$599 $699
Out of the Dark and Into God's Light (Nancy Chapel) by Dolores Bos -14%
Nadia Chaplya, a Ukrainian teenager, is shipped as a work-prisoner to Nazi Germany. There she comes to belief in God and faith in Christ. After the War, she immigrates to America, learns English, and changes her name to Nancy Chapel. After training at Calvin College, she goes to Nigeria as a teacher, sharing God's love.
$599 $699
Charles G. Finney by Basil Miller -17%
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The story of Charles G. Finney can be told in one word...revivals. This is the key that unlocks the treasures of his marvelous life. Even in his own thinking all else he did is worthy of note only in connection with his evangelism. It was he who sired a new evangelistic movement in America.
$499 $599
John Bunyan God's Tinker by Robert M. Rosio -14%
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You have likely read THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, but do you know how it came to be written? Enjoy this fascinating look into the life and times of its author, who lived over 300 years ago.
$599 $699
Plenty for Everyone by Corrie Ten Boom -20%
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From the author of The Hiding Place —true stories of the joys and struggles of witnessing for Christ on a whirlwind tour of several continents. Well known for her prison experiences during World War II, worldwide traveler and popular speaker Corrie ten Boom shares stories from her postwar ministry. Through her words she demonstrates that God's boundless resources back up His promises, enabling us to be channels of His love and goodness to the nations. In the process, Corrie introduces us to people from all over the world whose lives have been transformed by Christ and who demonstrate that when it comes to God's grace and...
$799 $999
Safe in the Arms of Jesus - The Story of Fanny Crosby -11%
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Blinded when six weeks old, yet God gave her spiritual insight and made her a blessing to millions. During her lifetime Fanny Crosby wrote more poems and hymns than anyone has been able to count, perhaps as many as 12,000. Unnumbered hearts have rejoiced to sing the stirring words of "Blessed Assurance" and "All the Way My Savior Leads Me." What Christian today does not love "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross" and "To God Be the Glory"? Truly, this brave girl's soul was destined to electrify generations to come. Safe in the Arms of Jesus is the life story of one of America's greatest hymnists--and a challenge to us all.
$799 $899
William Carey Missionary Pioneer by Kellsye M. Finnie -14%
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“Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” Here is the powerful story of how William Carey, pioneer missionary to India, put his own words into practice.
$599 $699
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An inspiring and unforgettable story that has given hope to many. During the cruel rule of General Franco in Spain, Christine and her husband received a dramatic call to take the gospel to Gypsies living in the caves of Almeria, Spain. However, due to financial restraints their denomination were unable to send them. Christine and Chris were happy to think that God had been testing them, knowing how they would have gone had it been possible. But God started to speak to them through Hebrews 11. They realised if they were to be obedient to such a remarkable call they would need to take a leap of faith. After selling all in England, they...
A. W. Tozer: A Twentieth-Century Prophet by David J. Fant Jr. -7%
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A. W. Tozer is applauded by contemporary evangelicals as a towering figure,a timeless treasure,a spiritual mentor and one of the great Christian writers of this century. His writings continue to create a thirst for the knowledge and pursuit of God in the hearts of millions. This book represents an overview of the life of this twentieth-century scholar, mystic, theologian, pastor, author and editor from those who knew him. These pages reflect not only a profit but a saint - a man of indefatigable zeal with an insatiable craving for God. A pastor in Chicago for 31 years, he rose to particular prominence as a preacher to preachers and...
$1299 $1399
Living Water (Hudson Taylor) by Rod Thomson -14%
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When Hudson Taylor went to China, hundreds of millions of Chinese beyond the coastlands had never heard of Jesus. This biography of the founder of the China Inland Mission shows what God can do through a life dedicated to Him.
$599 $699
Sawdust Trail Preacher (Billy Sunday) by Betty Steele Everett -14%
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The story of Billy Sunday, a professional baseball player, who became an evangelist and led over 1,000,000 people to Jesus.
$599 $699
Go a Little Further by Joan Thomas -7%
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Part biography, part history, and packed full of the stories about individuals and countries impacted by Ian Thomas and the Torchbearers ministry, Go A Little Further is the story of seeming small "happenings" - little pieces of God's much bigger plan to bring people to himself and to display his glory.
$1299 $1399
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William Bramwell was without doubt the most significant revivalist during the thirty years following the death of John Wesley. Thousands of ungodly men and women were swept into the kingdom of God through his ministry. He was brought up in a good Anglican home with strong morals but was deeply convicted of sin from a young age. In his late teens he was radically converted and after some misgivings joined the despised Methodists. For some time, he struggled to know whether he was called to preach, and once spent thirty-six hours in a disused sand pit pleading with God to make his will known. When once the call was made clear, he became...
$999 $1099
Ira Sankey: First Gospel Singer by Betty Steele Everett -14%
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Ira Sankey was organist, choir director and soloist for famous evangelist Dwight L. Moody--delighting crowds in America and the British Isles and leading many to Christ. The Ninety and Nine is his best known hymn.
$599 $699
Portrait of Integrity: The Life of Ray C. Stedman by Mark S. Mitchell -23%
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Abandoned by his father when he was a young boy, Ray Stedman had a ruggedly independent upbringing. Yet, through faith, he matured into one of the great spiritual leaders of the twentieth century. Today's church is filled with pastors and leaders--men like David Roper, Charles Swindoll, and Luis Palau--who consider Ray their mentor and lifelong friend. Biblical teaching was Ray's calling and passion, and he motivated and inspired many by the power of the preaching of the Word of God. Ray Stedman's preeminent goal was to be a faithful steward of the gifts God had given him. By examining the life of this remarkable but very human man, you...
$999 $1299
William Wilberforce Freedom Fighter by Betty Steele Everett -14%
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A rising star in British politics, young William Wilberforce led a life of privilege and power. Then he turned to Christ, and the Lord changed the focus of his heart. As a newly converted Member of the English House of Commons, he spent the rest of his long and honored political career promoting the freedom and rights of slaves.
$599 $699
Tramp for the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom -8%
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The Story that Begins Where The Hiding Place Ends, Join Corrie on a worldwide trip that could only have been planned by God. “It was in a church in Munich that I saw him… One moment I saw the overcoat and the brown hat; the next, a blue uniform and a visored cap with its skull and crossbones. It came back with a rush: The place was Ravensbruck and the man who was making his way forward had been a guard—one of the most cruel guards. “Now he was in front of me, hand thrust out. I was face to face with one of my captors and my blood seemed to freeze. ‘Fraulein, will you forgive me?’” Corrie ten...
$1099 $1199
Gracious Writer for God (Grace Livingstone Hill) by Betty Steele Everett -14%
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One of America’s favorite writers of Christian novels in the early 1900s was Grace Livingston Hill. You may have read some of her over 70 books, many of them still selling well. But what do we know about the life of this gracious writer?
$599 $699
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Bert Elliot is the brother of martyred missionary Jim Elliot. I often spoke of Bert and Colleen from the platform as examples of stick-to-it-tiveness, godly self-sacrifice, and simple perseverance in jungle heat, mildew, mud, and rain in the high Andes, humbly ministering to lonely people. —Elisabeth Elliot, sister-in-law, author of "Shadow of the Almighty: The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot" Twentieth-century martyr Jim Elliot wrote, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” How many ways might followers of Jesus demonstrate the truth of this wisdom? The lives of brothers Jim and Bert...
$1499 $1500
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In times when gospel fires are burning low, one way to begin fanning the embers of spiritual desire into flames is to read the biographies of saints in ages past whose love for God was blazing hot. Such a one was John Smith, an itinerant Wesleyan Methodist preacher whose passion for God and for souls was equal to that of David Brainerd, Henry Martyn, Robert Murray McCheyne, and David Stoner. Like them, his light only blazed forth for a short time, being extinguished by his untimely death at the youthful age of 37. Smith was radically converted in his late teens, and from the very beginning of his Christian life he manifested a burning...
$899 $999
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This extensive biography by Robert E. Speer is the definitive biography of American missionary, George Bowen of Bombay. Few men have been such a living embodiment of the love of Jesus as George Bowen! Converted from atheism to Christianity through both the love and tragic death of a good woman, he relinquished his salary and rented rooms near a Bombay market where he lived frugally for forty years. Supporting himself by his income as editor of the Bombay Guardian, he tirelessly witnessed whenever and wherever he could to the transforming power of Jesus. Such was his devotion that he never returned to his native land. It is little wonder...
$2399 $2499
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This book is the closest Vance Havner ever came to writing an autobiography. It tells of his boyhood years spent in the hills of North Carolina, his conversion at ten years of age, the obtaining of a preaching license at twelve, and his ordination at fifteen. Brief accounts are given of his high school and Bible college years, along with a brief history of early pastorates and evangelistic travels. In his usual forthright manner he tells about his short dalliance with modernism and his subsequent return to the old-time gospel message. “My preaching was of the ‘repent as it were and believe in a measure or you’ll be lost to some extent’...
$999 $1099
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Classic story of the man who founded the largest mission in China. The amazing life–story of Hudson Taylor shows the trials and tribulations of being a man in Christ. Driven by a deep concern for those without Christ and having an unshakable confidence in the faithfulness of God, he moved to a far and distant country at an early age. The exciting story of Hudson Taylor, one of the great nineteenth–century missionaries. A true account of God’s grace and what he can do with a life consecrated to him. ”The challenge of world evangelization remains as great in the 21st century as it was in Hudson Taylor’s day. Spurred by the gospel, he went...
$1299 $1499
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A down-to-earth London girl, without many prospects, commits to Christ as an eighteen year old and the Lord uses her beyond what anyone could have imagined. Gladys Aylward, a little but determined woman, became a mighty gospel force amongst her beloved Chinese people as she forsook everything, even her own safety, for the sake of their physical and eternal wellbeing. Her Christ-led adventure takes her on a perilous solitary journey from London to China, and sees her escorting hundreds of children through a war zone - even stopping a riot in a Chinese prison! Throughout it all, she would rather die with ‘her people’ than desert them....
$1199 $1499
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This is G. H. Lang's compilation of information on the life of J. C. Aroolappen, a really remarkable Christian who lived and worked in the area of Tinnevelly in India. Lang says he made the information in this life story available for the encouragement, instruction, and perhaps the warning and rebuke of us today. 