
The Way of the Cross by J. Gregory Mantle -10%
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This book is a reprint of the FIRST EDITION (1896) of J. Gregory Mantle's classic work on the Cross. This excellent book has gone through numerous editions, and in recent years has been better known under the title BEYOND HUMILIATION. But not since the first edition has the COMPLETE work been available. From the second edition onwards, every edition of this book has been missing at least two chapters; and Beyond Humiliation was also abridged. Kingsley Press is pleased to be able to give you this opportunity of owning and reading the complete, unabridged work as it came from Dr. Mantle's pen. Here are a couple of paragraphs from...
$899 $999
Life Out of Death by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
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Those Christians prepared to abandon self to God will find invaluable help from these pages. The early chapters are based on Spiritual Torrents by Madame Guyon and some material on union with God by Professor Thomas Upham. The remaining chapters are pure vintage Penn-Lewis—clarifying, in her unique way, many aspects of the subjective work of the Holy Spirit in the human soul. First-time Penn-Lewis readers and long-time fans alike will find much to savor in this small but powerful book. Jessie Penn-Lewis (1861–1927) was a powerful speaker and writer who was used by God to guide multitudes of Christians into a deeper experience with...
$599 $699
Dying to Live by Jessie Penn-Lewis -11%
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Dying to Live has four short chapters of contrasting style dealing with the relationship of Christ's death to the life of the Christian believer.The Christian who affirms "I have been crucified with Christ" has found the way that brings: Freedom from sin and self Transformation to his life, both internally and externally Total surrender to God Identification with Christ's death on the cross The book speaks to the individual in a personal way of the ongoing implications of Christ's cross for the Christian and declares (chapter 4) "It is God's plan that He must be allowed to work into the lives of His...
$799 $899
Power for Service by Jessie Penn-Lewis -17%
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May every believer be willing to be led by the Spirit of God into the fullest surrender to His will, that no cost may be counted too dear to perpetually lay hold of such an enduement of power as will have its outlet in a life of maintained victory and a perpetual warfare on sin and Satan, for the liberation of captive souls to the glory of the Redeemer's name. Paperback. 94 pages.
$499 $599
The Climax of the Risen Life by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
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Jessie Penn-Lewis gives clear and valuable instruction on the various aspects of the believer's identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. All Christians who cry with the Apostle Paul, "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection...being made conformable unto His death," will find help from a careful consideration of these pages. Paperback. 104 pages.
$599 $699
The Release of the Spirit by Watchman Nee -14%
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Surely this is an hour when the battleground is over the soul. The Lord is seeking to work from the inside, through the spirit, regenerated by the new birth. Whereas Satan is attempting to work from the outside, through the soul, made corrupt by the Fall. Even in the believer, the self-hyphenated strengths of the outer man, the unbroken soul, have not yet been brought under the control of the Spirit. For this, Watchman Nee helps us to see that in order for his life-giving Spirit to be released through the channel of the human spirit, the "hard-shell" soul of the outward man necessitates breaking.  Watchman Nee became...
$599 $699
Firstborn Sons by G. H. Lang -6%
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Is it worth while to follow Christ? Does not being His disciple involve so great loss and so much persecution and other trouble as to cause reasonable men to ask if it is worth while? Did He not Himself say to His disciples, In the world ye have tribulation? and is it not written all that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution? (John 16:33; 2 Tim. 3:12). Is there adequate compensation for such sacrifice and endurance? The following pages give part of the answer to such questions. Only part, however, for there are other recompenses to be allowed weight in giving a complete answer. But the line of thought here followed is...
$1499 $1599
Love Not the World by Watchman Nee -10%
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In this hard-hitting and controversial book, Watchman Nee states that there is a satanic power behind every worldly thing and that the natural tendency of every worldly system such as politics, education, literature, science, art and music is to move away from God and toward Satan. How can the Christian live and Work in these systems, but not be "of the World"?
$899 $999
The Spiritual Life by Andrew Murray -8%
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In a series of messages given at Moody Bible Institute in 1895, Andrew Murray explained how to live a Spirit-filled life. This book, coming from those messages, is wise and timely counsel from a veteran saint and journeyman in the life of faith. In an era when discussion of the deeper life is often met with indifference or extremism, Murray brings a healthy balance. This excellent volume gives practical, Biblical advice on allowing the Holy Spirit complete control over your life. About the Author: Andrew Murray, born in 1828, went from being a discouraged minister at age 25 to becoming one of the best loved writers on the deeper...
$1099 $1199
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Prepare Yourself for a Sharper Focus Recognize that every day you can find new opportunities to know the Lord and to make HIm known. Since that is really the one goal every believer should embrace, you must learn how to be more effect in achieving it. PREPARING. When opportunity knocks at the door it is too late to prepare. God invites you to enroll in HIs school and learning His ways. DISCERNING. If you are diligent, you can acquire knowledge and wisdom in your daily walk, but discernment is imparted as you come to know Him intimately. You have already discovered that each time you face opportunity, if...
If there was one message that Tozer consistently preached with passion, it was the crucified life. The Radical Cross is the first collection of his writings to focus specifically on what he had to say about the cross of Jesus Christ. The book contains 31 chapters gleaned from the writings of Tozer, divided into 7 sections: Its Power, Its Price, Its Purpose, Its Pain, Its Provision, Its Paradox, Its Promise. The book also contains a chapter by A. B. Simpson called The Brand of the Cross. The foreword is by Ravi Zacharias.
$999 $1199
If I Perish, I Perish by Major W. Ian Thomas -10%
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"Appropriation of the victory of Christ demands more than just one act of faith--it requires an attitude of faith. It is a moment-by-moment reckoning, and your reckoning for this moment is never adequate for the next." W. Ian Thomas' If I Perish, I Perish examines the Christian life through the lens of an allegorical interpretation of the Old Testament book of Esther. The character of Esther, representative of the human spirit, depicts that the call of the Lord Jesus on the Christian is to be crucified with Christ and become alive in the Spirit. About the Author W. Ian Thomas was born in London, England. At twelve years of age he...
$899 $999
In Light of Eternity by Randy Alcorn -8%
One moment after you die, you'll find out what's on the other side. Don't wait until then. Let this book guide you into discovering how wonderful your eternal future will be - and what you can do now to prepare for it. The deepest longing of your heart is for one person and one place. Jesus is that person. Heaven is that place. The Carpenter from Nazareth promised he would go ahead to prepare a place for you. What your heart most deeply desires awaits you in the home custom-built by your Bridegroom. Meanwhile, a thousand counterfeits vie for your attention, trying to convince you that they are what you're longing for. But...
$1199 $1299
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Do you know someone who has recently come to faith in Christ and needs a roadmap to guide them on the journey of discipleship? Do you yourself need a refresher course on the basics, as well as the more advanced truths, of the Christian faith? I can't think of a better book than Ezra Byer's new release, What Kind of God Do I Serve? As Keith Drury says, it's a masterful job. The book is immensely practical. What you'll really love about it, though, is that it's so thorough without being tedious. It's wide-ranging and yet very succinct. Pastors will small group leaders will find it to be a great resource. I highly recommend it....
God's Chosen Fast by Arthur Wallis -8%
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The author shares what the Bible says about this important and neglected subject. Includes an index to all the Biblical passages on fasting.
$1099 $1199
The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee -8%
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The Normal Christian Life is Watchman Nee’s great Christian classic unfolding the central theme of "Christ our Life." Nee reveals the secret of spiritual strength and vitality that should be the normal experience of every Christian. Starting from certain key passages in Romans, he defines clearly and vividly the essential steps in the personal faith and walk of the believer. His emphasis on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ contains fresh spiritual insights that have proven a blessing to many. About the Author Watchman Nee (1903–1972) was a noted Chinese Bible teacher and Christian leader. He...
$1099 $1199
The Full Blessing of Pentecost by Andrew Murray -11%
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YOUR GREATEST NEED ... THE SPIRIT'S UNLIMITED SUPPLY We believe it, we preach it, we strive for it--but still for many, the kind of free-flowing life in the fullness of the Spirit is more of a dream than a reality. Andrew Murray skillfully identifies the defects in faith the prevent the life-giving flow, and guides us to the Spirit's full blessing! "Only as we understand that believing in him means a yielding up of the whole heart and life and will, to let him live and rule within us, can we confidently count upon receiving all that we need of the Holy Spirit's power and presence," Murray says. "When Christ...
$799 $899
Hazardous by Ed Cyzewski and Derek Cooper -29%
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Committing to the Cost of Following Jesus We may think that following Jesus always leads to green fields and still waters, but Christ sends us out as “sheep among wolves” and warns us that we will be hated by everyone because of Him. Derek Cooper and Ed Cyzewski show how true discipleship clashes with our culture and affects every area of life. Counting the cost and becoming disciples of Jesus instead of just spectators will influence all our daily decisions and plans. Hazardous is a call to listen for God’s leading and to obey, even when it leads us down a difficult and dangerous path. As you confront...
$999 $1399