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The great truths regarding the work of the Spirit are presented as simply as possible, that the reader may be led to see how important it is to be changed into His image from glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord. 31 short readings, ideal to use as a daily devotional for one month!
$475 $499
Living in Kingdom Come by Vance Havner -9%
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As with all other books from the pen of Vance Havner, Living in Kingdom Come is full of timeless truth and spiritual direction for pilgrims on their way to the heavenly city. In a chapter entitled “Living in Kingdom Come,” from which the book gets its name, he writes: The Christian moves through the kingdom of this world as a citizen of the kingdom of God. He is not a citizen of earth trying to get to heaven, but a citizen of heaven making his way through this world. He belongs to what Peter calls “an holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9), the only Christian nation on earth, a nation within the nations. He sees everything in the light of...
$999 $1099
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A companion book to The Calvary Road, presenting the Lord Jesus Christ in His office of Reconciler of men to God and to each other. What freshness and spontaneity can be ours as we see Him! 
$799 $899
Love Covers by Paul E. Billheimer -11%
The author believes that the greatest tragedy in the history of the church is the sin of disunity, probably causing more offense toward the cause of Christ than any other factor. In this moving and thought-provoking message, Paul Billheimer reminds Christians that fellowship is based on common spiritual parentage and that unity of heart must take precedence over unity of doctrine. While the author's plea for unity is strong, he is not demanding compromise on historic doctrine issues nor abandonment of theological discussion on issues of interpretation. Rather, Pastor Billheimer's great burden is the fact that Christians have allowed...
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The Secret of the Faith Life by Andrew Murray -17%
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Focuses on "the abundant life there is in Christ Jesus" with a desire that believers may be stirred "to a deep, unquenchable longing to know fully what Christ is meant to be to them". 31 short readings suitable as a daily devotional for one month!
$249 $299
On This Rock I Stand by Vance Havner -9%
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George Sweeting says Vance Havner “has traveled the length and breadth of America, calling our nation to repentance and faith. At the age of twelve he began to preach in the hill country of North Carolina and has preached well over 13,000 sermons since then. The heart of his ministry is revival. Courageously he speaks to our age, convicting our hearts, revealing our sins, and pointing to Jesus Christ as the only remedy. Havner says, ‘The tragedy of the hour is that the situation is desperate, but the saints are not. If they were, we would have revival.’ Thousands of students and Christian workers have been revived and recharged through...
$999 $1099
I Talk Back to the Devil by A. W. Tozer -23%
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Tozer tells us "it is one of the devil's oldest tricks to discourage the saints by causing them to look back at what they were." Indeed, Satan has been in the business of intimidating and silencing the people of God for a very long time. But as we "press forward into maturity in Christ," we are armed with great strength to engage in battle with that adversary, the devil!
$999 $1299
Jesus of Nazareth, Who Is He? by Arthur Wallis -13%
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Jesus Christ claimed to be the Son of God and the New Testament endorses this claim. But what does the expression mean? Was Jesus merely the greatest of all creatures, or was he an uncreated, eternal being, worthy of our worship? Taking us through scriptural statements and reasoning, the author conclusively establishes the deity of Jesus. He then leads the reader on to see the necessity of knowing this same Jesus as personal Savior and Lord.
$349 $399
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The essays in this book were originally written for the The Alliance Witness, of which Tozer was the editor. Each essay is separate unto itself, but they all center around the everyday problems that Christians have to face in the world. Tozer writes: "These essays were born in the midst of life; and while they have, as I hope, heaven in full view, they are never too far removed from the rough world where the children of God struggle and work and pray". Some consider this to be Tozer's best book! If you appreciate Tozer's other writings, you should not be without this one! Charles R. Swindoll says this is "one of my most treasured works."

$999 $1299
Pleasant Paths by Vance Havner -9%
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The author calls this little book a “sheaf of mediations,” the kind of brief meditative essays that gained him such a wide circle of readers. As always, there are plenty of nuggets of wisdom scattered through these pages. Havner says in the foreword (speaking of himself in the third person): “These reflections have been sweet to him and he trusts they will be so to others. He has made himself be still now and then to write such things for his own soul’s good. May it help some others to ‘prime their pumps!’ But, better still, may it point us to him in whom, if we abide, we shall never thirst but ever receive and ever overflow.” The last...
$999 $1099
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This book outlines 8 ways the ordinary realities of life point us towards the extraordinary reality of Jesus Christ. “What’s the Point? is a fresh and gentle apologetic for the Christian faith. In his new book, Ezra Byer tackles the pressing objections that undermine the plausibility of belief.  Avoiding ethereal abstractions, he elucidates his rationale with intriguing illustrations and warm personal anecdotes. Passionate but never strident, he respectfully invites his readers to consider Jesus as the ultimate source of purpose, meaning and fulfillment.  This is an insightful and compelling guide for exploring the Christian...