Christian Children's Books

Count Zinzendorf: Firstfruit by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Six-year-old Ludwig was sitting at the table, reading his Bible and praying, when Swedish soldiers stormed through the castle door. Ludwig looked up at the soldiers and then returned to his prayer and reading. The soldiers stopped and stared-then left. They said they could not ransack a place that God watched over. An unusually mature Christian at a very young age, Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1700-1760) did not follow the course dictated by his noble birth but followed God's call even to the point of being banned from his native Saxony. Once destined for the royal court, the count instead became a spiritual father to millions....
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Ten Boys Who Didn't Give In by Irene Howat -11%
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Would you give in or would you resist? These ten boys grew up to become men who didn't give in. They chose to do the right thing instead of the easy thing. Polycarp was a slave but gave up freedom for Christ. Alban was in danger but did not bow to false gods. John Oldcastle's home was a hideout, but he would not hide his faith. Cranmer was afraid of death but showed courage. George Wishart was in prison but preached Jesus. James Chalmers brought the Bible to cannibals despite the danger. Dietrich Bonhoeffer feared death but would not be silent. Nate Saint flew into danger but knew it was worth it. Ivan Moiseyev obeyed the army but...
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Ten Boys Who Made a Difference by Irene Howat -11%
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Would you like to make a difference? These ten boys grew up to do just that. How did God change them? Augustine discovered the love of God and changed the way we think; Knox focused on God's word and told his country the truth; Luther rediscovered God's truth and gave it to ordinary people; Calvin realized that salvation was a gift from God and not a reward for what he did; Tyndale longed to print the Bible in a language that everyone would understand; Latimer urged people to read the Bible for themselves and made enemies as a result; Hus taught that God is in charge of the church and the world; Zwingli challenged people to obey God's...
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Eric Liddell: Something Greater Than Gold by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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As the race began, it had seemed obvious that Eric Liddell was overmatched. Now the crowd in the Olympic Stadium hushed as this runner from Scotland refused to be passed. As Eric crossed the finish line, the crowd erupted in applause heard all over Paris. Eric Liddell had done the impossible A new world record had been set! Eric's refusal earlier that week to run on Sunday in the Olympic 100-meter race had stunned the world. Now his incredible victory in the 400-meter race further strengthened his believe in God's promise, "He who honors Me, I will honor." Years later, Eric Liddell would be tested far beyond mere physical ability as a...
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Brother Andrew: God's Secret Agent by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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When he became God's smuggler, Brother Andrew was already familiar with risk. As a boy, the intrepid Andrew van der Bijl joined the Dutch Resistance against the Nazi occupation. As a young man, he fought eagerly in the Dutch East Indies - until the horror of war turned the adventure seeker to a life of alcohol and desperation. Redeemed by God, the Dutchman became a daring messenger of hope, smuggling Scripture through closed borders and equipping persecuted Christians behind the Iron Curtain. Today Brother Andrew and the ministry of Open Doors continue to shine the light of Christ in the world's darkest places. (1928- ) This...
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D. L. Moody: Bringing Souls to Christ by Janet & Geoff Benge -10%
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D.L. stood his ground against the angry father. "I broke the jug and poured out the whiskey for the good of yourself and your family," he said. "If I am to be thrashed, let me pray for you all before you do that." Seventeen-year-old Dwight Lyman Moody changed his name, moved to Boston, and began pursuing dreams of becoming a wealthy businessman. But God had other plans for him. Instead of business, evangelism would be his life's work. D.L. devoted his life to proclaiming the gospel, serving the poor, and mentoring fellow ministers. A leader of great vision, D.L. Moody served his fellow man through Civil War outreach, his Sunday...
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Ten Girls Who Made a Difference by Irene Howat -11%
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Would you like to make a difference? These ten girls grew up to do just that. Susanna's children changed their country; Monica's son changed the church; Ann's romance taught Burma about the love of Christ; Edith was used by God to change a continent; Katherine escaped from oppression and changed her world; Susannah listened to a preacher and then published the gospel herself; Maria lost her parents but found China; Sabina was imprisoned for her faith and then fought to set other Christians free; Ruth began her life in China but eventually God took her in a mission round the world. Read about all ten: Susanna...
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Gladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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This is the powerful story of Gladys Aylward. Without formal education or a missionary organization to back her, Gladys raised her own finances for the overland trip that would bring her to the country and people that God had etched so deeply on her heart.... China! What follows is an amazing adventure of faith and determination. Gladys Aylward, a housemaid from England, dared to trust God in the face of dire and seemingly hopeless circumstances. Her amazing adventure of faith and determination is one of the truly great missionary stories of our era (1902-1970). This best-selling, missionary biography series - Christian Heroes: Then...
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