Christian Children's Books

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: In the Midst of Wickedness by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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As Dietrich sang the German national anthem, he contemplated the devastation Hitler and the Nazis were perpetrating on Europe. Dietrich would do whatever he could to stop them, even if it meant pulling the trigger on the führer himself. He had thought about it from every angle, and his conscience was clear. Born into a loving family, Dietrich Bonhoeffer pursued a life as a pastor, teacher, theologian—and spy. He spoke out about the trouble in Germany when Adolph Hitler came to power, urging the Christian church to rescue disparaged people groups and resist Hitler’s evil empire. Accused of being a troublemaker,...
$799 $899
Florence Young: Mission Accomplished by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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A rip current overturned the whaleboat with eight Kanaka Christians aboard. Only three of the men could swim, and the others clung to the upturned boat. Sharks circled the three as they struggled to get to shore. The three survived, but the others could not be found. When Florence heard the news, she resolved to go on despite the dangers. Once timid and unsure of her own salvation, New Zealander Florence Young rose to her calling and became a fearless and faithful witness for Jesus Christ. Eventually serving in the remote Solomon Islands and, for a season, in China during the deadly Boxer Rebellion, Florence began her service close to...
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Cameron Townsend: Good News in Every Language by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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During WWI, Cameron Townsend was told, "You'll do more good selling Bibles in Central America than you would shooting Germans in France." Cameron began by translating the Bible into the language of his Guatemalan friends. Then he started Wycliffe Bible Translators with the dream of making the Good News available in every language. Since 1942, Wycliffe has translated Scripture into hundreds of languages, spreading God's Word to people everywhere. (1896-1982) This best-selling, missionary biography series - Christian Heroes: Then & Now - chronicles the exciting, challenging, and deeply touching true stories of ordinary men and women...
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Clarence Jones: Mr. Radio by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Returning to Radio HCJB, Clarence (1900-1986) brought up the rear as the men rode in the dark along the narrow horse trail carved from the mountainside. Suddenly Clarence's horse stumbled and slid over the trail's edge, taking him with it. As horse and rider fell toward the canyon floor one thousand feet below, Clarence was not even able to scream. Although born into a devout Christian family, Clarence Jones wasn't interested in religion. It was this Midwesterner's ear for music that led him to play trombone at Chicago's Moody Church, where he gave his life to Christ and volunteered for mission work. Clarence's work began in...
$799 $899
William Carey: Obliged to Go by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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William Carey watched from the dock as the magnificent sailing ship headed for the English Channel without him. Tears filled his eyes, and deep disappointment filled his heart. What would he tell the missionary society? So much work awaited him half a world away. He must get to India - and soon! William's amazing journey to India would prove to be just the beginning of a missionary quest filled with hardship and heartache as well as tremendous victories.  Often referred to as "the father of modern missions," William Carey displayed a single-minded determination to set his face like a flint to the task of bringing the gospel to...
$799 $899
Lottie Moon: Giving Her All for China by Janet & Geoff Benge -10%
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Ten-year-old Lottie Moon had seen too much bitterness and gossip among churchgoers to want anything to do with religion or God. In fact, if there was a single way to waste a life, Lottie told herself, being a missionary was it. In a twist that only God could orchestrate, this spirited young girl who grew up to become the most educated woman in the American South would ultimately find her calling as a missionary to China. As Lottie watched her fellow missionaries fall to disease, exhaustion, mental breakdowns, and death, she became just as dedicated to educating Christians about the often preventable tragedies of missionary life as she...
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Luther's promise of tutoring Karl Schumacher in exchange for his labor was the chance of a lifetime, until a poster on the church door declared his master a heretic! Karl is asked to travel with Doctor Luther to appear before the emperor's Imperial Council in the city of Worms. Will his life be at stake as well as Luther's? And who is the mysterious young lady who shadows their trip? Could she be a spy for Luther's enemy, Doctor Eck?

Jacob Deshazer: Forgive Your Enemies by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Each inspiring true story of a man or woman who answered God's call is a testimony to a real-life adventure of faith and determination. Three thousand feet above China, it was Jake's turn to jump. He slid his pistol, knife, and ration packets into the pockets of his leather jacket and edged toward the open hatch of the B-25 bomber. He checked the tension on the harness of his parachute, made sure the handle of the ripcord was free, and then began lowering himself out of the hatch and into the darkness. One of the famous Doolittle Raiders who first attacked Japan after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Jacob DeShazer (1912-2008) knew this...
$799 $899
Mary Slessor: Forward Into Calabar by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Mary Slessor pondered David Livingstone's words: "I don't care where we go as long as we go forward." "I'm not going anywhere," Mary mused. "I'm twenty-seven years old. I work in a cotton mill twelve hours a day. God," Mary prayed, "send me somewhere, anywhere, just send me to be a missionary. God would indeed answer the prayer of the fiery, red-haired woman from Scotland. For thirty-nine years, Mary Slessor would labor in love among the unreached, often treacherous, tribes of Africa's Calabar region. Braving sickness, danger, and death on all sides, Mary became the cherished "White Ma" to entire tribes. Her faith, steadfastness, and...
$799 $899
Paul Brand: Helping Hands by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Watching his father perform medical procedures back in India had convinced Paul that medicine was about blood and guts and ulcers. To his amazement, he found that it was really about causes and cures, alleviating pain, and treating ill people with dignity. The son of missionary parents, Paul Brand, did not plan on becoming a doctor: After training as a builder, he was called by God into medicine and spent a lifetime treating leprosy and restoring hope to thousands of sufferers. Dr. Paul Brand became the first surgeon in the world to use reconstructive surgery to correct the deformities of leprosy in the hands and feet....
$799 $899
Jim Elliott: One Great Purpose by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose"  Jim and Pete turned to see the Auca men, their deadly spears raised, running toward Nate, Ed, and Roger. Jim stood in the river, his hand on his pistol. Should he defend himself? He already knew the answer. Each man had promised the others that he would not save himself by killing those they had sought out in Jesus' name. Jim Elliot and his coworkers surrendered their lives in Ecuador's jungle, trusting that their sacrifice would not be in vain. Decades later, this dramatic event has challenged countless Christians to live with one great purpose: to...
$799 $899
David Bussau: Facing the World Head-On by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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David listened to what the others said and thought for a few moments. He didn't often talk to the other boys about what he was thinking, but this time he opened his mouth and said, "I'm going to be a millionaire and retire by the time I'm forty!" David Bussau grew up in New Zealand boys' homes where expectations of the young men were grim. David shattered those expectations, emerging as an enterprising teenager running a rented hot dog stand. Numerous business ownerships and financial success followed, and with that success, a vision to provide natural disaster relief and aid to the poor in Australia, Indonesia, India, and beyond....
$799 $899
William Booth: Soup, Soap, and Salvation by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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William burst into the house. "I have found my destiny!" he shouted. "I have found a place where there is so much human misery in such a small space that there is a lifetime's worth of work there for me!" Horrified by the poverty and suffering most people took for granted in industrial England, William Booth dedicated his life to bringing the gospel to the outcasts of society who would never enter a church and weren't welcome there. At age fifteen William vowed, "God shall have all there is of William Booth," and not even resistance from the church and government, lack of financial support, or vicious attacks by angry mobs could stop...
$799 $899
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The two young Burmese girls had dreaded leaving their father, but he told them that the only safe thing was for the two of them to go live with the American missionaries, Adoniram and Ann Judson. May-Lo and Len-Lay really aren't sure what the danger is, and they don't know what to believe about their American foster parents. Could the accusations that the missionaries were English spies be true? When the Judsons leave the city of Rangoon to establish a mission work in Ava, the Golden City, the girls are taken along on the dangerous river trip that will separate them from their father by 350 miles. Will they ever see him...
Nate Saint: On a Wing and a Prayer by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Seven-year-old Nate Saint peered wide-eyed over the cockpit of his older brother Sam's Challenger biplane. The eastern Pennsylvania countryside was spread out neatly below him like a fine tablecloth. Nate was determined to remember every moment of this first high-flying adventure. Flying soon captured Nate's heart. His air-service ministry to isolated missionaries put him on a path of destiny that would ultimately end with a final airplane flight with four missionary friends to the "Palm Beach" landing strip in the jungles of Ecuador. The men's lives given that day not only opened a door to the gospel for the unreached "Aucas"; it...
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Wilfred Grenfell: Fisher of Men by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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The icy Arctic cold stabbed at Wilfred's fingers and toes. A howling wind was pushing the ice pan he was stranded on out to sea - and with it hope of rescue. His clothed, soaked when his dogsled fell through the ice, were now frozen. Lying near his sled dog for warmth, Wilfred fought off sleep, knowing he might never wake up.  Adventurous Wilfred Grenfell was no stranger to danger. As a new Christian, this English doctor ministered to fishermen on the deadly North Sea. And when he heard about the appalling poverty and injustice across the ocean in Newfoundland, he went to work among the desperately poor fishing communities of the...
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John Wesley: The World His Parish by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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Pursuing his calling with singleness of vision, John Wesley defied the strength of angry mobs and long withstanding traditions to offer the hope of Christ to millions of people who were outside the influence of the churches of the day. Passionate and tireless, this Anglican clergyman rode a quarter of a million miles on horseback during his lifetime, stopping to preach more than forty thousand sermons in open fields, churches, and barns.   Focused on God's love and holy living, the movement Wesley founded quickly multiplied in vibrant Methodist societies all over England and would soon influence far-flung nations for Christ....
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Neil Thompson had promised his grandmother that he would wait for his grandfather to bring him to see the great oceangoing ships at the docks in Liverpool, England. But when he convinced himself that it was okay to go alone, he did not know the danger he would face on that bright morning in September 1853. The docks were no place for a twelve-year-old boy who was alone. Stopping to admire a small clipper ship, the  Dumfries , Neil is suddenly grabbed and dragged aboard the ship, then locked in a small, dark room until the ship is on its way to sea. When he's finally let out, he discovers he's been shanghaied to be a...
Sundar Singh: Footprints Over the Mountains by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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As Sundar preached the gospel to the crowd, the monastery guard marched forward and arrested him. Sundar was dragged to the edge of town and hurled to the bottom of an abandoned well. The air was putrid. Desperation and loneliness soon washed over him. Left to die, Sundar leaned against the side of the well and began to pray. Searching since boyhood for the way to God, Sundar Singh found truth in Jesus Christ. At sixteen, the former Sikh became a Christian sadhu, or holy man, and at great risk devoted his life to Christ. With bare feet and few possessions, Sundar crossed the precarious Himalayas between India and Tibet many times,...
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Klaus-Dieter John: Hope in the Land of the Incas by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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It was totally dark. The lights in the city were turned off, and there were no street lamps, no neon signs, and no extra glow in shop windows. Klaus noticed that theirs was the only car on the road. How would they slip by the checkpoint? Klaus glanced at his wife Tina, whose eyes were shut in prayer. Suddenly he heard a thunderous crash, then saw a bright flash of light. Klaus-Dieter John dreamed of becoming a medical missionary in the developing world. He would do whatever it took -- study in top universities and practice surgery in remote and dangerous places -- to reach his goal of providing health care for people who needed it...
$799 $899