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How did the faith and prayers of a humble coal miner affect the course of World War II? Rees Howells was a man uniquely taught of God who found the key to prevailing prayer, became the channel of a mighty revival in Africa, was taught the principles of divine healing, and progressed even further in faith until world events were affected by his prayers. Norman Grubb was a notable missionary statesman. As a student at Cambridge, he was one of the founders of what ultimately became InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. His early work as a missionary was in the Congo with C. T. Studd, whom he followed as the Director of what is now...
$1499 $1599
The Christian Hero: A Sketch of the Life of Robert Annan by John Macpherson -22%
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If you've never heard of Robert Annan of Dundee, otherwise known as "the Christian Hero," prepare to be astounded at the amazing grace of God in his life as you turn the pages of this incredible little biography. Its thrilling story will stir you to the depths and almost certainly drive you to your knees with an increased desire to be used for God’s glory. The record of his beginning years reads much like that of John Newton - a life of wandering far from God in the ways of sin and rebellion. At least once he miraculously escaped death through the overruling providence of God. As time passed, he became thoroughly discontented with...
$699 $899
Jessie Penn-Lewis: A Memoir by Mary N. Garrard -21%
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Newly Republished by Kingsley Press! This is an incredible biography! Preparing this book for republication has been a challenging and inspiring experience. From the day of her conversion Mrs. Penn-Lewis seems to have determined to possess in actual experience everything that Christ's finished work purchased for her, and she was rewarded with an extraordinary fullness of God's Spirit in her life. She also triumphed over physical weakness and defied many predictions from her doctors of an early grave. "All that I have, all that I am, all that I may be is Thine, wholly, absolutely, and unreservedly," wrote Jessie Penn-Lewis on her...
$1099 $1399
Paul S. Rees by Glenn D. Black -20%
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Introduction by Cliff Barrow Paul S. Rees, Portrait of a Preacher is an exciting new book by gifted writer Glenn D. Black, former editor of God's Revivalist. Dr. Stephen F. Olford writes, "I doubt if I knew any man who pursued holiness like Paul Rees. He not only learned it, he not only taught it, he not only preached it, he lived it! When you were with Paul Rees there was an awesome sense of God. He was a saint!" The same sentiments are echoed by Cliff Barrow of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association: "Paul Rees believed in holiness of life and character. He preached it and taught it and he lived it! He made you thirsty for a...
$1599 $1999
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New Revised and Expanded 2019 Edition! The name of Leonard Ravenhill, for generations of evangelicals, has been connected with the reality of prayer, God-sent revival, and holiness of life. His book, Why Revival Tarries , has been used by God world-wide during the last 40 years to stir thousands of Christian leaders with a burden for genuine spiritual awakening. To have heard Leonard Ravenhill preach in the second half of the 20th century was indeed a soul-jarring experience. Now, via the internet, thousands more have discovered the powerful ministry of this British prophet and revivalist. Ravenhill's spiritual life,...
$2899 $3000
Molded By the Cross by J. C. Metcalfe -14%
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This biography of Jessie Penn-Lewis is smaller than the original one by Mary Garrard. The author, J. C. Metcalfe, states that the purpose of this spiritual biography is to give her modern day readers, who know little about her, a picture of the way God dealt with and poured life through His servant--life which still flows today. Those interested in the life of Mrs. Penn-Lews should also consider Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir by Mary N. Garrard, the original, unabridged biography republished by Kingsley Press.
$599 $699
Memoirs of David Stoner by Dawson and Hannah -10%
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The name of David Stoner (1794-1826) deserves to be ranked alongside those of Robert Murray McCheyne, David Brainerd and Henry Martyn. Like them, he died at a relatively young age; and like them, his life was marked by a profound hunger and thirst for God and intense passion for souls. Stoner was saved at twelve years of age and from that point until his untimely death twenty years later his soul was continually on full stretch for God. This book tells the story of his short but amazing life: his godly upgringing, his radical conversion, his call to preach, his amazing success as a Wesleyan Methodist preacher, his patience in tribulation...
$899 $999
Pastoral Letters by Robert Murray McCheyne -8%
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"I am better acquainted with Jesus Christ than I am with any man in the world," said Robert Murray McCheyne. Andrew Bonar, his biographer and bosom friend, informs us that "during the last years of his short life, [he] walked calmly in almost unbroken fellow-ship with the Father and the Son." This no doubt explains why the spiritual impact of his life was so great, both during his short life on earth (he died in his twenty-ninth year), and in the years that followed his death—even up to the present time. The pastoral letters contained in this short volume were written by McCheyne during a forced absence from his congregation....
$499 $545
Herald of the Cross: The Life and Work of F. J. Huegel by John E. Huegel -8%
Multitudes of Christians have been blessed by F. J. Huegel's helpful books dealing with the deeper aspects of the Cross in the life of the believer, but until now not much information has been available about the author's life. This 316-page biography by his son, John E. Huegel, now fills that gap, and no doubt many will be encouraged through these pages.
$1199 $1299
Pastor Hsi: Confucian Scholar and Conqueror of Demons by Mrs. Howard Taylor -6%
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A proud Confucian scholar with a deep distrust of all foreigners (including Christian missionaries) and hopelessly addicted to opium is confronted by the living Christ. He is instantly delivered, as well as completely and permanently transformed. Filled with the power and love of God, he is compelled to bring the message of deliverance to his fellow countrymen. Through prayer and fasting he begins to see miracles happen. People are healed and demons are cast out. He sets up a refuge for recovering opium addicts and God gives him a recipe for a special medicine that helps in the cure. More opium refuges are started in various places, all...
$1499 $1599
Harold St. John by Patricia St. John -10%
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If you enjoy reading about the lives of great Christians, you’ll love this biography of Harold St. John. His daughter, Patricia St. John , did the Christian world an enormous favor when she put together this fascinating portrait of her father. Somehow her portrayal manages to be exciting, inspiring, challenging, amusing and edifying all at the same time. It makes compelling reading from start to finish—hard to put down once you’ve picked it up. This books deserves to be ranked with the great Christian missionary biographies. Harold was one of the most gifted Bible teachers of his day, and the story of his life and influence is as...
$899 $999
Plowed Under by Amy Carmichael -10%
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Amy Carmichael, admired writer and missionary, tells the story of Arulai Tara (Star of Grace), the sister of Mimosa. Arulai was given a notebook during a great illness and told to write what you can of the coming of the call of the unseen Spring. This book reveals the importance of preparing ourselves for obedience to God s call in our lives; the beauty in remaining faithful in preparing the ground God has given us. In the words of St. John of the Cross, Plowed Under illuminates for the reader the importance of [living] in the world as though there were in it but God and thy soul. About the Author Amy Carmichael was the eldest...
$899 $999
Kohila by Amy Carmichael -8%
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Recounts the shaping of an Indian nurse. No work that is set on following the Crucified escapes the cross. Those who do not weaken on some point of loyalty to Truth find themselves bearing the reproach of Christ.
$1099 $1199
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Read the AMAZING biography of the author of My Utmost for His Highest . Oswald Chambers was born in Scotland and spent much of his boyhood there. His ministry of teaching and preaching took him for a time to the United States and Japan. The last six years of his life were spent as principal of the Bible Training College in London, and as chaplain to British Commonwealth troops in Egypt during World War I. After his death, at age 43, the books that bear his name were compiled by his wife from her own verbatim shorthand notes of his talks.
$1799 $1899
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G. D. Watson (1845-1924) was one of the most influential and best-loved preachers of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century holiness movement, and his influence lives on today through his numerous writings. He was a humble man with amazing intellectual prowess and an exceptional grasp of spiritual truth. As a successful pastor in his early thirties he was led into a deep consecration of his whole being to God which completely transformed his life and ministry. After some years in the pastorate, Watson felt the call to evangelism. He traveled widely in the United States and eventually held meetings in England, the West...
$899 $999
Madame Jeanne Guyon by Dorothy Gawne Coslet -13%
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Thrill to this biographical account of Madame Jeanne Guyon (1648 - 1717), from her unsettled childhood and loveless marriage to her controversial years of ministry in France, Switzerland and Savoy.
$699 $799
Gerhard Tersteegen's Life and Letters -8%
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Gerhard Tersteegen was a German contemporary of John Wesley. He wished for a secluded life, but crowds besieged his dwelling place, eager to feast on the words of wisdom that fell from the lips of one who had been closeted with his Maker. Everywhere he went, crowds gathered by wayside, in barns, and in homes where their famished souls feasted upon the Bread of Life. Tersteegen was also a prolific hymn writer. This book is a biography of Tersteegen's life and also contains a number of his letters at the end of the book. Read a selection: Gerhard Tersteegen's Covenant of Love .
$1199 $1299
Billy Bray by F. W. Bourne -17%
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"If they were to put me into a barrel, I would shout glory out through the bunghole!" So said Billy Bray, the singing, shouting drunkard-turned-preacher from Cornwall, England. Born in 1794 near Truro, Billy served the devil with all his might in his early years, often drinking and frolicking the night away. He rarely came home sober on pay-day. But Bunyan’s Visions of Heaven and Hell awakened him to his lost condition, and after a period of conviction for sin he experienced a marvelous conversion. He became a wonder to all who knew him. "They said I was a mad-man," recalled Billy in later life, "but they meant I was a glad-man, and,...
$499 $599
Corrie Ten Boom's Prison Letters -10%
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In 1944, as an act of resistance and commitment to their Christian faith, Corrie ten Boom and her family hid Dutch Jews from the Nazi regime. Eventually, Corrie and her family were arrested by the Gestapo and sent to Scheveningen and the concentration camp, Vught. While imprisoned, she communicated with her loved ones through letters filled with stories of unimaginable trials, resilience and her unfailing faith in the Lord. This collection of deeply moving letters represents the only tie between Corrie, her loved ones and the outside world. It is a testament to her love and devotion to Christ and is an inspiration to all. About the...
$899 $999
Father to Nobody's Children (Thomas J. Barnardo) by David E. Fessenden -14%
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The story of Dr. Thomas Barnardo, hero to the destitute and homeless of London’s notorious East End. In 30 years he and his co-workers rescued 60,000 children from the streets, caring for them in rural orphanages and by the novel means known today as “foster parenting.” An engaging book.
$599 $699