Devotional Books

Royal Exchange by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -11%
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Thirty-one daily readings which stimulate the reader to exchange his/her weakness for divine strength--an exchange which seems to be the missing dimension of prayer in this busy age. They include: "Force or Farce," "Hot Upper Reaches," "The Hasty Prayer," "Great Openings," "Pray Today."
$799 $899
The Compassion of Jesus by Adolph Saphir -8%
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Adolph Saphir was a nineteenth century Apollos, a Jewish man, who was "eloquent, mighty in the Scriptures, fervent in the spirit, who taught diligently the things of the Lord." Saphir was born into an orthodox Jewish family in Hungary. He was converted to Christ through the mission to the Jews of Budapest of the Free Church of Scotland, founded by Robert McCheyne and Andrew Bonar. Saphir was converted as a child at the same time as his father, Israel Saphir, who had been a well known and respected Jewish scholar. Growing up in this home, Adolph was equipped with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures as well as Jewish beliefs and customs....
$1099 $1199
The Secret of the Throne of Grace by Andrew Murray -17%
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These pages emphasize the truth that apart from the promptings of the Holy Spirit, we have no desire either to love God or our neighbors. Such thoughts are so important and so heavenly that I wish to make clear the teaching of God's Word concerning them. 31 short readings - ideal as a one-month daily devotional.
$249 $299
By the Still Waters by Vance Havner -9%
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This is another incredible book from "America's most quoted preacher." Here is what the author says in his introduction: As a country preacher in the lowlands of eastern Carolina I lived literally by still waters. Here is a serene retreat for him who cares to live a day at a time with leisure to “linger, list, and dream.” For one who easily grows tired of modernity’s mad masquerade it is pleasant to return to these tranquil lowlands. Is it not significant that most of the men of God in the Bible knew best the fields, the pastures, the woods, and waterways? Abel, the keeper of sheep; Abraham, Joseph, Moses, learning their deepest lessons...
$999 $1099
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The great truths regarding the work of the Spirit are presented as simply as possible, that the reader may be led to see how important it is to be changed into His image from glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord. 31 short readings, ideal to use as a daily devotional for one month!
$475 $499
Gems of Robert Murray McCheyne -17%
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Originally Titled Gems: Or, The Best Thoughts of Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne, selected an arranged by Rev. A. S. Patton. Robert Murray McCheyne, a 19th century Scottish minister had a way with language that made him a wonderful and warm preacher of the gospel. These gems are just that: jewels, small but bright, cut just right. They will adorn your mind and soul with holy truths and godly thoughts. The book is a collection of short but beautiful pieces that exalt Christ, teach the plain truths of the gospel, and give the soul much to contemplate and meditate upon. Here's an example quotation: "Some pieces of wood will burn much more...
$499 $599
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If you’ve never read Vance Havner’s writings, I can’t think of a better place to start than this little volume of short devotionals. Every page is vintage Havner. In his foreword, Dennis Hester writes, “These brief meditations are powerful, Bible-centered truths written in the same witty and prophetic style for which Havner is loved and known.” He continues: “ Consider Jesus is filled with Havner’s priceless wit and practical wisdom. The author takes time to reflect on his walking and talking with God. Havner’s love for nature, his devotion to Jesus Christ, and his ability to apply eternal truths to everyday living are refreshing,...
$999 $1099
Affectionately Yours: Daily Meditations from the Letters of John Wesley -4%
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Meditations for every day of the year from the letters of John Wesley, compiled by Alice Russie. For half a century John Wesley advised the Methodists on such matters as marriage, health, spiritual formation, education, employment, and finances. Thus, the Methodists were instructed, encouraged, and directed by timeless wisdom, rooted in God's Word and good comment sense. May Wesley's words of faith and love excite each reader's heart to year for, to ask, and to receive of God, that same faith and piety. If Wesley’s journal and diary were his accountability, and his sermons were his theology, then his letters were his spiritual...
$2399 $2499
The Secret of United Prayer by Andrew Murray -17%
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The thoughts contained in this booklet are some to which Andrew Murray gave prominence and which occupied his mind up to the end of his life. It was his desire that many would join the ranks of intercessors--those who pray continually for the Church of Christ and His kingdom on earth. 31 short readings - ideal as a one-month daily devotional.
$249 $299
The Christian's Hope by Adolph Saphir -10%
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This volume is a collection of sermons on various subjects by one who was known to be "mighty in the Scriptures" and whom some have called "the Apollos of the 19th century." Saphir reminds us that Scripture is its own best interpreter by using key passages to unlock and illuminate others. He comes to the Word with a biblical theology, always mindful of the whole of God's revelation and he never loses sight of Christ as the end of all Scripture. Paperback. 175 pages.
$899 $999
The Joyful Heart by  Watchman Nee -15%
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The Joyful Heart is a dynamic collection of devotional gems from the works of Watchman Nee. Designed for daily reading, this book will enrich your walk with the Lord. “Some of us force ourselves to do things we don’t want to do and to live a life we cannot in fact live, and think that in making this effort we are being Christians. That is very far removed from what God offers us in Christ. The Christian life is lived when [we] receive the life of Christ within [us] as a gift; to live by that life.” – Excerpt from The Joyful Heart,/em> Watchman Nee was a noted Chinese Bible teacher and Christian...
$1099 $1299
The Secret of the Faith Life by Andrew Murray -17%
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Focuses on "the abundant life there is in Christ Jesus" with a desire that believers may be stirred "to a deep, unquenchable longing to know fully what Christ is meant to be to them". 31 short readings suitable as a daily devotional for one month!
$249 $299
Peace in the Valley by Vance Havner -9%
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The thrill of a new bird song ... the serene benediction of a quiet sundown ... an hour of reflection by a woodland stream. These are the elements of refreshing spiritual retreat to which this book joyously summons. With characteristic charm and challenge, Vance Havner here extols in fifty inspirational readings the unchanging wonders of God in nature – the kind of pastoral tranquility which sharply contrasts with the turbulent tempo of everyday life. “We have labored to enter into rest, but we cannot rest,” these devotional messages briskly remind. “If we do not know rest within, we will never find it without.” It is such essential inner...
$999 $1099
The Secret of Brotherly Love by Andrew Murray -17%
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The subject with which this little book deals is one of the most difficult and profound of themes. Readers are invited to adore the love of God with Andrew Murray, and the miracles of grace it can work in human hearts--filling them with divine love. 31 short readings - ideal as a daily devotional for one month!
$249 $299
Gems of Martin Luther -17%
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It is the truth alone which can bring peace to the sinner by the knowledge of Jesus Christ and his redemption, and this truth is found in God’s Word. Martin Luther was one servant used by God to restore to the church the truth of the gospel which had become obscured by the doctrines of men. His personal struggle as a sinner seeking peace with God, the righteous Judge, led him to comprehend, according to God’s Word, what sin is and what grace and salvation truly are. He found that, although God is indeed a righteous Judge, he is also a God of mercy and forgiveness. Luther, in seeking peace with God, minimized neither his own sin nor...
$499 $599
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Carl Olof Rosenius is a well-known name among Christians in Scandinavia. He was born on February 3, 1816 in the parish of Nysätra within the province of Västerbotten, Sweden. His father was a faithful clergyman. Carl Olof became one of the leaders of the great revival during the nineteenth century. Evangeliska Fosterlands-Stiftelsen was founded in 1856, which derived from him, its mission to publish and distribute Bibles and literature. In spite of his brief life—only 52 years—he managed to accomplish much. Besides preaching and individual counsel, he was an author and an editor of the magazine:  Pietisten  (The...
$699 $799
Day by Day with the Best of Spurgeon: On the Love and Loveliness of Jesus by Dolores E. Coupland -6%
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Day by Day is a collection of the best writings of Charles H. Spurgeon; an entire book centered on Jesus, his great sacrifice for us, and what he means to us. "Are you trusting in the cross? Are you resting in Jesus? If not, may the Lord teach you this blessed privilege." Jesus is our salvation, our treasure, our heaven, our all. Bathe yourself in the love and loveliness of the Lord as Spurgeon leads us to all those precious places where our Savior lived, suffered, and then died for our redemption. "Charles Spurgeon was one of the very few individual Christians since Paul, with a far-flung, era-changing influence. Since his death in 1892,...
$1499 $1599
Morning and Evening by C. H. Spurgeon Classic Edition -20%
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Countless Christians have been inspired by Spurgeon’s straightforward and insightful writings. And these classic meditations continue to be just as relevant today as they were more than one hundred years ago. In this popular devotional book, Spurgeon challenges readers to reflect on the redemptive work of Christ and the power they have in Him to live for God’s glory. Readers can discover the joy of spending intimate times with God—knowing who they are in Christ, growing stronger in their faith, and loving Him more. > Emphasizes the importance of a relationship with Christ > Offers practical insights into everyday...
$1999 $2499
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Lilias Trotter, art protégé of John Ruskin then Christian worker in Algeria, was nearly “lost to history” until the early 1990s when biographer Miriam Huffman Rockness unearthed Trotter’s page-a-day diaries and travel journals.  On those pages, she’d penned and painted her life—mundane alongside memorable moments.  Serendipitous sightings—she called them “beholdings.”  Now it’s your turn.  In these pages, adorned with Trotter’s art and inspirational snippets, you’re invited to write, sketch, or draw remembrances, experiences, hopes, and prayers.  Your regrets, intentions, celebrations.  Even...
$1899 $1999
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Images of Faith: Reflections Inspired by Lilias Trotter goes beyond the biographical facts of Lilias’s life--Victorian-era artist, protege of John Ruskin, ground-breaking social worker, missionary to Algeria, inspirational author--to ponder the deeper meaning of her life. Some 60 devotional reflections start with a short Trotter quotation, often selected from unpublished diaries, and a full-color Trotter watercolor. Miriam Rockness--who as biographer has lived and breathed and absorbed the world and mind-set of Lilias for the past thirty years--then shares contemporary-life reflections that complement and match the spiritual insights of...
$1699 $1799