G. H. Lang

Unanimity by G. H. Lang -25%
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The author declares that the Scriptural way for churches to make decisions is to wait until there is complete unanimity. This brings unity and peace. The plan of waiting until the indwelling Holy Spirit has brought all minds into unity of purpose yields to our Lord Jesus Christ His proper place as the One Lord and Master in His House and keeps us His brothers in our proper place of humility, dependence and subjection.
$150 $200
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World Chaos, Its Root and Remedy is an inquiry into the causes and consequences of the second world war in light of Christianity.
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This short book gives an outline of Bible prophecy. G. H. Lang was a prolific writer on prophetic themes. Those wanting more in-depth material will want to look at his books on Daniel and Revelation, but this short booklet gives an overview. Copies Scripture references are given in proof of his outline.
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In this short, shirt-pocket sized booklet, the author shows the need for what he calls balanced Christianity--that which gives sufficient attention to both the objective facts of the redemption purchased by Christ on the cross as well as the subjective apprehension and application of those facts into the daily life of the believer.

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G. H. Lang's analysis of the new birth is based on the words of Jesus found in John 3:1-21, and particularly verses 3 & 5. He says, "Words with a more direct message it were hard to find, nor were statements more emphatic ever uttered. Christ allows of no exceptions; any and every person who is ever to see the kingdom of God must be the subject of that radical change which is described as a being born from above. He who has not had this birth is outside the kingdom, and must remain so; nor can he even see it, until born anew."
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This short, shirt-pocket sized volume gives a very brief overview of the author's teaching on the first resurrection, also combining some quotations and ideas from Hudson Taylor and Robert C. Chapman.

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G. H. Lang examines the statements of Holy Scripture regarding the subject matter of the preaching of John the Baptist, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His foremost messengers—the apostles, Peter, Paul, and John. Positively we may thus discern much illuminating truth, and incidentally we may detect some confusing errors.
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This short, shirt-pocket size booklet gives a very brief overview of God's plan for his children and also the suffering that leads to glory. The full title is: God's Plan, Christ's Suffering and the Spirit's Power.