
Tribulation Worketh by G. D. Watson -13%
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Tribulation Worketh is a collection of chapters from the writings of G. D. Watson explaining God's loving and purposeful chastening in the lives of His choicest saints. This is an important book for the present day, when the unscriptural concept that the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings success, prosperity, health and wealth is being promoted far and wide. Watson writes: "There is nothing on earth more ruinous than uninterrupted prosperity.... There is a danger not only in outward prosperity of health and finance and social standing, but the principle is just as true when applied to religious experience; that is, having no...
$699 $799
Gold by Moonlight by Amy Carmichael -8%
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In this volume are sensitive lessons from a walk with pain. Like Rose from Brier, it has not been written by the well for the ill, but by a fellow-toad under the harrow. "The toad beneath the harrow knows exactly where each tooth-point goes." However, Gold by Moonlight is not for the ill only. It finds its way into many rooms of human need. It is for all who walk in difficult places or are caught under any sort of harrow.
$1099 $1199
Frustration (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -13%
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Knowing that you are not alone in your trial greatly helps you to endure and conquer. Extreme frustration in the Christian life resulting from experiences of betrayal, rejection, and failure are related so as to help and encourage others to face their ordeal. John Wesley, William Carey, A. B. Simpson, and G. F. Handel are among those quoted.
$699 $799
Loneliness (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -13%
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Missionaries and other Christians call back in these 25 chapters to tell how their experience in loneliness achieved God-planned results. The loneliness of the orphan, of those misunderstood or maligned, of the unmarried or bereaved; all these and other forms of loneliness are graphically depicted in this volume.
$699 $799
Illness (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -14%
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Some of God's choicest saints of the past reveal the grace of God which enabled them to suffer illnesses, afflictions, and nervous complaints triumphantly. Edward Payson, Catherine Booth, George Muller, C.H. Spurgeon, and Frances Havergal are just a sample of those quoted.
$599 $699
Opposition Volume 2 (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -11%
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These two Call Backs show how the true Christian has always suffered the antagonisms of the devil and the world when attempting to achieve anything of value for Christ’s Kingdom. The reader is guided down the centuries, beginning with Jesus and His disciples in the opening pages of Volume 1 and ending in the 1800’s at the close of Volume 2.
$799 $899
Opposition Volume 1 (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -11%
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These two Call Backs show how the true Christian has always suffered the antagonisms of the devil and the world when attempting to achieve anything of value for Christ’s Kingdom. The reader is guided down the centuries, beginning with Jesus and His disciples in the opening pages of Volume 1 and ending in the 1800’s at the close of Volume 2.
$799 $899
Handicaps Volume 1 (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -13%
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This book relates the triumphs of those who allowed God to redirect their talents through physical deformities, blindness, deafness, through crushing sorrow from multiple bereavements, incompatible partners in life and business, or through poverty or social ostracism!
$699 $799
Don't Waste Your Sorrows by Paul E. Billheimer -7%
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God's sometimes surprising tools for maturing and training his church are clearly explained in this eye-opening discussion on the role of suffering in a Christian's life. You will be amazed at the depth of spiritual growth possible for those who continue to trust God during life's difficulties. Knowing that God has planned for you to benefit from this sorrow, you can learn to respond in a brand new way--not seeing it as a punishment or interruption but as an opportunity to grow into your unique role as Christ's eternal bride. So don't waste your sorrows... embrace them with an attitude that will ensure they...
$1299 $1399
Handicaps Volume 2 (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -11%
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A companion to the above, this volume relates the triumphs of such people as Fanny Crosby, John Milton, Helen Keller, Longfellow, Tennyson, and Robert Louis Stevenson
$799 $899
Though I Walk Through the Valley by Vance Havner -9%
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The year 1973 marked a very low point in the life of Vance Havner, America’s most quoted preacher. It was the year his beloved wife and companion of thirty-three years was struck down by a fatal and dreaded disease which distorted her lovely features and rendered her a helpless invalid. She departed this life to be forever with the Lord on September 2, 1973. Though I Walk Through the Valley is the chronicle of Vance Havner’s passage through the darkest valley of his life, the record of how his faith in God triumphed in the crucible of suffering and bereavement. Don’t expect these pages to be filled with time-worn clichés or pat...
$999 $1099
The Unwanted Gift by Tom Elliff -7%
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In The Unwanted Gift: Hearing God in the Midst of Your Struggles , Tom Elliff shares how he and his wife, Jeannie, came to view their toughest challenge as a gift. Through biblical study and reflection on a personal trial, he teaches how to accept that hardships bring life’s greatest measure of God’s grace and power. Our most painful problems, though unwanted, can truly be gifts from God. Tom Elliff is gifted by the Lord with the ability to teach us biblical truth from the experiences of life. The home-going of his precious Jeannie was filled with lessons he would rather not learn at this time. But in typical Elliff fashion he has put...
$1399 $1499
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Are you struggling to see what God is doing in your life during the midst of a difficult season? You are not alone. In this book, Ezra draws our attention to the Old Testament patriarch Jacob and reminds us that in our darkest nights God is doing his greatest work! Ezra has written transparently and truthfully to remind us that life is hard, but grace is greater. If you are limping along in the pressing pain of discouragement and doubt, this book invites you to walk with Ezra on a journey common to all and to embrace the profound truths of God’s presence and provision gleaned from the life of Jacob. Most of all, you will be compelled to...