Christian Children's Books

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What did you hear, you little twerp?" Tyke asked, holding Francis's wrists and looking at him with narrowed eyes. "I heard about the phone booth, and Tyke, let me join your gang! If you want to smash phone booths, I could help you. I can run fast. I'm fastest under eleven in the school. I could watch out and warn you, and you could smash anything you wanted."
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C. T. Studd: No Retreat by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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C.T. and his companion were lost in the African jungle. All the warnings other had given the two missionaries rushed into C.T.'s mind. He had the uneasy sensation of being watched. C.T. shivered as he stared into the dense foliage surrounding him. He was exposed on all sides, clearly visible to anything or anyone concealed in the jungle. (1860-1931) Endowed with rare determination and a wry sense of humor, C.T. Studd unceasingly pursued a life devoted to God. A star English cricket player in his youth, C.T. did nothing halfway. When challenged by near tragedy and the words of an atheist, the wealthy young man became a missionary of...
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This sequel to A Hive of Busy Bees has also become a favorite. Many teachers explain how students look forward to the time when the class can have another Bee story. These character building stories will continue to live in children's minds for many years. Who is Devern Fomke ?
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Come on an adventure - it's called prayer. Build your friendship with God and with Him beside you discover how amazing life can be with the all knowing, all powerful, almighty God as your guide. Do you want to know more about God and how to please Him? Do you want to learn about how to pray and talk to God? Do you want to be part of this amazing adventure? This book is for you.
Corrie Ten Boom: Keeper of the Angel's Den by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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The harsh lights stung Corrie's blackened eyes as she entered the Gestapo-controlled police station in Haarlem. How true her elderly father's words had been that quiet evening before Hitler's madness descended on Holland: "Germany will invade Holland. We will lose. God help all those in Holland who do not call on His name." Suddenly, Corrie's ordered life was lost in the insanity of war. With bravery and compassion, her family and countless other Dutch citizens risked everything to extend God's hand to those innocents marked for certain execution in a world gone mad.  Corrie ten Boom's life of determination, faith, and...
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C. S. Lewis: Master Storyteller by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
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From his earliest childhood, C.S. Lewis loved to hear and tell stories. Persuaded that stories could reveal the truth about the real world in a unique way, the literature professor would write more than thirty books, including science fiction, theology, literary criticism, and fantasy. (1898 -1963)  In an era marked by two world wars, Lewis attacked tough questions about life and faith headfirst. Convinced that the story of Jesus Christ is the truest of all stories, and known for searching out the truth with honesty, clarity, and imagination, the former atheist would become one of the most influential Christians of the twentieth...
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Jessica's First Prayer by Hesba Stretton -20%
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To Jessica, a poor outcast girl on the streets of London who has to beg or steal to keep herself alive, Mr. Daniel's coffe stall becomes, for a few moments each week, a little paradise. The unlikely pair are influenced by each other in strange ways: Jessica comes to a knowledge of the God Who answers prayer, and Mr. Daniel is brought to repentance for his life of meanness and covetousness.
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The Safe Place by Patricia St. John -10%
The farm is on fire and there is very little that the farmer or his family can do. The children watch as the barn is engulfed in flames. Thankfully the fire engine arrives in time to save the house and slowly but surely the family tries to get back to normal. But when the farmer is going over the damage he can't find the little white hen anywhere. Where could she be? A search through the burnt buildings soon brings to light the scorched remains of the little white hen-- but there is new life and new hope. The little white hen has died but she has given her life to save the lives of her brood of tiny yellow chickens. An ideal...
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