Christian Living

Power for Service by Jessie Penn-Lewis -17%
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May every believer be willing to be led by the Spirit of God into the fullest surrender to His will, that no cost may be counted too dear to perpetually lay hold of such an enduement of power as will have its outlet in a life of maintained victory and a perpetual warfare on sin and Satan, for the liberation of captive souls to the glory of the Redeemer's name. Paperback. 94 pages.
$499 $599
The Climax of the Risen Life by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
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Jessie Penn-Lewis gives clear and valuable instruction on the various aspects of the believer's identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. All Christians who cry with the Apostle Paul, "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection...being made conformable unto His death," will find help from a careful consideration of these pages. Paperback. 104 pages.
$599 $699
Kneeling We Triumph Vol. 1 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
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A compilation of sixty two-page readings on prayer. Titles include: "Authority to Take," "Prayers that Outlive an Age," "For the Asking." This book was close to the top of the late Leonard Ravenhill's list of recommended books! Great book to use in personal devotions or to kick off a prayer meeting. For many years, Edwin and Lillian Harvey edited a Christian paper in Great Britain called The Message of Victory. They also wrote numerous books, the first of which was called The Christian's Daily Challenge. Their two books on prayer have come to be regarded as classics on the subject. These two volumes are laid out in the form of...
$1199 $1299
A Guide to True Peace -13%
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The writers were considered dangerous—heretics even. They were imprisoned—banished—exiled. Their crime? They were teaching that Christians could experience inner communion with God through something they called “inward prayer." Later their writings would be read and recommended by such spiritual giants as John Wesley, Hudson Taylor and Watchman Nee. A Guide to True Peace captures the essence of their teachings and makes them accessible in a small, readable volume. It was first published almost two hundred years ago, at the dawn of the Industrial Age, as a guide for believers seeking to know what it means to abide in Christ and live with...
$699 $799
The Christian's Daily Challenge by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -4%
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Start every day of your year with a stimulating devotional reading! Now in its seventh edition, The Christian's Daily Challenge is a stimulating devotional made up of quotations from godly men and women of past and present whose words offer a challenge to today's Christian to be thoroughly consistent in their walk, separate from the world in their outlook, yet expressing Christ's love for that same world. It's a challenge to the Christians of this busy, materialistic age to make time for God through prayer, meditation, and deep study of His Word. There is a portion for every day of the year. Over 200 different authors have been...
$2299 $2399
Mountain Breezes by Amy Carmichael -6%
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The Collected Poems of Amy Carmichael. A 466-page anthology of the spirit-enriching poetry of Amy Carmichael. 566 poems gathered from 29 of her books, many now out of print, and arranged under 7 topical headings: Worship, Petition, Surrender, Ministry, Wartime, Encouragement, Youth. Sources are indicated. Included is a helpful Index of First Lines and Titles: 26 pages. Truly a treasure for poetry lovers, especially all Carmichael fans.
$1499 $1599
How They Prayed Vol. 1 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
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This book is a plea for a return of prayer and worship in the home, citing many examples of how praying family members have prevailed with God for their loved ones. Read of parents who prayed for their children, children who prayed for their parents, wives and husbands who prayed for their partners. 19 short, easy-to-read chapters.
$1199 $1299
Toward Jerusalem by Amy Carmichael -14%
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A collection of 92 poems from Amy Carmichael, founder of the Donhavur Fellowship. This collection of songs is an offering of praise by the lover to her Beloved. "We cannot bring Thee praise like golden noon-light shining on earth's green floor; our song is more like silver of the moonlight..."
$599 $699