Featured Authors

Royal Counsel by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -11%
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Thirty one daily readings which challenge to deeper Bible study. The authors' lives were revolutionized as they prepared this book; it may do the same for you! While preparing this book for publication, the authors were so inspired by how much godly men and women attributed to their daily reading of the Bible that it completely revolutionized their study of God's Word. In reading its pages you, too, will gain a new sense of the importance of the Scriptures in your Christian life. Royal Counsel contains 31 two-page readings - perfect as a daily devotional for one month.
$799 $899
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Vance Havner was a unique servant of God whose spoken ministry spanned over seventy years and whose written ministry extended to almost forty books. Dr. Havner was fond of saying that the preacher's job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, and you will find plenty of both in these pages. Warren Wiersbe once said, “Vance Havner is imitated but he will never be duplicated." Michael Catt, Pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia, concurs: “There was no one like Vance Havner. His preaching style was unique, powerful, and pointed. He was a master at turning a phrase, using humor to set up a point, and...
$999 $1199
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Prepare Yourself for a Sharper Focus Recognize that every day you can find new opportunities to know the Lord and to make HIm known. Since that is really the one goal every believer should embrace, you must learn how to be more effect in achieving it. PREPARING. When opportunity knocks at the door it is too late to prepare. God invites you to enroll in HIs school and learning His ways. DISCERNING. If you are diligent, you can acquire knowledge and wisdom in your daily walk, but discernment is imparted as you come to know Him intimately. You have already discovered that each time you face opportunity, if...
The Safe Place by Patricia St. John -10%
The farm is on fire and there is very little that the farmer or his family can do. The children watch as the barn is engulfed in flames. Thankfully the fire engine arrives in time to save the house and slowly but surely the family tries to get back to normal. But when the farmer is going over the damage he can't find the little white hen anywhere. Where could she be? A search through the burnt buildings soon brings to light the scorched remains of the little white hen-- but there is new life and new hope. The little white hen has died but she has given her life to save the lives of her brood of tiny yellow chickens. An ideal...
$899 $999
Whispers of His Power by Amy Carmichael -8%
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Contains a selection of 366 daily devotional readings culled from Amy Carmichael's previously unpublished letters and writings. Each is based on a verse or short passage of Scripture.
$1199 $1299
Patricia St. John: The Story Behind the Stories by Irene Howat -14%
Patricia St. John's life is a story in itself but she grew up to become one of the world's best-loved Christian writers for children. After almost being born in the middle of a storm on the Bay of Biscay it was no surprise to see Patricia's life take twists and turns along the way. She had an adventurous spirit so when the bombs fell during the blitz in London there she was, working as a nurse! When looking after 30 children in a boarding school as housemother her exciting bedtime stories kept the children up! They were later to became her classic stories, Tanglewood's Secret and Treasures of the Snow! Your...
$599 $699
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G. D. Watson (1845-1924) was one of the most influential and best-loved preachers of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century holiness movement, and his influence lives on today through his numerous writings. He was a humble man with amazing intellectual prowess and an exceptional grasp of spiritual truth. As a successful pastor in his early thirties he was led into a deep consecration of his whole being to God which completely transformed his life and ministry. After some years in the pastorate, Watson felt the call to evangelism. He traveled widely in the United States and eventually held meetings in England, the West...
$899 $999
Soul Sculpture by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
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The influence radiating from the home is a deciding factor in the destiny of your child. A mother writes: "If only I had been handed Soul Sculpture when my child was small, how different her life might have been." A must for parents and would-be parents, for it reminds them of the tremendous potentiality of a soul entrusted to their care, and the responsibility of helping to shape it for eternity. This book is packed with challenging quotations in poetry and prose, and recommended by pastors and Christian workers as material for lectures and programs. "While walking around a garden one day, a child was asked...
$1099 $1199
In Light of Eternity by Randy Alcorn -8%
One moment after you die, you'll find out what's on the other side. Don't wait until then. Let this book guide you into discovering how wonderful your eternal future will be - and what you can do now to prepare for it. The deepest longing of your heart is for one person and one place. Jesus is that person. Heaven is that place. The Carpenter from Nazareth promised he would go ahead to prepare a place for you. What your heart most deeply desires awaits you in the home custom-built by your Bridegroom. Meanwhile, a thousand counterfeits vie for your attention, trying to convince you that they are what you're longing for. But...
$1199 $1299
Frustration (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -13%
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Knowing that you are not alone in your trial greatly helps you to endure and conquer. Extreme frustration in the Christian life resulting from experiences of betrayal, rejection, and failure are related so as to help and encourage others to face their ordeal. John Wesley, William Carey, A. B. Simpson, and G. F. Handel are among those quoted.
$699 $799
Loneliness (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -13%
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Missionaries and other Christians call back in these 25 chapters to tell how their experience in loneliness achieved God-planned results. The loneliness of the orphan, of those misunderstood or maligned, of the unmarried or bereaved; all these and other forms of loneliness are graphically depicted in this volume.
$699 $799
They Knew Their God, Vol. 3 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -7%
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This third volume in the They Knew Their God series contains a further 13 short biographical sketches of men and women whose supreme quest was to know God in an intimate way. Contains sketches of Oswald Chambers and his wife, Evan Hopkins, Francis Asbury, George Railton among others.
$1399 $1499
They Knew Their God, Vol. 4 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -7%
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Volume four presents life sketches of another 14 Christians who were unusual in their depth of acquaintance with God in Christ. Here you will find some well-known names, such as Matthew Henry the commentator as well as some lesser known saints such as Mathilde Wrede and John Gossner.
$1399 $1499
The Grace and Truth Paradox by Randy Alcorn -10%
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Grace or truth...or both? Truth without grace breeds self-righteousness and crushing legalism. Grace without truth breeds deception and moral compromise. Is it possible to embrace both in balance? Jesus did. Randy Alcorn offers a simple yet profound two-point checklist of Christlikeness. "In the end," says Alcorn, "we don't need grace or truth. We need grace and truth. And for people to see Jesus in us, they must see both." 92 pages. Hardback.
$899 $999
Jesus Only by Vance Havner -9%
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In the awful confusion of these tragic days, many dear souls are weary of the torrent of words to no profit – stacks of books by blind leaders of the blind and panaceas from experts who do not know what the question is, much less the answer. They long to press through the throng to Christ himself and touch him for themselves. It is our hope and prayer that these meditations may help any and all who would see no man, but JESUS ONLY. There is only one safe and sure center of Christian experience, doctrine, and testimony and that is Jesus Christ. Stand at any other point, no matter how good, and you will become lopsided. Stand with him and...
$999 $1099
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World Chaos, Its Root and Remedy is an inquiry into the causes and consequences of the second world war in light of Christianity.
Moments of Decision by Vance Havner -9%
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Throughout our lifetimes we are continually compelled to make impor­tant decisions. To choose life partners, vocations, lifestyles, churches, and even friends, we often seek the advice of others. Vance Havner encourages us to look to the wisest counsel of all—the Bible. In Moments of Decision, Havner presents sixteen revealing examples of choices, both good and bad, made in the Scriptures. He relates them practically and succinctly to the life-changing decisions that must be made today. With tremendous insight he shows how Lot's decision to live in Sodom lends advice for choosing apart from the corrupt influences of wealth; how...
$999 $1099
Royal Exchange by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -11%
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Thirty-one daily readings which stimulate the reader to exchange his/her weakness for divine strength--an exchange which seems to be the missing dimension of prayer in this busy age. They include: "Force or Farce," "Hot Upper Reaches," "The Hasty Prayer," "Great Openings," "Pray Today."
$799 $899
Pro Life Answers to Pro Choice Arguments by Randy Alcorn -13%
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With over 75,000 copies in print, this revised and updated guide offers timely information and inspiration from a "sanctity of life" perspective. Real answers to real questions appear in logical and concise form. The final chapter- "Fifty Ways to Help Unborn Babies and Their Mothers"- is worth the price of this book alone! As politicians, citizens, and families continue the raging national debate on whether it's proper to end human life in the womb, resources like Randy Alcorn's Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments have proven invaluable. 455 pages.
$1299 $1499
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This 281 page book is a collection of expositions on the spiritual life from the able pen of G. D. Watson, who has been called "The Apostle to the Sanctified." He writes: "When we are born of the Spirit there is shed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost, a peculiar and hitherto unknown love for God and his Son Jesus. It is an exotic transplanted from a celestial clime by the hand of God; it is a personal attachment to our heavenly Father, a heart passion toward the Lord Jesus, an ineffable yearning for the Divine, an instinctive and dominant regard for the things of God which is utterly beyond the products of nature. No fine...
$1199 $1299