Horatius Bonar

The Blood of the Cross by Horatius Bonar -20%
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Horatius Bonar was a Scottish pastor and hymn writer, brother of the more famous Andrew Bonar who was a friend of Robert Murray McCheyne. Horatius was thoroughly evangelical in his preaching and writing, and his tracts and books have been well received and well read in all Christian circles. He wrote well over 600 hymns. This small book looks at the blood of Christ as viewed by man and God.
$399 $499
Truth and Error by Horatius Bonar -29%
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We live in a day when the claim to offer truth and expose error is met with hostility. There is a reigning cultural insistence that all truth can be reduced to mere “personal” truths. Many in our churches sink into the sands of relativism, which chafe at the bedrock of “the faith once for all delivered” (Jude 3). What can a 19th century Scottish minister possibly offer to such a postmodern ethos? Pontius Pilate, during the interrogation of Jesus, uttered: “What is truth?” (John 18:38). Truth has always spread its light through a dark fog of error and ignorance in which the light is not easily perceived or readily received, so that...
$499 $699