Patricia St. John

Star of Light by Patricia St. John -11%
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Hamid does not want his little blind sister, Kinza, to be sold to a beggar, by their stepfather, so he decides to rescue her. Together they escape from their mountain village to a town where there may be a new home for Kinza. But this is only the start of their adventures. Will Kinza be safe? What will happen to Hamid who dares not go back home?
$799 $899
I Needed a Neighbour by Patricia St. John -11%
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The refugee camp is crowded with sick and starving people. Two new arrivals, a teenage girl, Mehrit, carrying her little brother on her back, wait their turn patiently. What will happen to them? Will they ever find their parents again? A strong and moving story of a family in a famine-stricken country.
$799 $899
The Tanglewoods' Secret by Patricia St. John -11%
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In a struggle to learn to overcome her fiery temper and selfish spirit, Ruth is led to the discovery of a very important Shepherd who can and does teach her (and others) how to be good. The story contains beautiful and uplifting examples of what can happen when we let ourselves be found by Him.
$799 $899
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Everyone knows a person like Waffi--mischievous, willful, and having a knack for getting others into trouble. David, whose father is a missionary doctor in Africa, is Waffi's friend. Although Waffi occasionally gets David into some difficult situations, David is learning to be a witness for God. When Waffi and David find a sick servant girl and a mysterious boat, an exciting adventure begins for them.
$799 $899
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This is probably Patricia St. John's most-loved childrens book, and with good reason. It presents and deals with the issues of bitterness, hatred, and unforgiveness in a way that children can understand and relate to. Set in the beautiful Swiss Alps, the story centers around Annette, who feels she can never forgive Lucien, a neighboring boy, for causing her young brother, Danny, to fall down a precipice and break his leg. Annette goes out of her way to make sure everyone else hates Lucien, too. But then some surprising things start to happen to both of them. In the end, hatred and bitterness give way to forgiveness and friendship....
$799 $899
Nothing Else Matters by Patricia St. John -11%
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A powerful and moving story based on real events in the Lebanese civil war in the 1980’s. Lamia and her family are caught up in the fighting, with tragic consequences. Lamia struggles with the hatred that threatens to destroy her, until she grasps that forgiveness and love are the most important things. Nothing else matters.
$799 $899
The Victor by Patricia St. John -11%
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Philo, a first-century Phoenician boy, is worried about his family. Evil hangs over their house like a cloud. And it all seems to come from his sister, Illyrica, who is possessed by a demon. Hearing about a prophet from Nazareth who has healed the sick and even raised the dead, Philo wonders if He can save his sister. But the mere mention of the prophet’s name sends Illyrica into fits of rage and despair. Even if the prophet really is as powerful as people say He is, how can Philo and his little sister, Ione, take Illyrica to Him to be healed? Hopeless, Philo runs away and goes to live with his uncle in Capernaum, where he hears even...
$799 $899
The Tanglewoods' Secret DVD -50%
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This delightful family film tells the story of Philip and Ruth, 10 and 8, who are staying with their rather strict Aunt Margaret in the south of England while their parernts are overseas during the late 1940's. While building a secret hideout in the woods, the children meet Terry, a gypsy boy who shares the secrets of the forest with them. Ruth is impetuous and outspoken and is usually getting into trouble of one kind or another. When her aunt suggests that maybe a boarding school would teach her to be better mannered and not so obstinate, ruth runs away from home. She spends the night sleeping in a church. In the morning,...
$749 $1499