Featured Authors

Old Age (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -11%
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Modern society puts a great premium upon youth, but this book shows that sometimes the greatest accomplishments of life have taken place in old age. Among the many fascinating stories in this book, you will read about Granny Brand who refused to "retire" from the mission field until her death at ninety-four. You will also discover how George Müller traveled 200,000 miles preaching the gospel after his 70th birthday!
$799 $899
I Needed a Neighbour by Patricia St. John -11%
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The refugee camp is crowded with sick and starving people. Two new arrivals, a teenage girl, Mehrit, carrying her little brother on her back, wait their turn patiently. What will happen to them? Will they ever find their parents again? A strong and moving story of a family in a famine-stricken country.
$799 $899
Nothing Else Matters by Patricia St. John -11%
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A powerful and moving story based on real events in the Lebanese civil war in the 1980’s. Lamia and her family are caught up in the fighting, with tragic consequences. Lamia struggles with the hatred that threatens to destroy her, until she grasps that forgiveness and love are the most important things. Nothing else matters.
$799 $899
The Victor by Patricia St. John -11%
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Philo, a first-century Phoenician boy, is worried about his family. Evil hangs over their house like a cloud. And it all seems to come from his sister, Illyrica, who is possessed by a demon. Hearing about a prophet from Nazareth who has healed the sick and even raised the dead, Philo wonders if He can save his sister. But the mere mention of the prophet’s name sends Illyrica into fits of rage and despair. Even if the prophet really is as powerful as people say He is, how can Philo and his little sister, Ione, take Illyrica to Him to be healed? Hopeless, Philo runs away and goes to live with his uncle in Capernaum, where he hears even...
$799 $899
An Ordered Life by G. H. Lang -8%
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G. H. Lang was a remarkable Bible teacher, preacher and writer of a past generation who should not be forgotten by today’s Christians. He inherited the spiritual “mantle” of such giants in the faith as George Müller, Anthony Norris Groves and other notable saints among the early Brethren movement. He traveled all over the world with no fixed means of support other than prayer and faith and no church or other organization to depend on. Like Mr. Müller before him, he told his needs to no one but God. Many times his faith was tried to the limit, as funds for the next part of his journey arrived only at the last minute and from unexpected...
$1199 $1299
If by Amy Carmichael -14%
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A little book about Calvary love in common life. Based on 1st Corinthians 13. Over 100,000 in print.
$599 $699
Toward Jerusalem by Amy Carmichael -14%
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A collection of 92 poems from Amy Carmichael, founder of the Donhavur Fellowship. This collection of songs is an offering of praise by the lover to her Beloved. "We cannot bring Thee praise like golden noon-light shining on earth's green floor; our song is more like silver of the moonlight..."
$599 $699
Vance Havner's Reflections on the Gospels was rescued by Michael Catt from a collection of newspaper columns and compiled for the first time into book form.The result is a wonderful devotional volume that gives a unique insight into God's Word through the eyes of this great preacher. Whether you use this book as a personal devotional or as a study tool, you'll find it an enlightening and inspiring opportunity to spend a few moments with a New Testament prophet. -7%
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Vance Havner's Reflections on the Gospels was rescued by Michael Catt from a collection of newspaper columns and compiled for the first time into book form.The result is a wonderful devotional volume that gives a unique insight into God's Word through the eyes of this great preacher. Whether you use this book as a personal devotional or as a study tool, you'll find it an enlightening and inspiring opportunity to spend a few moments with a New Testament prophet.
$1299 $1399
Learning of God by Amy Carmichael -11%
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A selection of poetry and prose from the writings of Amy Carmichael, prefaced by a reminiscence of this remarkable woman who all her life learned of God and shared this with others. An excellent anthology to introduce readers to Amy Carmichael and her writings.
$799 $899
Kohila by Amy Carmichael -8%
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Recounts the shaping of an Indian nurse. No work that is set on following the Crucified escapes the cross. Those who do not weaken on some point of loyalty to Truth find themselves bearing the reproach of Christ.
$1099 $1199
Gold by Moonlight by Amy Carmichael -8%
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In this volume are sensitive lessons from a walk with pain. Like Rose from Brier, it has not been written by the well for the ill, but by a fellow-toad under the harrow. "The toad beneath the harrow knows exactly where each tooth-point goes." However, Gold by Moonlight is not for the ill only. It finds its way into many rooms of human need. It is for all who walk in difficult places or are caught under any sort of harrow.
$1099 $1199
Mountain Breezes by Amy Carmichael -6%
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The Collected Poems of Amy Carmichael. A 466-page anthology of the spirit-enriching poetry of Amy Carmichael. 566 poems gathered from 29 of her books, many now out of print, and arranged under 7 topical headings: Worship, Petition, Surrender, Ministry, Wartime, Encouragement, Youth. Sources are indicated. Included is a helpful Index of First Lines and Titles: 26 pages. Truly a treasure for poetry lovers, especially all Carmichael fans.
$1499 $1599
Fruitful Living by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
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Only through testings can we enter into deep and full life in God. We can only know our God and His abundant grace as He brings us through circumstances that a a "good deal beyond the possible point." Here are three helpful books in one: Abandonment to the Spirit (notes on the book of Ezekiel), Much Fruit and The Silence of Jesus.
$599 $699
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The book is subtitled: "Principles of Victory from the Book of Ephesians." The author contends that Christians do not understand spiritual conflict in the Lord's service because they do not know how to live in the Spirit.
$799 $899
Whispers of His Power by Amy Carmichael -8%
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Contains a selection of 366 daily devotional readings culled from Amy Carmichael's previously unpublished letters and writings. Each is based on a verse or short passage of Scripture.
$1199 $1299
All Things New by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
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This book is a combination of two books. All Things New shows how every aspect of the Christian's life relates to the cross of Christ, and that this severing power is also a renewing power. Much Fruit is an exposition of Jesus' story about a grain of wheat.
$599 $699
The Awakening in Wales by Jessie Penn-Lewis -13%
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Readers of this volume will be profoundly grateful to Jessie Penn-Lewis for her clear and unvarnished record of the facts concerning the remarkable outpouring of God's Spirit in Wales at the time of the 1903-1905 revival, and the central place given to the cross of Christ in that Divine visitation. All who read these pages will experience a longing to see God work again in similar or greater ways and will find themselves praying withe the Psalmist, "Wilt thou not revive us again?"
$699 $799
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G. H. Lang examines the statements of Holy Scripture regarding the subject matter of the preaching of John the Baptist, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His foremost messengers—the apostles, Peter, Paul, and John. Positively we may thus discern much illuminating truth, and incidentally we may detect some confusing errors.
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World Chaos, Its Root and Remedy is an inquiry into the causes and consequences of the second world war in light of Christianity.
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The author sets out to show that praying is, in itself, working, not just a spiritual add-on to other efforts. Indeed, prayer is shown to be the highest work the Christian can engage in.