F. W. Krummacher

Elijah the Tishbite by F. W. Krummacher -6%
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F. W. Krummacher (1796-1868) was a leading figure in the evangelical awakening of the early nineteenth century. His most powerful work, Elijah the Tishbite, is a collection of sermons addressed to Christians living in a post-Enlightenment society whose leaders, policies, and institutions had become unsympathetic to traditional Christian faith. In responding to the rationalism of the Enlightenment, which denied divine providence and everything supernatural, Krummacher examines what the Scriptures teach about seeking and finding God in times of hardship. Through the story of Elijah, Krummacher explores what it means to trust God when...
$1499 $1599
Elisha A Prophet for Our Times by F. W. Krummacher -19%
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The great German preacher and writer, F. W. Krummacher, had profound insight into the Scriptures and the human heart. God does not change. The human condition does not change. Krummacher fully grasped both of these enduring truths. His sermons, which form the book, Elisha: A Prophet for Our Times, makes one feel that he wrote in our own uncertain times. This is always a distinguishing mark of an exceptional author. You will be instructed, challenged, enriched, and encouraged as you read this book on the life and times and ministry of Elisha. Regardless of the limitations you see within yourself, Elisha will sharpen your vision and...
$1299 $1599
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The key to the Song of Songs lies in personal experience. For him that is without, and who has not yet entered into the blessed sanctuary fellowship with Christ of which this Song testifies, the sweet strains of the Shulamite are not intended. No one brings with him into the world an ear for this Song. Seek not its meaning in the way of rational reflection; that is of no use. Look not for it in the school of a stagnant, lifeless orthodoxy. It is the Spirit alone that here searches the deep things, and teaches us to read those hieroglyphics. Friedrich Wilhelm Krummacher (1796-1868) was born into a family of German Reformed pietist...
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