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Hot off the Press: The Christian Hero – A Sketch of the Life of Robert Annan

Hot off the press: The Christian Hero: A Sketch of the Life of Robert Annan.

Here’s what volunteer proofreader Linda Sutton wrote about the book: Christian Hero – set in the mid 1800’s in the region of Dundee in Scotland – winningly displays how God set His special saving love on a so-called worthless fellow named Robert Annan. Robert had wasted his youth in drinking, brawling and reveling. A three-month stint in jail left him anxious for change, but his attempts at self-reform only left him empty, miserable and in worse condition than before.

One night when he was 26, Robert attended a revival meeting and became deeply affected by the words of Scottish evangelist, Duncan Matheson. Robert left exclaiming, “Great God, am I shut out of salvation for ever?” After three tormented days grieving over his sin and hopeless of ever finding peace with God, the Holy Spirit came and enabled him to lay hold of this truth: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” From that day on, Robert anchored his hope on Jesus the Rock and never looked back. Instantly, he became like Paul – a “debtor to all men.” The very first night, Robert passed out tracts and preached to all who would listen. Everyone who knew him marveled at the change they saw. The second night he shared at a gospel meeting what the Lord had done for him.

His love for Christ and passion for souls seemed to know no bounds, and often after a day of hard labor, he would tirelessly and ardently preach in nearby towns. Soul-winning was his most important and urgent occupation and he lost no time or opportunity working in “the fields that were white for harvest.” He was especially burdened for those caught in the vice of drink and rebel-rousing, as he had been, and often went to the nearby wharf to see if some of the hardest might be saved. Written by Rev. J. MacPherson, who knew Robert from the time he was a babe in Christ, the Christian Hero is an incredible and rousing testament to God’s power and delight to work through the meek and lowly to save the apple of His eye – the human soul. Its pages will surely stir the reader to cry along with Robert Annan, “I wish to do something for Christ!”

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