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In this day of seeker-friendly churches, “Your Best Life Now" messages, and compromised TV evangelists, Uncompromising Faith issues a fresh challenge to live a true faith. This book is a rallying cry to today's Christians to stand for the truth, following the examples of past heroes of the faith. This book will encourage you with the testimonies of four preachers from the past who did not compromise in their day. They believed in the reality of an eternal hell, were not afraid to preach the true gospel, were willing to suffer greatly, and did not shrink from self-denial. In these days in which compromise is epidemic among professing...
$799 $899
When the Spirit's Fire Swept Korea by Jonathan Goforth -37%
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Jonathan Goforth was a pioneer missionary to China who longed to see God work in revival power. In 1904 and 1905 he was inspired by reports of the Welsh Revival, and then in 1907 he heard about a revival that had broken out in nearby Korea. He decided he must go there and witness the outpouring of God’s Spirit firsthand in the hope that the fires of revival and renewal would follow him back to China on his return. He was not disappointed. After visiting some of the main mission centers in Korea and witnessing what the mighty power of God had done and was still doing, Goforth returned to China and began reporting to the churches there...
$250 $399
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Vance Havner was a unique servant of God whose spoken ministry spanned over seventy years and whose written ministry extended to almost forty books. Dr. Havner was fond of saying that the preacher's job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, and you will find plenty of both in these pages. Warren Wiersbe once said, “Vance Havner is imitated but he will never be duplicated." Michael Catt, Pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia, concurs: “There was no one like Vance Havner. His preaching style was unique, powerful, and pointed. He was a master at turning a phrase, using humor to set up a point, and...
$999 $1199
With Mercy and With Judgment by Alexander Whyte -16%
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Harold St. John, a great Bible teacher and preacher of a previous generation, was once asked which commentaries and helps to Bible study he would recommend. His reply went something like this: "A man who deals with Scripture," he said, "has a conscience which needs to be trained, a heart which must be warmed, and a will that should be yielded, and finally, a mind which must be fed. For the conscience, none is better than Alexander Whyte - his Lord, Teach Us to Pray and With Mercy and With Judgment will make his readers hot and ashamed." And sometimes, being hot and ashamed is just what we need, spiritually speaking. "Do no put off...
$799 $950
World Missions: Total Spiritual Warfare -9%
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Someone has said that the task of the preacher is to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable. The messages found in this book most definitely fall into the latter category. In these pages the author sounds a bugle call to Christian soldiers—a call “not to a holiday, but to a campaign. Our tent is pitched not in paradise, but on the field of battle…. The primary and only adequate figure of Christian service is that of the military conflict…. World missions under Christ's captaincy means war, total war, total mobilization for total conflict." This book was written and published toward the end of L. E. Maxwell's long and...
$999 $1099