Randy Alcorn

In Light of Eternity by Randy Alcorn -8%
One moment after you die, you'll find out what's on the other side. Don't wait until then. Let this book guide you into discovering how wonderful your eternal future will be - and what you can do now to prepare for it. The deepest longing of your heart is for one person and one place. Jesus is that person. Heaven is that place. The Carpenter from Nazareth promised he would go ahead to prepare a place for you. What your heart most deeply desires awaits you in the home custom-built by your Bridegroom. Meanwhile, a thousand counterfeits vie for your attention, trying to convince you that they are what you're longing for. But...
$1199 $1299
Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn -20%
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Who wants to settle for fleeting treasures on earth...when God offers everlasting treasures in heaven? It's time to rethink our perspectives on money and possessions. In this thoroughly researched and extensively updated classic, Randy Alcorn shows us how to view them accurately - as God's provision for our good, the good of others, and His glory. This practical and refreshing theology of money contains topical and Scripture indexes, a study guide, and five helpful appendices. What does the Bible really say about money? This completely revised and updated version of the classic best-seller provides a Christian perspective about...
$1199 $1499
The Law of Rewards by Randy Alcorn -8%
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The Bible makes it clear that while our faith determines our eternal destination , our actions - including what we do with our money - determine our eternal rewards . In The Law of Rewards , best-selling author Randy Alcorn shows that though we shouldn't serve God just for rewards, He does offer them to HIs children as major incentives. God has wired us to desire rewards, but it's important to remember that God's reward system is for His glory, our good, and the good of others. Once we understand God's incentive program, our attitude toward generous living will never be the same.
$1199 $1299
Pro Life Answers to Pro Choice Arguments by Randy Alcorn -13%
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With over 75,000 copies in print, this revised and updated guide offers timely information and inspiration from a "sanctity of life" perspective. Real answers to real questions appear in logical and concise form. The final chapter- "Fifty Ways to Help Unborn Babies and Their Mothers"- is worth the price of this book alone! As politicians, citizens, and families continue the raging national debate on whether it's proper to end human life in the womb, resources like Randy Alcorn's Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments have proven invaluable. 455 pages.
$1299 $1499
Heaven by Randy Alcorn -12%
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HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED...What is Heaven really going to be like? What will we do? Won't Heaven get boring after a while? We all have questions about what Heaven will be like, and after twenty-five years of extensive research, Dr. Randy Alcorn has the answers. In the most comprehensive and definitive book on Heaven to date, Randy invites you to picture Heaven the way Scripture describes it - a bright, vibrant, and physical New Earth, free from sin, suffering, and death, and brimming with Christ's presence, wondrous natural beauty, and the richness of human culture as God intended it. If you've always thought of Heaven as a realm of...
$2199 $2499