G. H. Lang

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Subtitled Divine Directions for Difficult Situations, this is an in-depth look at 2 Cor. 6:14 - 7:1. Lang examines what is meant by unbelievers, yoked, unequally, come out and be separate, touch not the unclean, etc.
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G. H. Lang's analysis of the new birth is based on the words of Jesus found in John 3:1-21, and particularly verses 3 & 5. He says, "Words with a more direct message it were hard to find, nor were statements more emphatic ever uttered. Christ allows of no exceptions; any and every person who is ever to see the kingdom of God must be the subject of that radical change which is described as a being born from above. He who has not had this birth is outside the kingdom, and must remain so; nor can he even see it, until born anew."
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Atoning Blood: What it does and what it does not do. An exposition of the truth of Atonement as taught in Holy Scripture. This is a great little book if you want a better understanding of atoning blood as taught in Scripture. G. H. Lang's masterly treatment is thorough but succinct, a real eye opener.
Firstborn Sons by G. H. Lang -6%
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Is it worth while to follow Christ? Does not being His disciple involve so great loss and so much persecution and other trouble as to cause reasonable men to ask if it is worth while? Did He not Himself say to His disciples, In the world ye have tribulation? and is it not written all that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution? (John 16:33; 2 Tim. 3:12). Is there adequate compensation for such sacrifice and endurance? The following pages give part of the answer to such questions. Only part, however, for there are other recompenses to be allowed weight in giving a complete answer. But the line of thought here followed is...
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A Review of the Doctrines of Universal Restoration, Annihilation, and Punishment.
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The author declares that if we really believed that God in His Word teaches the eternal doom of the sinner we would be much more in earnest for the salvation of souls. Our zeal doesn't make the facts more true, nor does our apathy lessen the awfulness of the sinner's future. But our apathy, our living as if we did not really believe these things, will make the sinner more careless also, and thus we contribute to the sinner's present condition and future perdition.
The Histories and Prophecies of Daniel by G. H. Lang -5%
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The author offers some great insights on the book of Daniel that you should not miss. His interest in prophecy began when he was a teenager and deepened ever after. The chapters of this book present the results of many years of study. The histories as well as the prophecies are ably dealt with.
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Pictures and Parables by G. H. Lang -5%
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Here you will find a masterpiece on the pictures and parables found in the Bible (mostly the New Testament). If you want to delve a little deeper, uncover hidden meaning, and study the pictures and parables in their proper setting and context, this book will help you immensely toward that goal. Especially if you are a preacher or Sunday school teacher, you'll find this volume is a veritable goldmine.
$2099 $2199