Christian Theology and Doctrine

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Firstborn Sons by G. H. Lang -6%
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Is it worth while to follow Christ? Does not being His disciple involve so great loss and so much persecution and other trouble as to cause reasonable men to ask if it is worth while? Did He not Himself say to His disciples, In the world ye have tribulation? and is it not written all that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution? (John 16:33; 2 Tim. 3:12). Is there adequate compensation for such sacrifice and endurance? The following pages give part of the answer to such questions. Only part, however, for there are other recompenses to be allowed weight in giving a complete answer. But the line of thought here followed is...
$1499 $1599
Our Own God by G. D. Watson -9%
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A most inspiring work dealing with the character of God in such a way as to make one long to know Him more intimately, to love Him more ardently, and to serve Him more unreservedly. The opening statement, "God is our nearest relative," sums up the spirit breathed through this spiritual classic. Someone has described the book this way: "No book we have ever read has given us such a sense of God's fatherly love and of His minute interest in the life of each of us. Usually a book about God is a theological treatise couched in language not too easy to comprehend, but this is written experimentally by a man who has pressed into deeper...
$999 $1099
The Cross the Touchstone of Faith by Jessie Penn-Lewis -11%
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Faith must obviously have something solid to rest on, and God in His mercy has provided for this need. He gave His Son to die on the cross, and then raised Him from the dead so that as well as giving us life through Him, and countless blessings, our weaknesses and divisions from other believers might be healed. Only in this way can the vital work of bringing others out of darkness into light be accomplished; and only in this way can Satan have taken from him the means of hindering the unity and effective witness of Christians in the world. Paperback. 86 pages.
$799 $899
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A Review of the Doctrines of Universal Restoration, Annihilation, and Punishment.
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The author declares that if we really believed that God in His Word teaches the eternal doom of the sinner we would be much more in earnest for the salvation of souls. Our zeal doesn't make the facts more true, nor does our apathy lessen the awfulness of the sinner's future. But our apathy, our living as if we did not really believe these things, will make the sinner more careless also, and thus we contribute to the sinner's present condition and future perdition.
The Histories and Prophecies of Daniel by G. H. Lang -5%
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The author offers some great insights on the book of Daniel that you should not miss. His interest in prophecy began when he was a teenager and deepened ever after. The chapters of this book present the results of many years of study. The histories as well as the prophecies are ably dealt with.
$1999 $2099
Broken Bread by John Wright Follette -8%
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John Wright Follette, a gifted Bible teacher and a dedicated Christian, took three vows - that of chastity, poverty, and obedience. This collection of twenty of sermons together with a number of his unique poems reveal how God honored his faithful servant by endowing him with an unusual perception of spiritual realities. Some of the chapter titles are: "Trouble is a Servant," "Waiting upon God," "The Purpose of Adam's Test," "Deep Calleth Unto Deep," "Emptied from Vessel to Vessel," "Christian Character - a Qualification."
$1199 $1299
Heart Talks on Holiness by Samuel Logan Brengle -17%
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Samuel Logan Brengle's Heart Talks on Holiness was written as a successor to Helps to Holiness and abounds with the same practical insights on holy living as the former volume. The book addresses ordinary Christians in simple, plain language, with the definite goal of helping them experience and enjoy full salvation. Bramwell Booth said of this book, “The glorious experience here described and enforced is the true secret of a life of happiness and usefulness on earth as it is the highest preparation for the life and service of Heaven. That experience is for you.” Samuel Logan Brengle (1860 - 1936) was converted as a youngster. At...
$499 $599