Christian Theology and Doctrine

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The Grace and Truth Paradox by Randy Alcorn -10%
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Grace or truth...or both? Truth without grace breeds self-righteousness and crushing legalism. Grace without truth breeds deception and moral compromise. Is it possible to embrace both in balance? Jesus did. Randy Alcorn offers a simple yet profound two-point checklist of Christlikeness. "In the end," says Alcorn, "we don't need grace or truth. We need grace and truth. And for people to see Jesus in us, they must see both." 92 pages. Hardback.
$899 $999
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This 281 page book is a collection of expositions on the spiritual life from the able pen of G. D. Watson, who has been called "The Apostle to the Sanctified." He writes: "When we are born of the Spirit there is shed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost, a peculiar and hitherto unknown love for God and his Son Jesus. It is an exotic transplanted from a celestial clime by the hand of God; it is a personal attachment to our heavenly Father, a heart passion toward the Lord Jesus, an ineffable yearning for the Divine, an instinctive and dominant regard for the things of God which is utterly beyond the products of nature. No fine...
$1199 $1299
God's Eagles by G. D. Watson -8%
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If you’ve never heard of “eagle saints” before, this book is for you. Allow G. D. Watson to walk you through God’s Word and shine a spotlight on passage after passage relating to this fascinating subject. In describing the book to the original publishers, Watson himself wrote: “It is a series of Bible expositions describing the destiny of the saints clear through all the ages, from the time of the new birth, on through life and death, translation and resurrection, the judgment of the saints, the marriage supper of the Lamb, the chaining of Satan, the millennial reign, and the New Jerusalem, so as to present to the Lord’s people a...
$1199 $1299
George Whitefield's Sermons Volume 1 -8%
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Whitefield preached a singularly pure gospel. Few men ever gave their hearers so much wheat and so little chaff. He did not get into his pulpit to talk about his party, his cause, his interest, or his office. He was perpetually telling you about your sins, your heart, and Jesus Christ, in the way that the Bible speaks of them. "Oh, the righteousness of Jesus Christ!" he would frequently say.
$1099 $1199
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This short book gives an outline of Bible prophecy. G. H. Lang was a prolific writer on prophetic themes. Those wanting more in-depth material will want to look at his books on Daniel and Revelation, but this short booklet gives an overview. Copies Scripture references are given in proof of his outline.
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G. H. Lang's analysis of the new birth is based on the words of Jesus found in John 3:1-21, and particularly verses 3 & 5. He says, "Words with a more direct message it were hard to find, nor were statements more emphatic ever uttered. Christ allows of no exceptions; any and every person who is ever to see the kingdom of God must be the subject of that radical change which is described as a being born from above. He who has not had this birth is outside the kingdom, and must remain so; nor can he even see it, until born anew."
Our Nearest Kinsman by Roy Hession -11%
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Is there more than romance to the story of Ruth? Roy Hession says Yes! Most of us have missed the subtle details that are key to understanding the significance of this heart moving book. We need a new vision of the blood of Christ and the grace of God to make the same daring claim on our nearest Kinsman as Ruth made hers. Come and learn about the restoration, revival and renewal promised in Ruth, until at last you hav the boldness to lie at the feet of your Kinsman with full confidence. Come and learn about the restoration, revival and renewal promised in Ruth, until at last you have the boldness to lie at the feet of your Kinsman...
$799 $899
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The author examines the Scriptures to attempt to answer the question as to whether Israel has a national future.