Spiritual Growth

The State of the Church by Andrew Murray -17%
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In 1911 global mission leaders met in Edinburgh, Scotland, to confront a sobering situation: two-thirds of the world was unevangelized, sending churches were declining in membership and spiritual vitality, and interest in missions was waning. How could such a weak and sickly church meet the challenge of fulfilling the Great Commission? In response to this situation, Andrew Murray wrote The State of the Church. This urgent call to repentance and prayer helped spur on one of the most fruitful missionary movements in church's history. Is history repeating itself today? One hundred years after this book was penned, the church finds itself in...
$999 $1199
Ultimate Intention by Devern Fromke -7%
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Scores of pastors and teachers testify, "THIS CHANGED MY LIFE AND MINISTRY." This is possibly this writer's best book; in it he traces God's eternal purpose for mankind, God's rectifying work through the cross, and the glory of sonship. Whether you are a lay Christian or involved in ministry, your life will never be the same after reading this book! Every believer will be deeply impressed by a thorough reading of DeVern Fromke's classic setting forth the importance of God-centeredness for the normal Christian life. Beginning with an unfolding of God's eternal purpose which He purposed for Himself in eternity past, the various chapters...
$699 $750
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Unto Full Stature is an amazingly gripping book dealing with Christian growth and maturity from a God-centered perspective. This book is progressive in nature, and eminently practical. Anyone who yearns for greater spiritual maturity will find this book to be a fountain of blessing, enlightenment, and challenge. Beginning with the need to gain a God-given perspective and vision, the author proceeds to show that full stature is not something we should postpone until some unknown future, but something that we should be enjoying now. He then proceeds to show that this maturity and growth can only be achieved in co-operation with...
Upgrade: from Adequacy to Abundance by Michael Catt -7%
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Have you ever felt like there must be more? More than going to church. More than praying safe prayers. More than accepting the norm. Your upgrade is now available! In Upgrade, Michael outlines the behaviors and mindsets of immature faith and explains how God equips and empowers us to enjoy the Christ-filled life promised to us in the Epistles. Catt challenges us to accept the upgrade offered to all Christians-not just an elite few-through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Don't miss out on God's best! "You can settle for mediocrity, trying to muddle through in your own strength, or you can accept Christ's upgrade and abide and...
$1299 $1399
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Do you know someone who has recently come to faith in Christ and needs a roadmap to guide them on the journey of discipleship? Do you yourself need a refresher course on the basics, as well as the more advanced truths, of the Christian faith? I can't think of a better book than Ezra Byer's new release, What Kind of God Do I Serve? As Keith Drury says, it's a masterful job. The book is immensely practical. What you'll really love about it, though, is that it's so thorough without being tedious. It's wide-ranging and yet very succinct. Pastors will small group leaders will find it to be a great resource. I highly recommend it....