Christian Living

Gospel-Powered Parenting by William P. Farley -15%
IF YOU ONLY READ ONE BOOK ON PARENTING, THIS SHOULD BE IT! "How can I hope to be an effective parent today when attacks on the family are stronger than ever before?" The answer, says Farley, is the GOSPEL. Parents who claim the gospel as their own have an enormous effect on their marriage, their integrity, and their love for their children. Keeping the gospel at the forefront of every aspect of marriage helps parents fear God, sensitizes them to sin, motivates them to enter their children's world, and causes them to preach the beauty of the gospel to their children through their marriage. ...
$1099 $1299
Gold by Moonlight by Amy Carmichael -8%
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In this volume are sensitive lessons from a walk with pain. Like Rose from Brier, it has not been written by the well for the ill, but by a fellow-toad under the harrow. "The toad beneath the harrow knows exactly where each tooth-point goes." However, Gold by Moonlight is not for the ill only. It finds its way into many rooms of human need. It is for all who walk in difficult places or are caught under any sort of harrow.
$1099 $1199
God's Chosen Fast by Arthur Wallis -8%
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The author shares what the Bible says about this important and neglected subject. Includes an index to all the Biblical passages on fasting.
$1099 $1199
The Joyful Heart by  Watchman Nee -15%
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The Joyful Heart is a dynamic collection of devotional gems from the works of Watchman Nee. Designed for daily reading, this book will enrich your walk with the Lord. “Some of us force ourselves to do things we don’t want to do and to live a life we cannot in fact live, and think that in making this effort we are being Christians. That is very far removed from what God offers us in Christ. The Christian life is lived when [we] receive the life of Christ within [us] as a gift; to live by that life.” – Excerpt from The Joyful Heart,/em> Watchman Nee was a noted Chinese Bible teacher and Christian...
$1099 $1299
The Spiritual Life by Andrew Murray -8%
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In a series of messages given at Moody Bible Institute in 1895, Andrew Murray explained how to live a Spirit-filled life. This book, coming from those messages, is wise and timely counsel from a veteran saint and journeyman in the life of faith. In an era when discussion of the deeper life is often met with indifference or extremism, Murray brings a healthy balance. This excellent volume gives practical, Biblical advice on allowing the Holy Spirit complete control over your life. About the Author: Andrew Murray, born in 1828, went from being a discouraged minister at age 25 to becoming one of the best loved writers on the deeper...
$1099 $1199
Is Your Fruit Sweet or Sour? by Karen Finn -15%
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A 12-chapter topical series developed for young women, this book can be used for individual and small group study, 7th-12th grade Sunday school curriculum, or for mother/daugher Bible study. Is your fruit sweet or sour? Which flavor describes your disposition? Is your tell-tale "taste" encouraging and inviting to others, or does it send them away, disgusted and disillusioned? Our commitment to Christ is reflected in the spirit that seeps out of us. A teen girl's walk with the Lord can get easily entangled by numerous influences and issues (we call them weeds) which have taken root in her heart. Is Your Fruit Sweet or Sour? shows young...
$1099 $1299
Fireproof DVD: Special Collector's Edition -52%
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At work, inside burning buildings, Capt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's adage: Never leave your partner behind. At home, in the cooling embers of his marriage, he lives by his own rules. Growing up, Catherine Holt always dreamed of marrying a loving, brave firefighter...just like her daddy. Now, after seven years of marriage, Catherine wonders when she stopped being "good enough" for her husband. Regular arguments over jobs, finances, housework, and outside interests have readied them both to move on to something with more sparks. As the couple prepares to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's...
$1198 $2498
How They Prayed Vol. 1 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
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This book is a plea for a return of prayer and worship in the home, citing many examples of how praying family members have prevailed with God for their loved ones. Read of parents who prayed for their children, children who prayed for their parents, wives and husbands who prayed for their partners. 19 short, easy-to-read chapters.
$1199 $1299
How They Prayed Vol. 2 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
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The first three chapters of this book contain testimonies from various Christians on the benefits of early morning rising for prayer and Bible study. The remaining chapters reveal the emphasis given to prayer in the lives of ministers and preachers from differing denominational backgrounds and nationalities.
$1199 $1299
How They Prayed Vol. 3 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
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Read the touching story of Lily Roberts, a missionary in the Congo, who prayed, "Lord, my life for revival," and how God took her at her word. Discover how largely prayer figured in the revival of 1857 and others. Gain an insight into the prayer-lives of various missionaries. All in this book!
$1199 $1299
Kneeling We Triumph Vol. 1 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
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A compilation of sixty two-page readings on prayer. Titles include: "Authority to Take," "Prayers that Outlive an Age," "For the Asking." This book was close to the top of the late Leonard Ravenhill's list of recommended books! Great book to use in personal devotions or to kick off a prayer meeting. For many years, Edwin and Lillian Harvey edited a Christian paper in Great Britain called The Message of Victory. They also wrote numerous books, the first of which was called The Christian's Daily Challenge. Their two books on prayer have come to be regarded as classics on the subject. These two volumes are laid out in the form of...
$1199 $1299
Kneeling We Triumph Vol. 2 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
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Companion to Volume 1. A few titles are: "Prayer Power," "Answers That Cost," "Waiting a Proof of Our Faith," "When Prayer is a Cry." These two books have been widely used to stir many Christians to the tremendous power and privilege associated with prayer. This second volume contains a further 60 two-page readings on the subject of prayer. The readings are similar to those in the former volume, in that they are not a "how to pray" manual, but rather stimulate the reader to the tremendous opportunities available through prayer. The compilations are from godly men and women of the past. In their foreword, the authors write: "Like...
$1199 $1299
Gerhard Tersteegen's Sermons and Hymns -8%
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Gerhard Tersteegen was a German contemporary of John Wesley. He wished for a secluded life, but crowds besieged his dwelling place, eager to feast on the words of wisdom that fell from the lips of one who had been closeted with his Maker. Everywhere he went, crowds gathered by wayside, in barns, and in homes where their famished souls feasted upon the Bread of Life. Tersteegen was also a prolific hymn writer. This book is a collection of some of his profoundly spiritual and devotional hymns and also some of his sermons.
$1199 $1299
In Light of Eternity by Randy Alcorn -8%
One moment after you die, you'll find out what's on the other side. Don't wait until then. Let this book guide you into discovering how wonderful your eternal future will be - and what you can do now to prepare for it. The deepest longing of your heart is for one person and one place. Jesus is that person. Heaven is that place. The Carpenter from Nazareth promised he would go ahead to prepare a place for you. What your heart most deeply desires awaits you in the home custom-built by your Bridegroom. Meanwhile, a thousand counterfeits vie for your attention, trying to convince you that they are what you're longing for. But...
$1199 $1299
Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn -20%
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Who wants to settle for fleeting treasures on earth...when God offers everlasting treasures in heaven? It's time to rethink our perspectives on money and possessions. In this thoroughly researched and extensively updated classic, Randy Alcorn shows us how to view them accurately - as God's provision for our good, the good of others, and His glory. This practical and refreshing theology of money contains topical and Scripture indexes, a study guide, and five helpful appendices. What does the Bible really say about money? This completely revised and updated version of the classic best-seller provides a Christian perspective about...
$1199 $1499
Be Ye Holy by Leslie D. Wilcox -20%
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This book thoroughly sets forth the doctrine of holiness as found in the Word of God. It also gives a historical sketch of the holiness movement, beginning with the Wesleyan Revival in the 18th century, through to the modern holiness churches. In addition, the author deals extensively with the rich literary heritage of the holiness movement. 332 pages.
$1199 $1499