Christian Living

Bringing Sons Unto Glory / Making All Things New by Oswald Chambers -9%
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Compelling and thorough, this two-volumes-in-one seeks to challenge those who have not made a total commitment to Christ and comfort those who aim to please Him in every aspect of daily living.
$999 $1099
Lord, Teach Us to Pray by Alexander Whyte -9%
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Lord, Teach Us to Pray is probably the finest single book of sermons on prayer by any Evangelical preacher. --Warren Wiersbe Dr. Alexander Whyte (1836-1921) was widely acknowledged to be the greatest Scottish preacher of his day. He was a mighty pulpit orator who thundered against sin, awakening the consciences of his hearers, and then gently leading them to the Savior. He was also a great teacher, who would teach a class of around 500 young men after Sunday night service, instructing them in the way of the Lord more perfectly. In the later part of Dr. Whyte's ministry, one of his pet topics was prayer. Luke 11:1 was a...
$999 $1099
Hazardous by Ed Cyzewski and Derek Cooper -29%
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Committing to the Cost of Following Jesus We may think that following Jesus always leads to green fields and still waters, but Christ sends us out as “sheep among wolves” and warns us that we will be hated by everyone because of Him. Derek Cooper and Ed Cyzewski show how true discipleship clashes with our culture and affects every area of life. Counting the cost and becoming disciples of Jesus instead of just spectators will influence all our daily decisions and plans. Hazardous is a call to listen for God’s leading and to obey, even when it leads us down a difficult and dangerous path. As you confront...
$999 $1399
I Talk Back to the Devil by A. W. Tozer -23%
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Tozer tells us "it is one of the devil's oldest tricks to discourage the saints by causing them to look back at what they were." Indeed, Satan has been in the business of intimidating and silencing the people of God for a very long time. But as we "press forward into maturity in Christ," we are armed with great strength to engage in battle with that adversary, the devil!
$999 $1299
Born After Midnight by A. W. Tozer -17%
Tozer has said that revivals are born after midnight because they “require a serious mind and a determined heart to pray past the ordinary into the unusual.” These insightful selections point out the disparity between human ways and God’s way. We are cajoled to rise above mere living, to press toward the blessings offered by the Holy Spirit. Christians often fail to reach beyond themselves to all that God has for them and to live in the extraordinary realm of close union with Christ.
$999 $1199
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Vance Havner was a unique servant of God whose spoken ministry spanned over seventy years and whose written ministry extended to almost forty books. Dr. Havner was fond of saying that the preacher's job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, and you will find plenty of both in these pages. Warren Wiersbe once said, “Vance Havner is imitated but he will never be duplicated." Michael Catt, Pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia, concurs: “There was no one like Vance Havner. His preaching style was unique, powerful, and pointed. He was a master at turning a phrase, using humor to set up a point, and...
$999 $1199
Moments of Decision by Vance Havner -9%
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Throughout our lifetimes we are continually compelled to make impor­tant decisions. To choose life partners, vocations, lifestyles, churches, and even friends, we often seek the advice of others. Vance Havner encourages us to look to the wisest counsel of all—the Bible. In Moments of Decision, Havner presents sixteen revealing examples of choices, both good and bad, made in the Scriptures. He relates them practically and succinctly to the life-changing decisions that must be made today. With tremendous insight he shows how Lot's decision to live in Sodom lends advice for choosing apart from the corrupt influences of wealth; how...
$999 $1099
In Times Like These by Vance Havner -9%
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Here is a key to Christian conduct and belief in times like these—times when we are seeing the disintegration of the church and of moral standards, the destruction of America, the dynamics of “trendism,” and the dangers of departed power. Vance Havner issues a call to Christians, clear and loud, for real repentance, for confession and forsaking of sin, for separation from the world, for submission to the Lordship of Christ, and the filling of the Holy Spirit. His challenging summons is for daring, fearless prophets who will call the nation to repentance and for church members who will stand up and be counted with Jesus Christ. Then and...
$999 $1099
Jesus Only by Vance Havner -9%
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In the awful confusion of these tragic days, many dear souls are weary of the torrent of words to no profit – stacks of books by blind leaders of the blind and panaceas from experts who do not know what the question is, much less the answer. They long to press through the throng to Christ himself and touch him for themselves. It is our hope and prayer that these meditations may help any and all who would see no man, but JESUS ONLY. There is only one safe and sure center of Christian experience, doctrine, and testimony and that is Jesus Christ. Stand at any other point, no matter how good, and you will become lopsided. Stand with him and...
$999 $1099
By the Still Waters by Vance Havner -9%
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This is another incredible book from "America's most quoted preacher." Here is what the author says in his introduction: As a country preacher in the lowlands of eastern Carolina I lived literally by still waters. Here is a serene retreat for him who cares to live a day at a time with leisure to “linger, list, and dream.” For one who easily grows tired of modernity’s mad masquerade it is pleasant to return to these tranquil lowlands. Is it not significant that most of the men of God in the Bible knew best the fields, the pastures, the woods, and waterways? Abel, the keeper of sheep; Abraham, Joseph, Moses, learning their deepest lessons...
$999 $1099
The Secret of Christian Joy by Vance Havner -9%
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The church suffers today from a saddening lack of old-fashioned, simple-hearted, overflowing, Christian joy. We have plenty of knowledge, plenty of enthusiasm and denominational zeal, but Christians and churches that started out in revival fires are living in the smoke, and the “amens” and “hallelujahs” have gone from most assemblies of the saints. When one recalls that we are to rejoice in the Lord always – and then looks in on the average Sunday congregation, he realizes that something has happened to us since Pentecost. We meet on the Lord’s day more as though we had assembled to mourn a defeat than to celebrate a victory. Although...
$999 $1099
Fragments that Remain by Amy Carmichael -9%
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Just as there were 12 baskets of fragments left over from the feeding of the 5,000, so the notes and letters that Amy Carmicheal left behind provide “basketfuls” of spiritual nourishment. Come feast on these delightful morsels from the life of one who was truly abandoned to God. Compiled by Bee Trehane, Fragments That Remain is a compilation of notes and letters left behind by Amy Carmichael after her death in 1951. Drawing from her many years as a missionary in countries such as Japan and India, Carmichael has left us words of inspiration, encouragement and guidance. In Amy's own words: "If to all our Lord asks of us-obedience,...
$999 $1099
On This Rock I Stand by Vance Havner -9%
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George Sweeting says Vance Havner “has traveled the length and breadth of America, calling our nation to repentance and faith. At the age of twelve he began to preach in the hill country of North Carolina and has preached well over 13,000 sermons since then. The heart of his ministry is revival. Courageously he speaks to our age, convicting our hearts, revealing our sins, and pointing to Jesus Christ as the only remedy. Havner says, ‘The tragedy of the hour is that the situation is desperate, but the saints are not. If they were, we would have revival.’ Thousands of students and Christian workers have been revived and recharged through...
$999 $1099
Living in Kingdom Come by Vance Havner -9%
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As with all other books from the pen of Vance Havner, Living in Kingdom Come is full of timeless truth and spiritual direction for pilgrims on their way to the heavenly city. In a chapter entitled “Living in Kingdom Come,” from which the book gets its name, he writes: The Christian moves through the kingdom of this world as a citizen of the kingdom of God. He is not a citizen of earth trying to get to heaven, but a citizen of heaven making his way through this world. He belongs to what Peter calls “an holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9), the only Christian nation on earth, a nation within the nations. He sees everything in the light of...
$999 $1099
The State of the Church by Andrew Murray -17%
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In 1911 global mission leaders met in Edinburgh, Scotland, to confront a sobering situation: two-thirds of the world was unevangelized, sending churches were declining in membership and spiritual vitality, and interest in missions was waning. How could such a weak and sickly church meet the challenge of fulfilling the Great Commission? In response to this situation, Andrew Murray wrote The State of the Church. This urgent call to repentance and prayer helped spur on one of the most fruitful missionary movements in church's history. Is history repeating itself today? One hundred years after this book was penned, the church finds itself in...
$999 $1199
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Learn how to pray from the prayers of a man totally surrendered to Christ. Selected and arranged by Biddy Chambers from her husband’s personal diary, this collection of 366 prayers, in updated language, provides a unique glimpse into the spiritual life of Oswald Chambers, author of the classic devotional My Utmost for His Highest. Exhibiting humility and perseverance, these petitions encourage you to knock at God’s door , enter into His presence, and live your “utmost for His highest.” Spiral bound. "Lord, my chief desire is to be rooted and grounded in you—God-centered and God-absorbed, God-enthused and God-loved. How eager my...
$999 $1499