Christian Children's Books

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Stories that build character for ages 5-10. Don and Joyce visit the farm and discover a hive of angry bees. From this experience Grandma chooses lessons on a variety of bees. This has been an all-time favorite for SIXTY YEARS and has been handed down from parent to child. Who is Devern Fomke ?
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This sequel to A Hive of Busy Bees has also become a favorite. Many teachers explain how students look forward to the time when the class can have another Bee story. These character building stories will continue to live in children's minds for many years. Who is Devern Fomke ?
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Just like Seeing God's Wisdom, this collection of stories for both children and teens will stimulate interest and also develop greater interest in seeking God's wisdom principles. Parents will be amazed how the stories stimulate questions and insights. Who is Devern Fomke ?
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A collection of stories selected by the author and intended to be read and discussed during the family gathering time. Both children and teenagers will enjoy the spiritual principles that build character and purpose in living. Who is Devern Fomke ?
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Come on an adventure - it's called prayer. Build your friendship with God and with Him beside you discover how amazing life can be with the all knowing, all powerful, almighty God as your guide. Do you want to know more about God and how to please Him? Do you want to learn about how to pray and talk to God? Do you want to be part of this amazing adventure? This book is for you.
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God... Who is He? What does He do? How does a person get to know God these days? Do you just sit around waiting for Him to pop in? Where does He hang out? Do you have to go out and find Him in church or other 'God' places like that? It would help if He told you a bit about Himself - perhaps even give you a guide to help you along the way... Patricia St. John has written her own guide book to encourage and help you to get into God's ultimate guide book - His Word.
Onesimus is a slave. Eirene is a rich merchant's daughter. Onesimus longs to gain his freedom and Eirene's love. However, he doesn't realize where true freedom lies. He wants nothing to do with Jesus Christ. His master, Philemon, may follow the teachings of the Christ and His apostle Paul...but Onesimus has other plans.
The Safe Place by Patricia St. John -10%
The farm is on fire and there is very little that the farmer or his family can do. The children watch as the barn is engulfed in flames. Thankfully the fire engine arrives in time to save the house and slowly but surely the family tries to get back to normal. But when the farmer is going over the damage he can't find the little white hen anywhere. Where could she be? A search through the burnt buildings soon brings to light the scorched remains of the little white hen-- but there is new life and new hope. The little white hen has died but she has given her life to save the lives of her brood of tiny yellow chickens. An ideal...
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