New Additions and Specials

Today we added FIVE new titles by Andrew Murray:

The Full Blessing of Pentecost
The Secret of Brotherly Love
The Secret of Power from on High
The Secret of the Faith Life
The Secret of the Throne of Grace
The Secret of United Prayer

In the first title, Andrew Murray’s deep desire is to lead you to the well of living water you’ve been longing for, so that the free-flowing life of the Spirit within can become a reality instead of just a dream.

The other five titles are smaller books, each with 31 short readings on the various subjects. This makes them ideal to use as a one-month daily devotional. That way, even if you only have a small amount of time available each day for devotional reading, you can receive some inspiration and challenge to take with you through each day.

Also take note that we have updated our SPECIAL OFFERS page today with some GREAT DEALS! Ultimate Intention by Devern Fromke, the best selling book on our site, is now available for $3.75 for a limited time. And just for good measure, we’ve reduced Unto Full Stature by Devern Fromke as well! These price reductions represent a 50% price cut!

Our second best selling book, The Awakening by Marie Monsen, is also currently on sale for $5.25. If you haven’t read this book, you’re missing out. Here’s what customer Jerry Soen recently had to say in his review of this book:

This is an outstanding book. If you have never read about revival you should read it, it is more than challenging. If you have read about revival you should read this one. One learns and understands that we need to be ’empty vessels, not a few’ where we can be filled and anointed by the Holy Spirit. It will simplify your understanding of revival and help you to realize that where ‘two or more are gathered in His name’ all things are possible.

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