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The Way to Pentecost by Samuel Chadwick -13%
The Way to Pentecost by Samuel Chadwick
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If you enjoy the writings of Leonard Ravenhill and A. W. Tozer, you will love this little volume on the Holy Spirit by Samuel Chadwick. Pastor Jim Cymbala of Brooklyn Tabernacle writes, "Samuel Chadwick cuts to the heart of the matter in his classic book, The Way to Pentecost. Christianity is hopeless without the Holy Spirit and no other book I have ever rerad on the subject so clearly analyzes both our spiritual problems and God's wonderful promise of the supply of His Spirit." As the young pastor of a self-satisfied English congregation in the 1880's, Samuel Chadwick was so frustrated over his lack of power in...
$699 $799
The Prayer of Faith by Carl Olof Rosenius -13%
The Prayer of Faith by Carl Olof Rosenius
In stock
Carl Olof Rosenius is a well-known name among Christians in Scandinavia. He was born on February 3, 1816 in the parish of Nysätra within the province of Västerbotten, Sweden. His father was a faithful clergyman. Carl Olof became one of the leaders of the great revival during the nineteenth century. Evangeliska Fosterlands-Stiftelsen was founded in 1856, which derived from him, its mission to publish and distribute Bibles and literature. In spite of his brief life—only 52 years—he managed to accomplish much. Besides preaching and individual counsel, he was an author and an editor of the magazine: Pietisten (The Pietist),...
$699 $799
A Guide to True Peace -13%
A Guide to True Peace
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The writers were considered dangerous—heretics even. They were imprisoned—banished—exiled. Their crime? They were teaching that Christians could experience inner communion with God through something they called “inward prayer." Later their writings would be read and recommended by such spiritual giants as John Wesley, Hudson Taylor and Watchman Nee. A Guide to True Peace captures the essence of their teachings and makes them accessible in a small, readable volume. It was first published almost two hundred years ago, at the dawn of the Industrial Age, as a guide for believers seeking to know what it means to abide in Christ and live with...
$699 $799
The Awakening in Wales by Jessie Penn-Lewis -13%
The Awakening in Wales by Jessie Penn-Lewis
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Readers of this volume will be profoundly grateful to Jessie Penn-Lewis for her clear and unvarnished record of the facts concerning the remarkable outpouring of God's Spirit in Wales at the time of the 1903-1905 revival, and the central place given to the cross of Christ in that Divine visitation. All who read these pages will experience a longing to see God work again in similar or greater ways and will find themselves praying withe the Psalmist, "Wilt thou not revive us again?"
$699 $799
Madame Jeanne Guyon by Dorothy Gawne Coslet -13%
Madame Jeanne Guyon by Dorothy Gawne Coslet
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Thrill to this biographical account of Madame Jeanne Guyon (1648 - 1717), from her unsettled childhood and loveless marriage to her controversial years of ministry in France, Switzerland and Savoy.
$699 $799
Loneliness (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -13%
Loneliness (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey
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Missionaries and other Christians call back in these 25 chapters to tell how their experience in loneliness achieved God-planned results. The loneliness of the orphan, of those misunderstood or maligned, of the unmarried or bereaved; all these and other forms of loneliness are graphically depicted in this volume.
$699 $799
Frustration (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -13%
Frustration (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey
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Knowing that you are not alone in your trial greatly helps you to endure and conquer. Extreme frustration in the Christian life resulting from experiences of betrayal, rejection, and failure are related so as to help and encourage others to face their ordeal. John Wesley, William Carey, A. B. Simpson, and G. F. Handel are among those quoted.
$699 $799
Handicaps Volume 1 (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -13%
Handicaps Volume 1 (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey
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This book relates the triumphs of those who allowed God to redirect their talents through physical deformities, blindness, deafness, through crushing sorrow from multiple bereavements, incompatible partners in life and business, or through poverty or social ostracism!
$699 $799
Helps to Intercession by Andrew Murray -13%
Helps to Intercession by Andrew Murray
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Looking for a way to jump-start your prayer life? You can't do better than this one-month prayer journal by Andrew Murray, a well-known prayer warrior. In a learn-by-doing structure, Murray presents 31 days of suggested topics to pray for, along with a short "How to Pray" teaching. Additional space is provided each day for your own prayer requests and for journaling notes on what the Lord is teaching you about prayer. About the Author: Andrew Murray, born in 1828, went from being a discouraged minister at age 25 to becoming one of the best loved writers on the deeper Christian life of all time. Murray found...
$699 $799
The Christian Hero: A Sketch of the Life of Robert Annan by John Macpherson -22%
The Christian Hero: A Sketch of the Life of Robert Annan by John Macpherson
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If you've never heard of Robert Annan of Dundee, otherwise known as "the Christian Hero," prepare to be astounded at the amazing grace of God in his life as you turn the pages of this incredible little biography. Its thrilling story will stir you to the depths and almost certainly drive you to your knees with an increased desire to be used for God’s glory. The record of his beginning years reads much like that of John Newton - a life of wandering far from God in the ways of sin and rebellion. At least once he miraculously escaped death through the overruling providence of God. As time passed, he became thoroughly discontented with...
$699 $899
The Two Witnesses by Robert Govett
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These pages present Govett's understanding of the two witnesses of Revelation 11. He writes: "Of all the passages of difficulty in the book of Revelation, the history of the Two Witness is, I should suppose, the most perplexing to every interpretation but the true. To any who might be in doubt about any new explanation of the Apocalypse, 'Test it by its power to explain the Two Witnesses. If it fail anywhere, and be conspicuous in its failure anywhere, it will be there.'" Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a...
Govett on 1 John
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Robert Govett's book on 1 John is not an attempt at a verse-by-verse commentary on the whole of the First Epistle of John. It attempts rather to set forth the leading ideas of this portion of Scripture. The principal doctrinal topics are those of the Trinity and of the person of Christ, with the practical consequences which flow from them. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts. C. H. Spurgeon...
Christ's Resurrection and Ours by Robert Govett
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The resurrection of Christ is fundamental to the Christian faith. Without it, Christianity falls to the level of all other religions, and those who are called by the name Christian are, as the apostle Paul says, "of all men most miserable." Because of its crucial importance in the scheme of redemption, it has been assailed and attacked all down through the centuries, beginning in the days of the early church. This volume is Robert Govett's defense of the doctrine of the resurrection, both Christ's and ours, based on his exposition of 1 Corinthians 15. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well...
Govett on Second Timothy by Robert Govett
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The full title of the book is "The Last Days and the First Resurrection; or Thoughts on Paul's Last Epistle." The author believes that the counsels offered by Paul to Timothy in this epistle are of utmost value to Christians living in the "latter times." Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts.
The Church of Old by Robert Govett
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The full title of the book is The Church of Old in its Unity, Gifts and Ministry. It's an exposition of 1 Corinthians 12, 13, and 14. Govett says that these chapters from the pen of the apostle are "eminently worth of study, and much light will be found to flow from them to those who read them under the teaching of the blessed Spirit of God.... As a whole, these three chapters present the churches of God of old in their gifts, unity, love, worship, and ministry. Viewed as single chapters: chapter 12 offers to us THE BODY AND THE SPIRIT; or the Holy Spirit gifting and sustaining the many members of Christ in their places and mutual...
The Kingdom of God Future by Robert Govett
In stock
There are few subjects which penetrate so deeply into the doctrine and practice of the New Testament as that of "The Kingdom of Heaven," or "The Kingdom of God." It seems to me, that there are also few subjects on which clear and true views would be more beneficial to the church. Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts. C. H. Spurgeon said of him: "Mr. Govett wrote a hundred years before his...
The New Jerusalem by Robert Govett
In stock
The full title is "The New Jerusalem, Our Eternal Home." Robert Govett  (1813-1901) was a British theologian and pastor who became well known because of his brilliant deductive and analytical capabilities. He was a fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. His teachings and writings have been preserved in a large number of books and tracts. C. H. Spurgeon said of him: "Mr. Govett wrote a hundred years before his time, and the day will come when his works will be treasured as sifted gold."
The Modern Gift of Tongues Whence Is It? by G. H. Lang
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Renowned author and biblical scholar G. H. Lang presents the results of his examination of the modern gift of tongues.
Departure by G. H. Lang
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A warning and an appeal addressed by one of themselves mainly to Christians known as open brethren, including discussions upon the constitution, government, discipline, and ministry of the church of God and of the principles and practice of service in the gospel.
God With Us by Carl Olof Rosenius
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Carl Olof Rosenius is a well-known name among Christians in Scandinavia. He was born on February 3, 1816 in the parish of Nysätra within the province of Västerbotten, Sweden. His father was a faithful clergyman. Carl Olof became one of the leaders of the great revival during the nineteenth century. Evangeliska Fosterlands-Stiftelsen was founded in 1856, which derived from him, its mission to publish and distribute Bibles and literature. In spite of his brief life—only 52 years—he managed to accomplish much. Besides preaching and individual counsel, he was an author and an editor of the magazine:  Pietisten  (The...
$699 $799
Sin and Grace by Carl Olof Rosenius
In stock
Carl Olof Rosenius is a well-known name among Christians in Scandinavia. He was born on February 3, 1816 in the parish of Nysätra within the province of Västerbotten, Sweden. His father was a faithful clergyman. Carl Olof became one of the leaders of the great revival during the nineteenth century. Evangeliska Fosterlands-Stiftelsen was founded in 1856, which derived from him, its mission to publish and distribute Bibles and literature. In spite of his brief life—only 52 years—he managed to accomplish much. Besides preaching and individual counsel, he was an author and an editor of the magazine:  Pietisten  (The...
$699 $799
Purpose of the Ages by A. J. Flack -14%
Purpose of the Ages by A. J. Flack
In stock
An examination of the book of Hebrews. Many books have been written upon Hebrews, but few have touched the real point or dealt with the real subject. Brother Flack's exposition will open your eyes, challenge your spirit and warm your heart.
$599 $699
The Secret at Pheasant Cottage by Patricia St. John -14%
The Secret at Pheasant Cottage by Patricia St. John
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Lucy has lived with her grandparents at Pheasant Cottage since she was a little girl, but she has dim memories of someone else. Who was it? What are her grandparents hiding from her? Lucy is determined to find the answers but it turns out to be harder than she expected.
$599 $699
A Hive of Busy Bees by Devern Fromke
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Stories that build character for ages 5-10. Don and Joyce visit the farm and discover a hive of angry bees. From this experience Grandma chooses lessons on a variety of bees. This has been an all-time favorite for SIXTY YEARS and has been handed down from parent to child. Who is Devern Fomke ?
Another Hive of Bees by DeVern Fromke
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This sequel to A Hive of Busy Bees has also become a favorite. Many teachers explain how students look forward to the time when the class can have another Bee story. These character building stories will continue to live in children's minds for many years. Who is Devern Fomke ?
Seeing God's Purpose by DeVern Fromke
In stock
Just like Seeing God's Wisdom, this collection of stories for both children and teens will stimulate interest and also develop greater interest in seeking God's wisdom principles. Parents will be amazed how the stories stimulate questions and insights. Who is Devern Fomke ?
Seeing God's Wisdom by DeVern Fromke
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A collection of stories selected by the author and intended to be read and discussed during the family gathering time. Both children and teenagers will enjoy the spiritual principles that build character and purpose in living. Who is Devern Fomke ?
Helps to Holiness by Samuel Logan Brengle -14%
Helps to Holiness by Samuel Logan Brengle
In stock
This is without doubt the best known and most loved of Samuel Logan Brengle's eight books. The simplicity, straightforwardness and clarity with which the book deals with the subject of holiness and holy living have caused it to be a blessing to generations of Christians. "If I could," wrote Dennis F. Kinlaw, "I would get every new Christian to devour this book. It would help establish him in the deep things of God. The older believer should read it too. It will take him back to basics. It will rob him of all comfort of life that is less than 'sanctified and meet for the Master's use.'  " The chapters found here originally appeared as...
$599 $699
The Great Revival in Ireland in 1859 by William Gibson -14%
The Great Revival in Ireland in 1859 by William Gibson
In stock
In 1859 a glorious wave of revival power swept over Ireland, such as had not been known there for centuries. It came in a time of spiritual dearth but--as is doubtless always the case--in answer to the earnest supplication of the few faithful saints whose hearts wept before the Lord because of the desolation of Zion. This book is a small extract from a much larger book by the same name. It will provoke you to earnestly cry to God that He come to our generation with revival.
$599 $699
Father by Devern Fromke
In stock
Father is looking for those who will stand with Him; who are available; who will stand in the gap; who will listen; who have a single eye; who bear his image. It is tragic that so many folk are drifting and not clearly aligned to any purpose or goal for their lives. God has uniquely designed each of us by lacing a sense of "eternity in our hearts." It is that deep inner sense that cries out for ultimate meaning, "Why am I here? How can I be truly significant? What will most please Father/God?" When Victor Frankl was released from prison following the Nazi Holocaust, he wrote the book, Man's Search for Meaning. He set out to...
Opportunity by Devern Fromke
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Prepare Yourself for a Sharper Focus Recognize that every day you can find new opportunities to know the Lord and to make HIm known. Since that is really the one goal every believer should embrace, you must learn how to be more effect in achieving it. PREPARING. When opportunity knocks at the door it is too late to prepare. God invites you to enroll in HIs school and learning His ways. DISCERNING. If you are diligent, you can acquire knowledge and wisdom in your daily walk, but discernment is imparted as you come to know Him intimately. You have already discovered that each time you face opportunity, if...
Patricia St. John: The Story Behind the Stories by Irene Howat -14%
Patricia St. John: The Story Behind the Stories by Irene Howat
Patricia St. John's life is a story in itself but she grew up to become one of the world's best-loved Christian writers for children. After almost being born in the middle of a storm on the Bay of Biscay it was no surprise to see Patricia's life take twists and turns along the way. She had an adventurous spirit so when the bombs fell during the blitz in London there she was, working as a nurse! When looking after 30 children in a boarding school as housemother her exciting bedtime stories kept the children up! They were later to became her classic stories, Tanglewood's Secret and Treasures of the Snow! Your...
$599 $699
Why God Intervenes by Devern Fromke
In stock
Questions... One thing unique about mankind is his intense search for understanding. It is not surprising that each child beings asking WHY almost as soon as he can speak. It should not surprise us that there are 3,294 questions in the Bible and that God delights in giving us answers. But He offers these solutions quite differently than we might expect. Jeremiah reminds us that the wise man does not gain understanding by seeking wisdom; rather by KNOWING THE LORD... he receives answers to his questions. As you journey through the lessons in this book, you will recognize again and again that we have one priority: we are...
The Conquest of Canaan by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
The Conquest of Canaan by Jessie Penn-Lewis
In stock
The author writes: "My purpose was only to give a bird's-eye view of the battlefield of conflict, as depicted in the story of Israel's war with Canaan. As this book contains light on the warfare with the powers of darkness which may be of service to the Lord's people at this time, I send it forth with its imperfections, looking to the Spirit of God to give truth to those who need it." Paperback. 108 pages.
$599 $699
Life Out of Death by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
Life Out of Death by Jessie Penn-Lewis
In stock
Those Christians prepared to abandon self to God will find invaluable help from these pages. The early chapters are based on Spiritual Torrents by Madame Guyon and some material on union with God by Professor Thomas Upham. The remaining chapters are pure vintage Penn-Lewis—clarifying, in her unique way, many aspects of the subjective work of the Holy Spirit in the human soul. First-time Penn-Lewis readers and long-time fans alike will find much to savor in this small but powerful book. Jessie Penn-Lewis (1861–1927) was a powerful speaker and writer who was used by God to guide multitudes of Christians into a deeper experience with...
$599 $699
The Climax of the Risen Life by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
The Climax of the Risen Life by Jessie Penn-Lewis
In stock
Jessie Penn-Lewis gives clear and valuable instruction on the various aspects of the believer's identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. All Christians who cry with the Apostle Paul, "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection...being made conformable unto His death," will find help from a careful consideration of these pages. Paperback. 104 pages.
$599 $699
Molded By the Cross by J. C. Metcalfe -14%
Molded By the Cross by J. C. Metcalfe
In stock
This biography of Jessie Penn-Lewis is smaller than the original one by Mary Garrard. The author, J. C. Metcalfe, states that the purpose of this spiritual biography is to give her modern day readers, who know little about her, a picture of the way God dealt with and poured life through His servant--life which still flows today. Those interested in the life of Mrs. Penn-Lews should also consider Mrs. Penn-Lewis: A Memoir by Mary N. Garrard, the original, unabridged biography republished by Kingsley Press.
$599 $699
Spiritual Warfare by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
Spiritual Warfare by Jessie Penn-Lewis
In stock
In Jessie Penn-Lewis, we hear the voice of a veteran in the everyday conflict with "powers and principalities." Her remarkable insights on prayer warfare are thoroughly Biblical and intensely practical. By applying the principles of spiritual battle to the common issues of personal prayer and the daily Christian walk, Penn-Lewis answers many relevant questions, such as: How do you define true guidance? How long should we keep asking for the same thing? How can we be sure we are obeying God only? Paperback. 87 pages.
$599 $699
In His Steps by Charles M. Sheldon -14%
In His Steps by Charles M. Sheldon
In stock
Have you ever wondered where the phrase, "What would Jesus do?" came from? It's the question asked by the different characters from various backgrounds who are portrayed in this gripping book by Charles Sheldon. Although written over 100 years ago, it's amazingly up to date, because the challenges and rewards of a life surrendered to Jesus are timeless.
$599 $699
The Moffats by Ethel Daniels Hubbard -14%
The Moffats by Ethel Daniels Hubbard
In stock
The Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat While David Livingstone was discovering worlds unknown in the mysterious depths of central Africa, Robert Moffat was performing a wonderful exploit of his own down in his study at Kuruman. . . hoping, before he died, to give the whole Bible to the people in their native speech. Robert and Mary Moffat gave impassioned service to God for a continent of human need.
$599 $699
All Things New by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
All Things New by Jessie Penn-Lewis
In stock
This book is a combination of two books. All Things New shows how every aspect of the Christian's life relates to the cross of Christ, and that this severing power is also a renewing power. Much Fruit is an exposition of Jesus' story about a grain of wheat.
$599 $699
Face to Face by Jessie Penn-Lewis
In stock
Is it possible to experience “face to face” fellowship with God? Using Moses as an example, Mrs. Penn-Lewis shows how you and I can become a “friend of God” and enjoy spiritual communion with him anywhere at any moment and hear his voice in our hearts speaking to us across the blood-sprinkled mercy seat. She declares that this is the birthright of every child of God and should be the hallmark of every “quiet time” alone with him. “As we wait before our God,” she writes, “let us cry ‘Thy face, Lord, will I seek.’ So will he cause his face to shine upon us, and we shall walk habitually in the light of his countenance, see his glory, and...
$599 $699
Prayer and Evangelism by Jessie Penn-Lewis
In stock
“God wants intercessors. The greatest blessing God could give his church today would be a few souls who pray as Elijah prayed; a few intercessors who know his will, and seek and pray for nothing else. May God raise them up.”Most Christians would agree with this conviction of Jessie Penn-Lewis. A careful meditation on these pages will act as a powerful stimulus in turning this conviction into personal experience. Those who, at some stage in their Christian lives, have cried as the disciples of old, “Lord, teach us to pray,” will find valuable help from the lessons highlighted here.
$599 $699
Fruitful Living by Jessie Penn-Lewis -14%
Fruitful Living by Jessie Penn-Lewis
In stock
Only through testings can we enter into deep and full life in God. We can only know our God and His abundant grace as He brings us through circumstances that a a "good deal beyond the possible point." Here are three helpful books in one: Abandonment to the Spirit (notes on the book of Ezekiel), Much Fruit and The Silence of Jesus.
$599 $699
Toward Jerusalem by Amy Carmichael -14%
Toward Jerusalem by Amy Carmichael
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A collection of 92 poems from Amy Carmichael, founder of the Donhavur Fellowship. This collection of songs is an offering of praise by the lover to her Beloved. "We cannot bring Thee praise like golden noon-light shining on earth's green floor; our song is more like silver of the moonlight..."
$599 $699
If by Amy Carmichael -14%
If by Amy Carmichael
In stock
A little book about Calvary love in common life. Based on 1st Corinthians 13. Over 100,000 in print.
$599 $699
Ann H. Judson of Burma by Emma R. Pitman -14%
Ann H. Judson of Burma by Emma R. Pitman
In stock
The story of Mrs. Judson's trial as devoted companion of her noble husband, "Judson of Burma" is one of the most touching in all the annals of missions.  Her sufferings and indomitable courage in face of daunting difficulties commands sympathy and attention.  The record is one of devotion to duty in spite of difficulties and often hostility.  This is a powerful, compelling narrative.
$599 $699
Ira Sankey: First Gospel Singer by Betty Steele Everett -14%
Ira Sankey: First Gospel Singer by Betty Steele Everett
In stock
Ira Sankey was organist, choir director and soloist for famous evangelist Dwight L. Moody--delighting crowds in America and the British Isles and leading many to Christ. The Ninety and Nine is his best known hymn.
$599 $699
Though Lions Roar (Helen Roseveare) by Mary Beth Lagerborg -14%
Though Lions Roar (Helen Roseveare) by Mary Beth Lagerborg
In stock
The story of Helen Roseveare, missionary-doctor who served and suffered for Christ during the days of the 'Simba' rebel movement in the Congo (later called Zaire). Despite her fears, her life radiates an inner calm which rests on a personal faith in the living God and the power of the gospel.
$599 $699
John Bunyan God's Tinker by Robert M. Rosio -14%
John Bunyan God's Tinker by Robert M. Rosio
In stock
You have likely read THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, but do you know how it came to be written? Enjoy this fascinating look into the life and times of its author, who lived over 300 years ago.
$599 $699