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It's All About Obedience by Becky Keep with Tim Keep
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This is the incredible story of a modern missionary family obeying the call of God to service for him in a foreign land in spite of their fear and insecurity; it's the story of the self-emptying process so that Christ could be all, and the fruitfulness that followed. Becky is a powerful speaker and writer. In this book she's incredibly up front and honest about her family's struggles on and off the mission field. You will laugh and you will cry. But more importantly, you'll worship. If you're ready for a thrilling missionary biography that will challenge you to the core of your being, don't hesitate to pick this one up. About the...
Road to Revival by Vance Havner -9%
Road to Revival by Vance Havner
In stock
According to well-known pastor and writer Michael Catt, this book is “Vance Havner at his best.” The messages contained here were preached in special meetings and Bible conferences across the country. Wherever he went, Havner focused on stirring revival fires in the hearts of God’s people; and through the pages of his many books, his revivalist message and influence are still felt. “We are living in a land which has been graciously blessed of God,” he writes, “but it is now sinking into paganism. The last days and the perilous times have come. Any man who can hold an open Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other...
$999 $1099
Ten Boys Who Didn't Give In by Irene Howat -11%
Ten Boys Who Didn't Give In by Irene Howat
In stock
Would you give in or would you resist? These ten boys grew up to become men who didn't give in. They chose to do the right thing instead of the easy thing. Polycarp was a slave but gave up freedom for Christ. Alban was in danger but did not bow to false gods. John Oldcastle's home was a hideout, but he would not hide his faith. Cranmer was afraid of death but showed courage. George Wishart was in prison but preached Jesus. James Chalmers brought the Bible to cannibals despite the danger. Dietrich Bonhoeffer feared death but would not be silent. Nate Saint flew into danger but knew it was worth it. Ivan Moiseyev obeyed the army but...
$799 $899
George Whitefield's Sermons Volume 1 -8%
George Whitefield's Sermons Volume 1
In stock
Whitefield preached a singularly pure gospel. Few men ever gave their hearers so much wheat and so little chaff. He did not get into his pulpit to talk about his party, his cause, his interest, or his office. He was perpetually telling you about your sins, your heart, and Jesus Christ, in the way that the Bible speaks of them. "Oh, the righteousness of Jesus Christ!" he would frequently say.
$1099 $1199
Ten Boys Who Made a Difference by Irene Howat -11%
Ten Boys Who Made a Difference by Irene Howat
In stock
Would you like to make a difference? These ten boys grew up to do just that. How did God change them? Augustine discovered the love of God and changed the way we think; Knox focused on God's word and told his country the truth; Luther rediscovered God's truth and gave it to ordinary people; Calvin realized that salvation was a gift from God and not a reward for what he did; Tyndale longed to print the Bible in a language that everyone would understand; Latimer urged people to read the Bible for themselves and made enemies as a result; Hus taught that God is in charge of the church and the world; Zwingli challenged people to obey God's...
$799 $899
Eric Liddell: Something Greater Than Gold by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
Eric Liddell: Something Greater Than Gold by Janet & Geoff Benge
In stock
As the race began, it had seemed obvious that Eric Liddell was overmatched. Now the crowd in the Olympic Stadium hushed as this runner from Scotland refused to be passed. As Eric crossed the finish line, the crowd erupted in applause heard all over Paris. Eric Liddell had done the impossible A new world record had been set! Eric's refusal earlier that week to run on Sunday in the Olympic 100-meter race had stunned the world. Now his incredible victory in the 400-meter race further strengthened his believe in God's promise, "He who honors Me, I will honor." Years later, Eric Liddell would be tested far beyond mere physical ability as a...
$799 $899
The Velvet Curtain by Trudy Harvey Tait -7%
The Velvet Curtain by Trudy Harvey Tait
In stock
Step back into the eighties when Communism still held deadly sway in Easter Europe and imagine yourself with Esther, a Romanian teenager, coming to America, the land of freedom, for the first time and discovering that there is much more awaiting her than a mere change of cultures. Her beauty and individuality attract the attention of handsome Ron Atwood and her talent as a singer soon opens up a whole new world. She rejoices in her new-found liberty and popularity but the "curtain" that her elderly friend, Hugh Gardner, warns her about on the plane is fast closing in. Will it completely smother her, or will she be able to escape its...
$1399 $1499
Brother Andrew: God's Secret Agent by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
Brother Andrew: God's Secret Agent by Janet & Geoff Benge
In stock
When he became God's smuggler, Brother Andrew was already familiar with risk. As a boy, the intrepid Andrew van der Bijl joined the Dutch Resistance against the Nazi occupation. As a young man, he fought eagerly in the Dutch East Indies - until the horror of war turned the adventure seeker to a life of alcohol and desperation. Redeemed by God, the Dutchman became a daring messenger of hope, smuggling Scripture through closed borders and equipping persecuted Christians behind the Iron Curtain. Today Brother Andrew and the ministry of Open Doors continue to shine the light of Christ in the world's darkest places. (1928- ) This...
$799 $899
Balanced Christianity by G. H. Lang
In stock

In this short, shirt-pocket sized booklet, the author shows the need for what he calls balanced Christianity--that which gives sufficient attention to both the objective facts of the redemption purchased by Christ on the cross as well as the subjective apprehension and application of those facts into the daily life of the believer.

Coming Events by G. H. Lang
In stock
This short book gives an outline of Bible prophecy. G. H. Lang was a prolific writer on prophetic themes. Those wanting more in-depth material will want to look at his books on Daniel and Revelation, but this short booklet gives an overview. Copies Scripture references are given in proof of his outline.
D. L. Moody: Bringing Souls to Christ by Janet & Geoff Benge -10%
D. L. Moody: Bringing Souls to Christ by Janet & Geoff Benge
In stock
D.L. stood his ground against the angry father. "I broke the jug and poured out the whiskey for the good of yourself and your family," he said. "If I am to be thrashed, let me pray for you all before you do that." Seventeen-year-old Dwight Lyman Moody changed his name, moved to Boston, and began pursuing dreams of becoming a wealthy businessman. But God had other plans for him. Instead of business, evangelism would be his life's work. D.L. devoted his life to proclaiming the gospel, serving the poor, and mentoring fellow ministers. A leader of great vision, D.L. Moody served his fellow man through Civil War outreach, his Sunday...
$899 $999
Is Your Fruit Sweet or Sour? by Karen Finn -15%
Is Your Fruit Sweet or Sour? by Karen Finn
In stock
A 12-chapter topical series developed for young women, this book can be used for individual and small group study, 7th-12th grade Sunday school curriculum, or for mother/daugher Bible study. Is your fruit sweet or sour? Which flavor describes your disposition? Is your tell-tale "taste" encouraging and inviting to others, or does it send them away, disgusted and disillusioned? Our commitment to Christ is reflected in the spirit that seeps out of us. A teen girl's walk with the Lord can get easily entangled by numerous influences and issues (we call them weeds) which have taken root in her heart. Is Your Fruit Sweet or Sour? shows young...
$1099 $1299
The New Birth by G. H. Lang
In stock
G. H. Lang's analysis of the new birth is based on the words of Jesus found in John 3:1-21, and particularly verses 3 & 5. He says, "Words with a more direct message it were hard to find, nor were statements more emphatic ever uttered. Christ allows of no exceptions; any and every person who is ever to see the kingdom of God must be the subject of that radical change which is described as a being born from above. He who has not had this birth is outside the kingdom, and must remain so; nor can he even see it, until born anew."
Gospel-Powered Parenting by William P. Farley -15%
Gospel-Powered Parenting by William P. Farley
IF YOU ONLY READ ONE BOOK ON PARENTING, THIS SHOULD BE IT! "How can I hope to be an effective parent today when attacks on the family are stronger than ever before?" The answer, says Farley, is the GOSPEL. Parents who claim the gospel as their own have an enormous effect on their marriage, their integrity, and their love for their children. Keeping the gospel at the forefront of every aspect of marriage helps parents fear God, sensitizes them to sin, motivates them to enter their children's world, and causes them to preach the beauty of the gospel to their children through their marriage. ...
$1099 $1299
What Kind of God Do I Serve? by Ezra Byer
In stock
Do you know someone who has recently come to faith in Christ and needs a roadmap to guide them on the journey of discipleship? Do you yourself need a refresher course on the basics, as well as the more advanced truths, of the Christian faith? I can't think of a better book than Ezra Byer's new release, What Kind of God Do I Serve? As Keith Drury says, it's a masterful job. The book is immensely practical. What you'll really love about it, though, is that it's so thorough without being tedious. It's wide-ranging and yet very succinct. Pastors will small group leaders will find it to be a great resource. I highly recommend it....
Ten Girls Who Made a Difference by Irene Howat -11%
Ten Girls Who Made a Difference by Irene Howat
In stock
Would you like to make a difference? These ten girls grew up to do just that. Susanna's children changed their country; Monica's son changed the church; Ann's romance taught Burma about the love of Christ; Edith was used by God to change a continent; Katherine escaped from oppression and changed her world; Susannah listened to a preacher and then published the gospel herself; Maria lost her parents but found China; Sabina was imprisoned for her faith and then fought to set other Christians free; Ruth began her life in China but eventually God took her in a mission round the world. Read about all ten: Susanna...
$799 $899
God's Chosen Fast by Arthur Wallis -8%
God's Chosen Fast by Arthur Wallis
In stock
The author shares what the Bible says about this important and neglected subject. Includes an index to all the Biblical passages on fasting.
$1099 $1199
In Times Like These by Vance Havner -9%
In Times Like These by Vance Havner
In stock
Here is a key to Christian conduct and belief in times like these—times when we are seeing the disintegration of the church and of moral standards, the destruction of America, the dynamics of “trendism,” and the dangers of departed power. Vance Havner issues a call to Christians, clear and loud, for real repentance, for confession and forsaking of sin, for separation from the world, for submission to the Lordship of Christ, and the filling of the Holy Spirit. His challenging summons is for daring, fearless prophets who will call the nation to repentance and for church members who will stand up and be counted with Jesus Christ. Then and...
$999 $1099
The Spreading Flame Part 2 Story of the Bible -50%
The Spreading Flame Part 2 Story of the Bible
Step back in time and meet the scholars, martyrs, and leaders who fortified the foundations of the Reformation---fighting so that all might read God's Word. From John Wycliffe, "Morningstar of the Reformation" and William Tyndale, "God's Outlaw," to John Knox's stand against Mary, Queen of Scots, their courage will inspire you to serve God faithfully in this century! Approx. 80 minutes.
$999 $1999
The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee -8%
The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee
In stock
The Normal Christian Life is Watchman Nee’s great Christian classic unfolding the central theme of "Christ our Life." Nee reveals the secret of spiritual strength and vitality that should be the normal experience of every Christian. Starting from certain key passages in Romans, he defines clearly and vividly the essential steps in the personal faith and walk of the believer. His emphasis on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ contains fresh spiritual insights that have proven a blessing to many. About the Author Watchman Nee (1903–1972) was a noted Chinese Bible teacher and Christian leader. He...
$1099 $1199
Purpose of the Ages by A. J. Flack -14%
Purpose of the Ages by A. J. Flack
In stock
An examination of the book of Hebrews. Many books have been written upon Hebrews, but few have touched the real point or dealt with the real subject. Brother Flack's exposition will open your eyes, challenge your spirit and warm your heart.
$599 $699
The First Resurrection by G. H. Lang
In stock

This short, shirt-pocket sized volume gives a very brief overview of the author's teaching on the first resurrection, also combining some quotations and ideas from Hudson Taylor and Robert C. Chapman.

The Gospel of the Kingdom by G. H. Lang
In stock
G. H. Lang examines the statements of Holy Scripture regarding the subject matter of the preaching of John the Baptist, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His foremost messengers—the apostles, Peter, Paul, and John. Positively we may thus discern much illuminating truth, and incidentally we may detect some confusing errors.
Gladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
Gladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime by Janet & Geoff Benge
In stock
This is the powerful story of Gladys Aylward. Without formal education or a missionary organization to back her, Gladys raised her own finances for the overland trip that would bring her to the country and people that God had etched so deeply on her heart.... China! What follows is an amazing adventure of faith and determination. Gladys Aylward, a housemaid from England, dared to trust God in the face of dire and seemingly hopeless circumstances. Her amazing adventure of faith and determination is one of the truly great missionary stories of our era (1902-1970). This best-selling, missionary biography series - Christian Heroes: Then...
$799 $899
Colombian Jungle Escape by Ed and Doreen Dulka -14%
Colombian Jungle Escape by Ed and Doreen Dulka
In stock
The true adventure of a WEC missionary family's ministry among the Carapana Indians in the wild jungles of Colombia.
$599 $699
Beyond the Next Mountain DVD -50%
Beyond the Next Mountain DVD
At the close of the 19th century, the British branded the Hmar people of northeast India as "the worst head-hunters." It was a label well deserved at the time. But in 1910, a single copy of the New Testament Gospel of John came to this tribe and changed the course of history for the Hmar people. Through that single copy of John's Gospel, Chawnga, the father of Rochunga Pudaite, was introduced to a revolutionary "new life in Christ." He and a few tribesmen "forsook all and followed Christ." Chawnga believed that Rochunga was God's chosen instrument to bring the Scriptures to the entire Hmar trible in...
$999 $1999
Our Nearest Kinsman by Roy Hession -11%
Our Nearest Kinsman by Roy Hession
In stock
Is there more than romance to the story of Ruth? Roy Hession says Yes! Most of us have missed the subtle details that are key to understanding the significance of this heart moving book. We need a new vision of the blood of Christ and the grace of God to make the same daring claim on our nearest Kinsman as Ruth made hers. Come and learn about the restoration, revival and renewal promised in Ruth, until at last you hav the boldness to lie at the feet of your Kinsman with full confidence. Come and learn about the restoration, revival and renewal promised in Ruth, until at last you have the boldness to lie at the feet of your Kinsman...
$799 $899
They Knew Their God, Vol. 5 by Lillian Harvey -7%
They Knew Their God, Vol. 5 by Lillian Harvey
In stock
This fifth volume contains another 12 sketches of godly men and women whose devotion to Christ was outstanding. George Herbert, Miguel Molinos, Joseph Alleine, Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth are just a few of those portrayed. If you've read the previous four volumes, you'll definitely want to add this to your collection.
$1399 $1499
The Compassion of Jesus by Adolph Saphir -8%
The Compassion of Jesus by Adolph Saphir
In stock
Adolph Saphir was a nineteenth century Apollos, a Jewish man, who was "eloquent, mighty in the Scriptures, fervent in the spirit, who taught diligently the things of the Lord." Saphir was born into an orthodox Jewish family in Hungary. He was converted to Christ through the mission to the Jews of Budapest of the Free Church of Scotland, founded by Robert McCheyne and Andrew Bonar. Saphir was converted as a child at the same time as his father, Israel Saphir, who had been a well known and respected Jewish scholar. Growing up in this home, Adolph was equipped with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures as well as Jewish beliefs and customs....
$1099 $1199
Illness (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -14%
Illness (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey
In stock
Some of God's choicest saints of the past reveal the grace of God which enabled them to suffer illnesses, afflictions, and nervous complaints triumphantly. Edward Payson, Catherine Booth, George Muller, C.H. Spurgeon, and Frances Havergal are just a sample of those quoted.
$599 $699
Father to Nobody's Children (Thomas J. Barnardo) by David E. Fessenden -14%
Father to Nobody's Children (Thomas J. Barnardo) by David E. Fessenden
In stock
The story of Dr. Thomas Barnardo, hero to the destitute and homeless of London’s notorious East End. In 30 years he and his co-workers rescued 60,000 children from the streets, caring for them in rural orphanages and by the novel means known today as “foster parenting.” An engaging book.
$599 $699
Amanda Smith, The King's Daughter
An inspiring story of a slave who relates her purchase from bondage and her second escape from sin's bondage. Although a humble washerwoman, God remarkably used her as His instrument to tell the story of the sanctified life to high and low.
The Secret of the Throne of Grace by Andrew Murray -17%
The Secret of the Throne of Grace by Andrew Murray
In stock
These pages emphasize the truth that apart from the promptings of the Holy Spirit, we have no desire either to love God or our neighbors. Such thoughts are so important and so heavenly that I wish to make clear the teaching of God's Word concerning them. 31 short readings - ideal as a one-month daily devotional.
$249 $299
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: In the Midst of Wickedness by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: In the Midst of Wickedness by Janet & Geoff Benge
In stock
As Dietrich sang the German national anthem, he contemplated the devastation Hitler and the Nazis were perpetrating on Europe. Dietrich would do whatever he could to stop them, even if it meant pulling the trigger on the führer himself. He had thought about it from every angle, and his conscience was clear. Born into a loving family, Dietrich Bonhoeffer pursued a life as a pastor, teacher, theologian—and spy. He spoke out about the trouble in Germany when Adolph Hitler came to power, urging the Christian church to rescue disparaged people groups and resist Hitler’s evil empire. Accused of being a troublemaker,...
$799 $899
God's Plan by G. H. Lang
In stock
This short, shirt-pocket size booklet gives a very brief overview of God's plan for his children and also the suffering that leads to glory. The full title is: God's Plan, Christ's Suffering and the Spirit's Power.
Bone of His Bone by F. J. Huegel -10%
Bone of His Bone by F. J. Huegel
In stock
What if you could find a key that would deliver you from the feeling of failure in the face of the overwhelming stream of the law of sin? This secret key, longed for by believers everywhere, is contained in the pages of Scripture and revealed here in this book. Too many Christians think that asking, "What would Jesus do?" is all that is involved. Not so, says the author. We must move past the mere imitation of Christ to a participation in Him --His suffering, His resurrection, and His victory. We must become BONE OF HIS BONE.
$899 $999
Letters of John Fletcher Selected by Edward Cook -8%
Letters of John Fletcher Selected by Edward Cook
In stock
"I went to see a man that had one foot in the grave; but I found a man that had one foot in heaven!" So wrote a visitor to the sick bed of John Fletcher of Madeley. Indeed, so heavenly-minded and so saintly was this clergyman from Switzerland that his closest associates all agreed that they had never met his equal. John Wesley wrote of him: "In general, it is easy to perceive that a more excellent man has not appeared in the Church for some ages. It is true, in several ages, and in several countries, many men have excelled in particular virtues and graces. But who can point out, in any age or nation, one that so highly excelled in...
$1099 $1199
Destined to Overcome by Paul E. Billheimer -7%
Destined to Overcome by Paul E. Billheimer
In stock
Are you tired of trying to battle Satan in your own strength? Learning to rely on God's strength, not your own, is the key to spiritual victory. This practical handbook, written by a veteran soldier in God's army, will help you recognize Satan's strategies and the weapons you have available through Christ to defeat him. With more than 100,000 copies sold since its original publication, this class on spiritual warfare will show you how to use your God-given resources with authority and power. Don't let the enemy of your soul have his way. Fight back, and discover the joy of overcoming through the One who conquered all!
$1299 $1399
Count Zinzendorf by Felix Bovet -8%
Count Zinzendorf by Felix Bovet
In stock
A very well written account of an unusual man of God. Zinzendorf, a contemporary of John Wesley, founded a religious community among Moravian immigrants called Herrnhut. He also wrote hymns and various books and instituted foreign missions.  The author writes in his preface: "I have learned to love in him a man who, more than any one before him, labored, not at the point of view of any particular Church, but for the Church Universal.... Convinced that it is life which is the light of men, he set himself to bring religion out of the region of abstractions. He endeavored to establish a spiritual union between Christians, not...
$1099 $1199
Ann H. Judson of Burma by Emma R. Pitman -14%
Ann H. Judson of Burma by Emma R. Pitman
In stock
The story of Mrs. Judson's trial as devoted companion of her noble husband, "Judson of Burma" is one of the most touching in all the annals of missions.  Her sufferings and indomitable courage in face of daunting difficulties commands sympathy and attention.  The record is one of devotion to duty in spite of difficulties and often hostility.  This is a powerful, compelling narrative.
$599 $699
Classic Christian Hymn-Writers by Elsie Houghton -25%
Classic Christian Hymn-Writers by Elsie Houghton
In stock
This 340-page volume contains crisp and stirring biographical sketches of fifty of the world's greatest hymn-writers. The focus in this book is on the hymn-writers themselves rather than on specific hymns, which sets the book apart from most in this genre. "Hymns and their authors are a fascinating subject. So often the life story of the hymn-writer, or some incident from it, finds expression in the form of a hymn that then becomes a means of blessing to many thousands of people. In compiling this collection of brief biographies of some of the great hymn-writers, Mrs. Elsie Houghton has put the Christian world in her debt....
$899 $1199
Opposition Volume 2 (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -11%
Opposition Volume 2 (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey
In stock
These two Call Backs show how the true Christian has always suffered the antagonisms of the devil and the world when attempting to achieve anything of value for Christ’s Kingdom. The reader is guided down the centuries, beginning with Jesus and His disciples in the opening pages of Volume 1 and ending in the 1800’s at the close of Volume 2.
$799 $899
By the Still Waters by Vance Havner -9%
By the Still Waters by Vance Havner
In stock
This is another incredible book from "America's most quoted preacher." Here is what the author says in his introduction: As a country preacher in the lowlands of eastern Carolina I lived literally by still waters. Here is a serene retreat for him who cares to live a day at a time with leisure to “linger, list, and dream.” For one who easily grows tired of modernity’s mad masquerade it is pleasant to return to these tranquil lowlands. Is it not significant that most of the men of God in the Bible knew best the fields, the pastures, the woods, and waterways? Abel, the keeper of sheep; Abraham, Joseph, Moses, learning their deepest lessons...
$999 $1099
Florence Young: Mission Accomplished by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
Florence Young: Mission Accomplished by Janet & Geoff Benge
In stock
A rip current overturned the whaleboat with eight Kanaka Christians aboard. Only three of the men could swim, and the others clung to the upturned boat. Sharks circled the three as they struggled to get to shore. The three survived, but the others could not be found. When Florence heard the news, she resolved to go on despite the dangers. Once timid and unsure of her own salvation, New Zealander Florence Young rose to her calling and became a fearless and faithful witness for Jesus Christ. Eventually serving in the remote Solomon Islands and, for a season, in China during the deadly Boxer Rebellion, Florence began her service close to...
$799 $899
Cameron Townsend: Good News in Every Language by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
Cameron Townsend: Good News in Every Language by Janet & Geoff Benge
In stock
During WWI, Cameron Townsend was told, "You'll do more good selling Bibles in Central America than you would shooting Germans in France." Cameron began by translating the Bible into the language of his Guatemalan friends. Then he started Wycliffe Bible Translators with the dream of making the Good News available in every language. Since 1942, Wycliffe has translated Scripture into hundreds of languages, spreading God's Word to people everywhere. (1896-1982) This best-selling, missionary biography series - Christian Heroes: Then & Now - chronicles the exciting, challenging, and deeply touching true stories of ordinary men and women...
$799 $899
Only One Life (Mabel Francis) by Jean Vandevenne -14%
Only One Life (Mabel Francis) by Jean Vandevenne
An engrossing biography. Mabel Francis, raised in New Hampshire, felt the call of God to missionary service in Japan. There she became a church planter and teacher. When World War II broke out, she elected to stay in Japan. She labored in post-war Hiroshima, and later became the first foreigner to receive from the Emperor membership in the Fifth Order of the Sacred Treasure.
$599 $699
Old Age (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -11%
Old Age (Call Back Series) by Edwin and Lillian Harvey
In stock
Modern society puts a great premium upon youth, but this book shows that sometimes the greatest accomplishments of life have taken place in old age. Among the many fascinating stories in this book, you will read about Granny Brand who refused to "retire" from the mission field until her death at ninety-four. You will also discover how George Müller traveled 200,000 miles preaching the gospel after his 70th birthday!
$799 $899
Escaping the Velvet Curtain by Trudy Harvey Tait -7%
Escaping the Velvet Curtain by Trudy Harvey Tait
In stock
This book concludes the story of Esther, Gabby and their friends. Gabby, thinking to escape the Velvet Curtain by returning to her native Romania, finds that her past follows her there and presents her with a dilemma that not even her most mature friends are able to solve. Esther, meanwhile, watching her sister make what she deems the mistake of a lifetime, has her own struggles with the Curtain. Now confined to a wheelchair, she is determined that a secluded life is her only option. But retirement into herself brings no escape. In the end, both sisters discover their own escape route which brings them to the same...
$1399 $1499
Count Zinzendorf DVD -50%
Count Zinzendorf DVD
Once in a while someone comes along who has a profound effect on the course of future history. Count Zinzendorf was one of those remarkable people. Born into nobility in 1700, he put aside a life of wealth, politics and privilege to follow God's call. He established a refugee settlemen for persecuted Christians. This remarkable community experienced a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit which led them to a passionate concern for worldwide missions. Under Zinzendorf's leadership they set the stage for the modern missionary movement as we know it today.
$999 $1999
Changed into His Likeness by Watchman Nee -10%
Changed into His Likeness by Watchman Nee
In stock
Are you ready for real and radical transformation? God Is Enough! This message comes through loud and clear in the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. While they failed time and again, God was faithful to convict, restore and bless them. And He is able to deal with our slipping and stumbling as well. Watchman Nee uses the lives of the patriarchs to show that God is able to turn our failure into success and our weakness into strength. He does this not so much by transforming the situation as by transforming us. But God s sufficiency in the face of our failure is seen only as we surrender to Him and are changed into His likeness. About...
$899 $999