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Tread Upon the Lion: The Story of Tommie Titcombe by Sophie de la Haye -9%
Tread Upon the Lion: The Story of Tommie Titcombe
In stock
New from Kingsley Press Tommie Titcombe was small in stature physically, but spiritually he was a giant. Saved in his early twenties, he soon felt called of God to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who had never heard the good news of salvation. Twice he applied to the Sudan Interior Mission, and twice he was refused. He told the director, Rowland Bingham, that he was going to Africa anyway. Upon being asked what board he was going under, Tommie replied, “I don’t know, Mr. Bingham. It may be some old woman’s wash board, but I’m going to Africa!” Seeing Tommie’s determination, Mr. Bingham soon afterwards relented and accepted...
$999 $1099
Candle in the Dark: William Carey -50%
Candle in the Dark: William Carey
This is one of the most moving Christian films ever produced--a MUST SEE DVD! William Carey sailed to India in 1793 with a reluctant wife and four children. His burning passion was to bring the message of Jesus to the heathen. Upon arriving in India, he encountered so much hardship it is amazing he did not abandon his mission and go home. But he stayed for over 40 years. One issue that tormented him was "sati"--the burning alive of widows when their husbands died. He would not rest until this practice was stopped. Facing insurmountable odds, he plodded on to influence the abolition of "sati" and to become the...
$999 $1999
Memoirs of David Stoner by Dawson and Hannah -10%
Memoirs of David Stoner by Dawson and Hannah
In stock
The name of David Stoner (1794-1826) deserves to be ranked alongside those of Robert Murray McCheyne, David Brainerd and Henry Martyn. Like them, he died at a relatively young age; and like them, his life was marked by a profound hunger and thirst for God and intense passion for souls. Stoner was saved at twelve years of age and from that point until his untimely death twenty years later his soul was continually on full stretch for God. This book tells the story of his short but amazing life: his godly upgringing, his radical conversion, his call to preach, his amazing success as a Wesleyan Methodist preacher, his patience in tribulation...
$899 $999
Larger Window by Devern Fromke -7%
Larger Window by Devern Fromke
In stock
This selection of amazing stories will demonstrate how God can move each of us from being objects of grace, mercy and peace to BECOME channels and models to bless others. While the stories are both entertaining and challenging, the author has one definite goal: to move each of us from our pre-occupation with what we can get from God, to what He will get as we become wholly alive unto Him for fulfilling His purpose. Many of the author's earlier books have focused on growth and spiritual maturity; this selection of stories is specifically designed to capture the interest and emotions of those who are beginning their Christian walk. This...
$699 $750
Elijah the Tishbite by F. W. Krummacher -6%
Elijah the Tishbite by F. W. Krummacher
In stock
F. W. Krummacher (1796-1868) was a leading figure in the evangelical awakening of the early nineteenth century. His most powerful work, Elijah the Tishbite, is a collection of sermons addressed to Christians living in a post-Enlightenment society whose leaders, policies, and institutions had become unsympathetic to traditional Christian faith. In responding to the rationalism of the Enlightenment, which denied divine providence and everything supernatural, Krummacher examines what the Scriptures teach about seeking and finding God in times of hardship. Through the story of Elijah, Krummacher explores what it means to trust God when...
$1499 $1599
Uncompromising Faith by Greg Gordon -11%
Uncompromising Faith: Brief Pen Sketches of George Whitefield, John Cennick, George Fox, and Henry Alline by Greg Gordon
In this day of seeker-friendly churches, “Your Best Life Now" messages, and compromised TV evangelists, Uncompromising Faith issues a fresh challenge to live a true faith. This book is a rallying cry to today's Christians to stand for the truth, following the examples of past heroes of the faith. This book will encourage you with the testimonies of four preachers from the past who did not compromise in their day. They believed in the reality of an eternal hell, were not afraid to preach the true gospel, were willing to suffer greatly, and did not shrink from self-denial. In these days in which compromise is epidemic among professing...
$799 $899
Flame in the Wind DVD -50%
Flame in the Wind DVD
In stock
Flame in the Wind is set in the splendor and terror of the Spanish Inquisition and is a gripping drama of heroic Christian faith. Carlos, an earnest young nobleman, faces a choice: the church system offers safety, protection, and respectability; but the Scriptures offer Christ and salvation from sin and with these, torture and death. This film vividly portrays the conflict between following the Bible and following religious tradition. A resource for Heritage Studies and church history. Suitable for upper elementary, teens, and adults. Includes DVD bonus features and a Spanish soundtrack.
$749 $1499
Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace DVD -50%
Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace DVD
In stock
What is a moral person to do in a time of savage immorality? That question tormented Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German clergyman of great distinction who actively opposed Hitler and the Nazis. His convictions cost him his life. The Nazis hanged him on April 9, 1945, less than a month before the end of the war. Bonhoeffer's last years, his participation in the German resistance and his moral struggle are dramatized in this film. More than just a biographical portrait, Bonhoeffer, Agent of Grace sheds light on the little-known efforts of the German resistance. It brings to a wide audience the heroic rebellion of Bonhoeffer, a highly regarded...
$999 $1999
Sowing and Reaping by D. L. Moody -17%
Sowing and Reaping by D. L. Moody
In stock
This book contains eight chapters on the subject of sowing and reaping, based on Paul's immortal words in Galatians: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Gal. 6:7). Inquirers will be enlightened and Christians will be instructed and challenged through reading this book.
$499 $599
Where the River Begins by Patricia St. John
In stock
What did you hear, you little twerp?" Tyke asked, holding Francis's wrists and looking at him with narrowed eyes. "I heard about the phone booth, and Tyke, let me join your gang! If you want to smash phone booths, I could help you. I can run fast. I'm fastest under eleven in the school. I could watch out and warn you, and you could smash anything you wanted."
$899 $999
Pastoral Letters by Robert Murray McCheyne -8%
Pastoral Letters by Robert Murray McCheyne
In stock
"I am better acquainted with Jesus Christ than I am with any man in the world," said Robert Murray McCheyne. Andrew Bonar, his biographer and bosom friend, informs us that "during the last years of his short life, [he] walked calmly in almost unbroken fellow-ship with the Father and the Son." This no doubt explains why the spiritual impact of his life was so great, both during his short life on earth (he died in his twenty-ninth year), and in the years that followed his death—even up to the present time. The pastoral letters contained in this short volume were written by McCheyne during a forced absence from his congregation....
$499 $545
The Cross the Touchstone of Faith by Jessie Penn-Lewis -11%
The Cross the Touchstone of Faith by Jessie Penn-Lewis
In stock
Faith must obviously have something solid to rest on, and God in His mercy has provided for this need. He gave His Son to die on the cross, and then raised Him from the dead so that as well as giving us life through Him, and countless blessings, our weaknesses and divisions from other believers might be healed. Only in this way can the vital work of bringing others out of darkness into light be accomplished; and only in this way can Satan have taken from him the means of hindering the unity and effective witness of Christians in the world. Paperback. 86 pages.
$799 $899
C. T. Studd: No Retreat by Janet & Geoff Benge -11%
C. T. Studd: No Retreat by Janet & Geoff Benge
In stock
C.T. and his companion were lost in the African jungle. All the warnings other had given the two missionaries rushed into C.T.'s mind. He had the uneasy sensation of being watched. C.T. shivered as he stared into the dense foliage surrounding him. He was exposed on all sides, clearly visible to anything or anyone concealed in the jungle. (1860-1931) Endowed with rare determination and a wry sense of humor, C.T. Studd unceasingly pursued a life devoted to God. A star English cricket player in his youth, C.T. did nothing halfway. When challenged by near tragedy and the words of an atheist, the wealthy young man became a missionary of...
$799 $899
Herald of the Cross: The Life and Work of F. J. Huegel by John E. Huegel -8%
Herald of the Cross: The Life and Work of F. J. Huegel by John E. Huegel
Multitudes of Christians have been blessed by F. J. Huegel's helpful books dealing with the deeper aspects of the Cross in the life of the believer, but until now not much information has been available about the author's life. This 316-page biography by his son, John E. Huegel, now fills that gap, and no doubt many will be encouraged through these pages.
$1199 $1299
Repentance by C. John Miller -11%
Repentance by C. John Miller
In stock
THIS IS A MUST-READ! Repentance begins at conversion--but it doesn't stop there. It's an ongoing attitude for daily living in Christ. Repentance is not religious penance, self-effort or condemnation, says Jack Miller. True repentance puts us in right relationship with the Lord and enables us to walk in the fullness of His Spirit, growing and being used in the fullness of His purpose for us.These principles were learned in the fires of Jack's life, and in this new edition his widow, Rose Marie, has written an epilogue telling of Jack's own journey of living out repentance on a daily basis.
$799 $899
White Robes by G. D. Watson -8%
White Robes by G. D. Watson
In stock
Read the pages of this book with an open heart and a teachable spirit; spiritual enlightenment, enrichment and challenge are guaranteed! Many of the chapters are short--perhaps two or three pages--making it equally as beneficial to those who have little time as to those who have more. A few chapter titles are: "Obstructions to Growth," "Purified - But How Far?" "I Don't Feel," "A Holy Taste," "Martyrs of the Holy Ghost," and "If Any Man Sin." A short sketch of the author's life is also included.
$1099 $1199
The Ishbane Conspiracy by Randy Alcorn -33%
The Ishbane Conspiracy by Randy Alcorn
In stock
Jillian is picture-perfect on the outside, but terrified of getting hurt on the inside. Brittany is a tough girl who trusts almost no one. Ian is a successful athlete who dabbles in the occult. And Rob is a former gang-banger who struggles with guilt, pain, and a newfound faith in God. These four college students will face the ultimate battle between good and evil in a single year. As spiritual warfare rages around them, a dramatic demonic correspondence takes place. Readers can eavesdrop on the enemy, and learn to stave off their own defeat, by reading The Ishbane Conspiracy.
$999 $1499
God's Pursuit of Man by A. W. Tozer -15%
God's Pursuit of Man by A. W. Tozer
In stock
Formerly Published as The Divine Conquest Although written two years after the publication of The Pursuit of God, A. W. Tozer's God's Pursuit of Man sets forth the biblical truth that before man can pursue God, God must first pursue man. A prequel of sorts, God's Pursuit of Man speaks fervently of God's desire for man to be saved and the action He takes as He invades the human soul. Tozer then explains how it is through the power and promise of the Holy Spirit that we can truly understand the mystery of the Triune God. In his foreword to this book, William Culbertson writes: "This book contains strong medicine, bitter to the...
$1099 $1299
Learning of God by Amy Carmichael -11%
Learning of God by Amy Carmichael
In stock
A selection of poetry and prose from the writings of Amy Carmichael, prefaced by a reminiscence of this remarkable woman who all her life learned of God and shared this with others. An excellent anthology to introduce readers to Amy Carmichael and her writings.
$799 $899
Covetousness by Lillian G. Harvey -13%
Covetousness by Lillian G. Harvey
In stock
Subtitled: The Sin Very Few Ever Confess This heinous sin, condemned throughout the Bible, tends to escape our condemnation. It has enslaved many who would shrink with horror from grosser sins. Christian writers from John Chrysostom to John Wesley, from George Muller to Marcus Dods, join their voices to condemn covetousness and to set forth a truly Biblical standard for Christians as regards the use of the financial resources with which God has entrusted them.
$699 $799
Hebrews by G. H. Lang -5%
Hebrews by G. H. Lang
In stock
The author says, "This book has been written with the hope that it may help the general reader to grasp the arguments of the Epistle and to feel their force. " Overall this is an excellent commentary for the average person. Those seeking more scholarly works will turn to Alford, Delitzsch, Govett, or others.   G. H. Lang was born November 20, 1874 in London, England. He died at Wimborne, Dorset, England October 20, 1958. He was saved at a young age when he was seven and a half years old. His writings include fourteen major books and innumerable booklets. He once said, "No man should write a book until he...
$2099 $2199
Firstfruits and Harvest by G. H. Lang -17%
Firstfruits and Harvest by G. H. Lang
In stock
A study in resurrection and rapture. Read about the period of the parousia, the pre-tribulation rapture, the judgment seat of Christ. G. H. Lang's insights into these momentous topics will definitely set you thinking.
$750 $899
The Churches of God by G. H. Lang -8%
The Churches of God by G. H. Lang
In stock
If you've ever wondered what the churches of the New Testament looked like - how they functioned, how they were governed, how they conducted their evangelistic and missionary enterprises, what ordinances they observed, what their liturgy consisted of, how decisions were made, how discipline was administered; if you've ever wondered how far modern churches have drifted from the New Testament pattern; if you've ever wondered what it would take for your church, and others like it, to return to the New Testament model, or if such a thing is even possible or desirable - then this book is for you! G. H. Lang's ability to elucidate Biblical...
$1199 $1299
Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn -20%
Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn
In stock
Who wants to settle for fleeting treasures on earth...when God offers everlasting treasures in heaven? It's time to rethink our perspectives on money and possessions. In this thoroughly researched and extensively updated classic, Randy Alcorn shows us how to view them accurately - as God's provision for our good, the good of others, and His glory. This practical and refreshing theology of money contains topical and Scripture indexes, a study guide, and five helpful appendices. What does the Bible really say about money? This completely revised and updated version of the classic best-seller provides a Christian perspective about...
$1199 $1499
Divine Guidance by G. H. Lang
In stock
The author's life was one of continual guidance by the hand of God; indeed, he titled his autobiography, An Ordered Life. He also studied the subject of God's guidance in the Scriptures and in the lives of His people. This short study of God's guiding hand in the lives of His children is worth its weight in gold.
Another Hive of Bees by DeVern Fromke
In stock
This sequel to A Hive of Busy Bees has also become a favorite. Many teachers explain how students look forward to the time when the class can have another Bee story. These character building stories will continue to live in children's minds for many years. Who is Devern Fomke ?
David: Shepherd, Psalmist, King by F. B. Meyer -7%
David: Shepherd, Psalmist, King by F. B. Meyer
In stock
The character and life of David are supremely fascinating, not only to holy souls whose deepest thoughts have been expressed in his unrivaled psalms, but to all men: because of their humanness; their variety; their sharply constrasted experiences; their exhibition of traits of generosity and courage which always elicit admiration. The author states that while sketching every period of his life, he has concentrated on those passages which trace the steps by which the shepherd became the king. It was in these that his character was formed, his sweetest psalms composed, and those manifold experiences encountered which enabled him to...
$1299 $1399
How They Prayed Vol. 2 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -8%
How They Prayed Vol. 2 by Edwin and Lillian Harvey
In stock
The first three chapters of this book contain testimonies from various Christians on the benefits of early morning rising for prayer and Bible study. The remaining chapters reveal the emphasis given to prayer in the lives of ministers and preachers from differing denominational backgrounds and nationalities.
$1199 $1299
Jan Hus: Truth Prevails DVD -50%
Jan Hus: Truth Prevails DVD
In stock
Truth Prevails, a quote from Hus himself, is an hour-long documentary from The Christian History Institute and award-winning filmmakers Jerry and Misha Griffith. Using location footage, interviews with prominent historians, and period artwork, this film follows the struggles of Jan Hus and the efforts of modern scholars which ultimately led Pope John Paul II to apologize for the Church's actions.
$999 $1999
The Purity Principle by Randy Alcorn -10%
The Purity Principle by Randy Alcorn
In stock
A higher pleasure is within reach! Some people have given up on purity. Some have never tried. Bestselling author Randy Alcorn shows us why, in this culture of impurity, the stakes are so high--and what we can do to experience the freedom of purity. Impurity will always destroy us; purity always leads to higher pleasures! Choose wisely. Let the insights of this amazing book--written for old and young, married and single--help you gain your footing on the path to truly lasting joy. 93 pages. Hardback.
$899 $999
Holiness and Power by A. M. Hills -14%
Holiness and Power by A. M. Hills
In stock
This book grew out of a burning desire in the author's soul to tell to others what he himself so longed to know a quarter of a century ago. When the truth dawned upon him in all its preciousness, it seemed to him that he could point out the way to receive the desired blessing of the Holy Spirit more fully and plainly than other authors had done. The result of his effort to do so is found in Part 3 of this volume. Those who are convinced that there is such a blessing for them, and are in haste to receive it, may begin to read at Part 3, omitting for the time the first half of the book. There are others who are in doubt about the...
$1199 $1399
Life Everlasting by Patricia St. John -17%
Life Everlasting by Patricia St. John
Formerly published as A Missionary Muses on the Creed Patricia St. John was not a typical girl from her earliest days in her life was different to say the least! She was almost born in a storm in Biscay. Her Father decided to change his job - and so the whole family left for Switzerland. Patricia back in Britain as the bombs fell on London during the second world war. As a young nurse, in the middle of mayhem, her heart ached for an answer to the question'why?' She found satisfying answers in her Bible. You would think, after all that, she would have opted for a little bit of peace and quiet - but no! She left the security of...
$999 $1199
They Knew Their God, Vol. 2 by Harvey and Hey -7%
They Knew Their God, Vol. 2 by Harvey and Hey
In stock
This second volume in the They Knew Their God series contains a further 17 short biographical sketches of Christian men and women down through the ages who were exceptional in their devotion to God. We are encouraged to follow them as they followed Christ. The sketches contained in volume two are as follows: Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769) : Recluse in Demand John Woolman (1720-1772) : Friend of the Oppressed Elijah Hedding (1780-?) : The Pioneer Bishop Robert Aitken (1800-1883) : Prophet of Pendeen Mrs. Phoebe Palmer (1807-1872) : The Gift on God's Altar Robert Murray McCheyne (1813-1843) : Youthful Saint of Dundee William...
$1399 $1499
Prayer Focused and Fighting by G. H. Lang
In stock

If you've ever been troubled by wandering thoughts and lack of concentration in prayer (who hasn't?), this shirt pocket sized booklet is here to help. The author answers the questions: what does it mean that God will focus our prayer? And, what is the meaning of praying through? And, what is the connection between these two ideas?

William Carvosso: A Memoir -8%
William Carvosso: A Memoir
In stock
This book is the story of an ordinary man made remarkable by the transforming grace of God. When only 21 years old, a visit from his newly-converted sister awakened him to his need of a Savior. Fearful conviction for sin soon seized him, and after many days of crying to God for mercy the devil tempted him with the words, “The day of grace is passed; it is now too late.” Carvosso’s answer was characteristic: “I am determined, whether I am saved or lost, that while I have breath I will never cease crying for mercy.” Immediately he experienced the pardoning grace of God and was born again. For the rest of his...
$1199 $1299
The Calvary Road by Roy Hession -11%
The Calvary Road by Roy Hession
In stock
Do you long for revival and power in your life? Learn how Jesus can fill you with His Spirit through brokenness, repentance and confession. Roy Hession, a successful evangelist in England, knew he had lost the power of the Spirit in his life--a terrible feeling as he led his evangelistic campaigns. Hession met leaders of the East African Church which was experiencing a sweeping revival, and recognized his deep personal need. It was like starting the Christian life over as he came humbly to the Cross. The principles which the Lord taught him are published in this book. George Verwer of Operation Mobilization writes, "This is one of the...
$799 $899
John Wycliffe DVD -50%
John Wycliffe DVD
In stock
This John Wycliffe DVD is a dramatic biography of the life of the 14th century scholar and cleric who translated the Bible into English for the first time. Wycliffe found himself in the middle of religious, political and social conflicts. An Oxford scholar, one of Europe's most renowned philosophers, he was a defender of English nationalism against the power of the pope and a champion of the poor against the injustices of the rich. John Wycliffe taught that God's forgiveness cannot be bought with indulgences. He preached that hte only true authority is the Word of God, and the Word could only be understood by all if the people could read...
$999 $1999
Pastor Hsi: Confucian Scholar and Conqueror of Demons by Mrs. Howard Taylor -6%
Pastor Hsi: Confucian Scholar and Conqueror of Demons by Mrs. Howard Taylor
In stock
A proud Confucian scholar with a deep distrust of all foreigners (including Christian missionaries) and hopelessly addicted to opium is confronted by the living Christ. He is instantly delivered, as well as completely and permanently transformed. Filled with the power and love of God, he is compelled to bring the message of deliverance to his fellow countrymen. Through prayer and fasting he begins to see miracles happen. People are healed and demons are cast out. He sets up a refuge for recovering opium addicts and God gives him a recipe for a special medicine that helps in the cure. More opium refuges are started in various places, all...
$1499 $1599
Lord Foulgrin's Letters by Randy Alcorn -23%
Lord Foulgrin's Letters by Randy Alcorn
In stock
Know your enemy. Read his mail. This repack of Randy Alcorn's gripping bestseller delivers us from ignorance of the devil's schemes. Foulgrin, a high-ranking demon, instructs his subordinate on how to deceive and destroy Jordan Fletcher and his family. It's like placing a bugging device in hell's war room, where we overhear our enemies assessing our weaknesses and strategizing attack. Lord Foulgrin's Letters is a Screwtape Letters for our day, equally fascinating yet destinctly different -- a dramatic story with earthly characters, setting, and plot. A creative, insightful, and biblical depiction of spiritual warfare, this book will...
$999 $1299
Prayer is an Adventure by Patricia St. John
In stock
Come on an adventure - it's called prayer. Build your friendship with God and with Him beside you discover how amazing life can be with the all knowing, all powerful, almighty God as your guide. Do you want to know more about God and how to please Him? Do you want to learn about how to pray and talk to God? Do you want to be part of this amazing adventure? This book is for you.
Atoning Blood by G. H. Lang
In stock
Atoning Blood: What it does and what it does not do. An exposition of the truth of Atonement as taught in Holy Scripture. This is a great little book if you want a better understanding of atoning blood as taught in Scripture. G. H. Lang's masterly treatment is thorough but succinct, a real eye opener.
Broken Bread by John Wright Follette -8%
Broken Bread by John Wright Follette
In stock
John Wright Follette, a gifted Bible teacher and a dedicated Christian, took three vows - that of chastity, poverty, and obedience. This collection of twenty of sermons together with a number of his unique poems reveal how God honored his faithful servant by endowing him with an unusual perception of spiritual realities. Some of the chapter titles are: "Trouble is a Servant," "Waiting upon God," "The Purpose of Adam's Test," "Deep Calleth Unto Deep," "Emptied from Vessel to Vessel," "Christian Character - a Qualification."
$1199 $1299
Abraham by F. B. Meyer -7%
Abraham by F. B. Meyer
In stock
This study in the life of Abraham continues F. B. Meyer's series of outstanding Bible biographies. It brings home to us the way in which faith should grow in us. "It grew in Abraham," Meyer concludes, "and it will grow in us." About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's walk with the Savior. To Meyer, this was a vital relationship where two spirits met and fellowshiped together. Having been a student himself at London University, Meyer loved working with students. Throughout his long life...
$1299 $1399
Harold St. John by Patricia St. John -10%
Harold St. John by Patricia St. John
In stock
If you enjoy reading about the lives of great Christians, you’ll love this biography of Harold St. John. His daughter, Patricia St. John , did the Christian world an enormous favor when she put together this fascinating portrait of her father. Somehow her portrayal manages to be exciting, inspiring, challenging, amusing and edifying all at the same time. It makes compelling reading from start to finish—hard to put down once you’ve picked it up. This books deserves to be ranked with the great Christian missionary biographies. Harold was one of the most gifted Bible teachers of his day, and the story of his life and influence is as...
$899 $999
Be Ye Holy by Leslie D. Wilcox -20%
Be Ye Holy by Leslie D. Wilcox
In stock
This book thoroughly sets forth the doctrine of holiness as found in the Word of God. It also gives a historical sketch of the holiness movement, beginning with the Wesleyan Revival in the 18th century, through to the modern holiness churches. In addition, the author deals extensively with the rich literary heritage of the holiness movement. 332 pages.
$1199 $1499
Royal Insignia by Edwin and Lillian Harvey -6%
Royal Insignia by Edwin and Lillian Harvey
In stock
98 two-page readings on the believer's credentials of humility, brokenness, weakness, destitution and lowliness. Almost 200 godly men and women tell how they discovered that the law of entrance into the kingdom of God is childlikeness. Read about their journey of descent.
$1599 $1699
Love Not the World by Watchman Nee -10%
Love Not the World by Watchman Nee
In stock
In this hard-hitting and controversial book, Watchman Nee states that there is a satanic power behind every worldly thing and that the natural tendency of every worldly system such as politics, education, literature, science, art and music is to move away from God and toward Satan. How can the Christian live and Work in these systems, but not be "of the World"?
$899 $999
Jeremiah: Priest and Prophet by F. B. Meyer -7%
Jeremiah: Priest and Prophet by F. B. Meyer
In stock
Jeremiah has always a fascination to Christian hearts because of the close similarity that exists between his life and that of Jesus Christ. Each of them was "a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief"; each came to his own , and his own received him not; each passed through hours of rejection, desolation, and forsakeness. And in Jeremiah we may see beaten out into detail, experiences which, in our Lord, are but lightly touched on by the evangelists. About the Author F. B. Meyer, who was one of England's brighter spiritual lights, was born on April 8, 1847. At the early age of five he began his life's walk...
$1299 $1399
Three in Love by Trudy Harvey Tait -10%
Three in Love by Trudy Harvey Tait
In stock
Read these TRUE love stories of devoted Christians who invited a third person to be present in their marriage. No other triangle works; just this one--husband, wife and the Lord Jesus! Three in love--for time and eternity! Included in this volume: Charles and Susanna Spurgeon John and Madeleine Oberlin Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth James and Ruth Stewart William and Catherine Booth George Bowen and Emma Morris Tom and Iva Vennard John and Betty Stam Edwin and Lillian Harvey
$899 $999
The Unequal Yoke by G. H. Lang
In stock
Subtitled Divine Directions for Difficult Situations, this is an in-depth look at 2 Cor. 6:14 - 7:1. Lang examines what is meant by unbelievers, yoked, unequally, come out and be separate, touch not the unclean, etc.